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Everything posted by Skoogles

  1. I've loved all of season three thus far! Magic Duel was my favourite 'cause, y'know, ermahgerd Trixie!!! I suppose my least favourite would be One Bad Apple, which I also loved. I dunno I guess overall it's just my least favourite... for some reason. Ahhh I've loved it all!!! Why must you make me choose like this?
  2. Okay guys, I finally got Black Ops 2! If anybody feels like playing throw me an invite (gt: Skoogles) I'm still getting used to it so I may not do to well :L would love to play online with some bronies. I'm a Brit mind yous, so hours I'm online may be a bit whibbly if you're not from the UK.
  3. Hey guys. Just wanted to apologise for not being in attendance for that little Xbox Party that I recommended in the first place... don't know if that went ahead or not. I had to cancel my BlOps2 pre-order due to some... pressing events during which I needed money. Heck, I've not even been able to regularly browse these forums. I'm currently saving up for BlOps 2 now and am looking forward to playing some CoD with you guys when I finally get my hands on it.
  4. Well then welcome to the BlOps2 Brony Multiplayer Party! As FALCON PUNCH pointed out it may be best to leave it 'til the day after release so that people have time to play the campaign and whatnot, but regardless of that it should be fun. Sharing our rage and rejoice as cohesive, magical unit.
  5. Oh, a Sunderland brony! Well that's interesting. I'm just across the River Tyne, up in Newcastle. Wallsend, to be precise. Don't worry though, I'm not one of those Geordies that hate all Mackems over something so frivolous as football. It's good to know there are more bronies near me than I think :L
  6. /)*( Yeah, it does look pretty awesome, I've got the Insane Edition coming to me on Christmas. I've never played a Far Cry game before though, so my skills may be a bit lackluster :L ...Wait, wasn't this thread about Black Ops..? lol
  7. Yes, as a matter of fact. Right now I'm kind of reserved to MW3, Halo Reach, Mass Effect 3 (though I haven't played Reach or Mass Effect 3 in ages) and FIFA 13. Come Christmas I'll have more though. Halo 4, Farcry 3, Resident Evil 6, and also Skate 3 and Burnout Paradise, old though they may be.
  8. Ah yeah, good point. Alrighty then! I'll sling you an invite the next time I find myself on the Xbox, my GT is Skoogles. Hopefully we'll have a sizable group by the 13th. Don't know about anybody else but I'll be getting Nuketown 2025 on account of pre-ordering, so yeah, that's a thing.
  9. So, I just pre-ordered Black Ops II for le Xbox. Dunno if anybody is up for some online, but if so maybe we could organise a big ass brony party on it? Should be tons of fun.
  10. Either this fucker THIS fucker Or THIS mother fucker All of these games have caused me an untold amount of rage. In fact, I'd consider the first two the bane of my childhood. Love them all though, but FUCK THEM in terms of difficulty... repressed memories ho!
  11. I type using my two index fingers. I can type at 61 words per minute using this technique, or at least that's what it was the last time I took a test. The thumb of my left hand rests on the bottom of my keyboard while my index finger handles the space bar and 'hjkl' side of the keyboard, my left has all fingers elevated except for the index finger which is usually resting on a key. As you could expect my left hand covers the 'asdf' side of the board :L
  12. Given Trixie's attitude in Boast Busters I can't really see her returning with a turnaround personality. If they do go for something like that I'd rather her still be all bitchy and such, but trying to better herself. Like, trying to make friends under Twi's guidance but failing due to her disrespectful, egocentric attitude you know? That could also relay a good message, like 'even if somebody seems like a total jerk, if you put in the effort o get to know them, they might be very different to what you'd expect' or something along those lines, y'know what I mean? But I guess only time will tell.
  13. Pff, best thing I've read all day xDSo Trixie generates electromagnetic radiation, huh? Well that explains why Snips and Snails were so attracted to her! Haw! That probably doesn't make sense, but I can't good science do :L Dayum, Trix sure gets around, doesn't she? But yeah, as made evident by the topic post, I'm also looking forward to seeing Trixie's return, how she'll go about it, whether or not she's changed, etc etc. My friend's theory is that she'll return to wreak her great and powerful vengeance with a group of fanboys/girls. Obviously Seth will be among them should that be the case, lol.
  14. I'd have to say I'm a regular brony. Though believe me, I wish I could buy more Pony swag (I have a buttload of pony shirts coming to me on Christmas) and if I could I'd attend every Brony meetup/convention there is! Curse my living in England... if all goes well I'll hopefully be attending BUCK in 2013
  15. Alright, so, we all remember how in that episode which I can never remember the name of Scoots, Sweetie and AB apparently revealed some secrets regarding the showmare we all love to hate, Trixie. First of all, what do guys think these secrets are? Please, go wild in terms of speculation. Secondly, do you think we'll find out what these secrets are in season three, and that they will be the reason for Trixie's return? If she does that is. I know its been massively hinted at, but hey, you never know. I for one would be more than happy to see more of Trixie's bitchy swagger.
  16. The Element of Sarcasm. Definitely the Element of Sarcasm. Besides, its not like I have any other qualities that could be considered Element worthy. I mean, come on! The Element of Confidence? The Element of Articulation? The Element of Puns? Bah, all worthless! Though... the Element of Puns... hmm...
  17. I honestly don't know. I've always figured that NMM sent Celestia to the sun,given how bright the flash was when she returned, but lets remember that Celly was only able to send NMM to the moon in the first place with the aide of the Elements, which at the time of NMM's return were lost. So, perhaps NMM blind-sided Celestia since she appeared where Celestia was supposed to be, or maybe Celestia just kind of... sat off to one side in order to test the mettle of her student and her friends to ensure they are capable of wielding the Elements? So many theories...
  18. Skoogles

    gaming FIFA Bronies?

    Hey guys, your friendly neighborhood Skoogles here with a question... Are there any other bronies on the forums that play FIFA?? I kind of doubt it, but it would be great to have some bronies to play against. (preferably on the Xbox, since that's what I have it on ) So, if any of you are out there throw me an invite (GT: Skoogles) and we can have a match or two! I'm not very good, but it should be fun!
  19. Coincidentally enough I was doing some shopping today. I was about to go into a shop called lidl and buy some coffee when Gangnam Style played on my phone via shuffle so I thought 'why the fuck not?' I pulled out the headphones, cranked the volume up to maximum, strolled on into the store and Gangnam Style'd my way through it. And yes, I did pick up the coffee and Gangnam Style my way to the counter to pay for it. Oh the faces the people in there made One person obviously understood what I was doing though, because he joined in! Best moment of day.
  20. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome when I was... oh lord, five years old I think? I know I was in year one. My educational life up to that point had kind of sucked. I had essentially been categorised as a 'naughty boy', and nobody really tried to help me on account of that. Then my grandma watched a documentary on kids with Autism and Aspergers, and instantly made the connection with me. I was diagnosed shortly after and aptly removed from mainstream education. From there I had no education until I was eight. I did well but was removed from the school I was in when I was in year six because I refused to go into the hall and sign along with the hymns and crap. Oh those religious schools. Then I went into another school as a year seven student, got kicked out of that one in year eight because I broke a teacher's hand trying to get out of a class room. And then I went to the school I'm in now, finished off the rest of year eight, went through years nine ten and eleven, and I am now a member of the sixth form and will be attending college next year. Obviously enough the syndrome has affected my life in many ways both socially and educationally, though these days it hardly affects me. I've grown up with it and as I've matured I've learned how to cope with it. Most people nowadays who have a conversation with me question why I'm in a 'special school', to which the answer is always 'because its the best educational institute I've ever been to, and the only one prepared to help me should I need it.' Okay, I'm rambling. Essentially the point of this WALL OF TEXT is that no matter how bad things are for you there'll always be people out there ready to put in the time and effort to help you, and even if you think you've hit rock bottom, there's always a way back up.
  21. I absolutely love vanilla and chocolate ice cream together. I remember I had some while on holiday at Blackpool and it blew my mind into a million rainbow coloured pieces. So yeah... that's my favourite :L
  22. I think its about time somebody said hello to Butt Stallion, instead of the other way around.

  23. Look at my avatar and guess. ... Did you get it right? Yep, I prefer Octavia. Don't get me wrong, I love Vinyl, but I just prefer Octavia. In terms of design and taste in music I believe her to be superior. Then again, Octavia is my favourite bg pony overall... so yeah :L
  24. I recall him mentioning something about them getting James Cameron or the guy that directed the Lord of The Rings movies to direct it, and bringing up names like Robin Williams as voice actors... like I said, I laughed in his face.
  25. Huh, Winx Club... I remember that. And yeah, I told my dad that if a movie was made Hasbro would let DHX handle the animation if they are at all smart. The beautiful animation is one of the major reasons a lot of people like the show.
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