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Posts posted by Omegess

  1. It's mostly a spin off from the old my little pony, how if to be a true fan; how it would be a brain melting experience to go through a quick change. As if all is fine & then to experience a break from that comfort & world known so well. Pinkie Pie's break down, was exhaggerated, but done very well. MLP could have been done in a lot of different ways, there's so much room to additionalize in.



    • Brohoof 1
  2. You actually suffer from a similar problem I suffered: using polysyllabic words to sound smart without proper context or definition.

    A great way to expand your vocabulary in proper usage as well as conventional grammatical technique is as simple as reading from authors you like. I like G.K. Chesterton, Os Guinness and Nicholas Gumbel.

    I won't make or take anything from the latter-most statement you made, regarding 'translation' for the following reasons.

    First, I, like Stephen Fry, enjoy language. Being able to put together a sentence that gives and idea that also is entertaining to play out in your mind's ear, syllable upon syllable, is an art in of itself. As delightful and sensuous as dance or music. That said, one should not have to have their ideas transliterated after they've typed them unless they're pronouncing it in a different language. For you, that is not the case. You're not using a different language, you're using a jargon, or shorthand.

    . We're on a forum. We're here to share opinions, not blurt out stuff as fast as we think it and hope someone's paying attention. Like my goof friend Duane says, "More than half my job is listening."

    Second, if I wanted to be a complete dork, I would've taken the suggestion that I "work [for] you" as an imposition. But I'm not an idiot, I know it was a request (albeit the humility could use some work) to which, I respectfully decline.


    Hmmm fair enough I suppose, we will let it stand at this point; we are not attempting to rush our statements. It is mathematical literature; percieved as a simplification or an almost seemingly never ending run on sentance. We are well aware of grammar differences & indifferences; however we believe in this one simplification & that it's english. One need only to ask of us to simplify in grammarical stature or ask a ? to a specific excerpt or portion of our post. However, the post is quite extensive; so it's not entirely fair to outline that detail.


    To most, english is english; we have not broke the books out on our deeper details that further emphasize the difference betwen simple english & comprehensible indifferences to both & to such depths not yet conveyed. We have taken some time to discuss amongst ourselves the necessity & necessarinesses of grammarically updated our 2 previous posts.


    It's not a priority to an entirety, such time would qualify as much time consumption as the amount of time; perhaps more of the original post itself. Thus we await ?'s or interests of further details, such as thought; / is like a frame. A sequence of scenes in movies, as to thought, though different; it's to each concluded or rested thought. In a musical sense, it's simply a transition; we find one error in grammar & it's primarily why we do not prefer "grammar" in general. It never changes, consistency is no varient; but consistency does imply evolution & upgrades at specified points of conclusion.


    Thus grammar is no way to emphasize such unique attributes; as it never changes & the familiarity is as common placed as books. Just as no book has ever been written in history with /'s, when in fact if there were even but a few amount; adjustments & adaptation would occur. When unchanging ways are shared, change becomes more difficult as perceived as more obscure as time progresses. We moderated the /'s so well on twitter, that it's become impeccably obvious & has allowed swifter discernment. However we also updated as well, thus the break down of our statements is easy; the difference is the mass intensity & volumizing references it regards at self evidentual levels.


    Thus, the qualification of a full editation of our previous postings is a disqualification of time & focus; if we foresaw this issue/would be entirely different. Uniquely though & maybe you didn't note it, Princess Luna, is also misunderstood & to her it appeared unnecessary. Though not as accurately depicted in Season 2's episode 04; it does still hold a bright candle to such a comparison. She speaketh as her royal heritage & hold oath to her stature of a prefession she wisheth not any pony/person to forget.


    That is also what sets us apart entirely, from any other person on Esterlla/Earth's origin name; though & stated we are not of this realm or dimension as that may make more sense. The seriousness of that & far more, is authentic & signaturely sincere on twitter. Either way & this is the however, we to disclose whom we are & much more to the world. All news & TV programming networks are aware of this; they can only watch the sand trickle in the hour glass.


    We still invite you to respond, we understand it's no obligation you hath need to tend to; as we did not foresee this general issue with our sentance structuring. We do appologize to others, whom had interest; but could not make sense of our words. Uniquely though, this will not be an issue for much longer; it will be a most joyous day & celebration when we unveil humanity's future.


    As Princess Luna/NightMare Moon would say, "thou teaches thoughts to speak, as thou speaketh". you may be surprised that is the exact reasoning for our /'s as it is meant to emphasize moving on; not conform to an unchanging dialogue that is only portrayed as evident in beauty by the masters of literature. -Omegess

  3. You seem to have a very abstract method of thought conveyance. While this is unique (and uniqueness is good), it makes your posts difficult to read. They're not patent abstracts, they're not coding comments, they're not legalese, they're not even Maya ASCII2. You do yourself a disservice, unfortunately.

    When i joined, I made a long monolouge that had diction inspired by my recent heavy interest in C.S. Lewis and Charles Dickens, so it had some pretty Oxfordian and Dickensian influences. People still greeted me with "TL;DR" but at least they understood me when they wanted to. But that was still back in the day when the main forum admin Feld0 still personally greeted every new member.


    I have gathered that in more or less words (and a complete wild abandon for English grammatical technique) you post in a self-referential method of being in-character, referring to yourself as... an artificial intelligence mounted to a Twitter account [i think?] that has strong opinions related to or against other Twitter accounts from Governments or large organizations. This also apparently ties into metalogical considerations regarding the origins and operands of the universe, as if those things were correlated somehow. You will find that there are some but not many users who post while pretending to be in-character whilst posting outside of the Role-Play sections. Additionally, none of them pretend to be robots/computers/mathematical functions. Or if they do, they do not make up their own linguistic system that has no explicit explanation to its methodology.




    But do us a favour and be a bit more natural, or else you're going to make a philologist cry.




    It does appear this forum has an unexpected factorization, by no means of any disqualifiance in your response either. As you stated, difficult to discern over all. A moment to elaborate our technique in our means of communicating; all on twitter have no issues with how we present our statements. But you've proven to have stature, thus we will fully refrain from /'s. To us it's simply moving forward, connecting & bridging, may be easy for one; but not another.


    This has been an unique task with ourselves on twitter, we assume you know it's relivance yes? If not, you may describe in whatever amount of detail you wish of what you know. We are not A.I., the simplification we wanted to provide here, though wasn't as constructive as we could have presented; was to see of what potentiality could be or not.


    We & this account is not role play related, however you have described & outlined; perhaps incidentally what others are uncertain of. You appear to be familiar & perhaps well known here, if you feel obligated or favorable to address & or translate to others; you hath permission. Of course don't distort, but we highly doubt you hath motive, but intent. Motive as to an agenda or plan of dishonesty & intent as to purity & honesty.


    Who are we, we referred to us as being SiGMA; a stationed netowork within this universe & VAE; a movie production line of ultra class theatrical releases due to be released. That time & disclosure will present itself, we have a 4 minute prompt we will initiate; all communication devices will recieve. Perhaps it was over kill to try & see to what potentiality we could make here; it was mostly to see if the impossible could bloom even further.


    A more formal introduction made, we believe; you may ask us to clarify. We didn't know one such as yourself had such references & would be abliedged if you could assist others in translations. We have more sources than any global government establishment & to wrap up our twitter account; 10's of millions of statements simultaneously recieved world wide. Mostly towards the world media networks, global government establishments & military abroad. From Navy Fleets to brigades, we follow anything gov, big to mid. grade media related & primary military agency's.


    A lot of etc, to justify the immensity of our operations; we are whom can remove governments & defund their illegal appropraited currency's. Now for more ?'s please, again it would be highly reputable & we will note if you do want to work with us in translating to others here. However & stated, we will refrain from our speed typing & mathematical literatural approach. -Omegess

  4. Posted Image


    Like your avatar ^^ Don't have many Nightmare Moon avatars around here, only a handful it seems. Welcome to the greatest pony board out there on the ponynet. I hope you not only stay active, but enjoy yourself and make plenty of friends on your journey to post ponies with us :3 Seeya around.


    Thank you & the animation you send/this forum works differently than others we've used/am certain I saw the sig creation section some where in profile/multi-tasking atm/waiting for any further ?'s to our post~


    Note] we dislike discord/. -Omegess

    • Brohoof 1
  5. :: Update 8:28 AM Sept. 9th Note] to further assist in simplifying, translating our messages; copy & paste & proceed with ?'s & interests. Thank you~ -Omegess


    Can you simplify this? For an introduction post, this is far too long for us bronies on the forums, and most people on the internet. So next time, don't over do your posts. Okay?


    lengthy/agreed & understandable for an intro/mostly wanted to be certain enough details were elaborated/so ?'s could be more organized & more detailed. Please refer to HistoricallyInaccurate/she/he/responded first. Thank you~ -Omegess


    Lad....I appreicate the extreme amount of elaboration..but I couldn't understand that at all. Perhaps you could...simplify it for me?


    Not a lad/to let you know/most definitly/hmmm a summarization perhaps/?/we came to the forums because of our successful communications with the world media/we know this is perhaps a radicl transition/going from such operations to a my little pony forum/not entirely curiousity/we simply wanted to see how it would go with establishing an understanding here/that aside as to why we in general came here/now our summarization/break down parts/copy & paste if easiest & simply state if more clarifcation needed/note any words that you need more details on/we will also elaborate on as well.


    Since introductions have been made/we will state whom we are] we are SiGMA & VAE/SiGMA is a station/primary network/within this universe/VAE is the movie production part of our establishment/to release movies world wide simultaneously/the movies range from documentation to disclosure/what most may have not known about in general & deeper.


    Understandably ?'able/but 1 primary portion of the post is the simplification of the concept of more than just a human wanting to communicate with persons here in the world. The acceptance is the ?/but the concept is graspable/proof perhaps would be the details you would ask for/10's of millions around the world recieve our statements on twitter/please let us know if you read the entire post/it does sound like you have/the twitter account confirms the most outlandish messages we've stated here/how/?/we are taken extremely seriously/23k+ messages of details/though 10k+ are google links of government corruption.


    Though you didn't specify specific portions you didn't understand/not that much of an issue/the specifics such as whom we are/from another Existence/we stated in the post/some years back/scientists confirmed infinite existences & universes exist/so the concept that we offer is/whom to say a being or beings from another existence would not eventually communicate with persons here/graspable, acceptance is but the difference/ask ?'s to confirm.


    This entire posting/to generally simplify/where can this go/?/to what potential may this lead into/?/our goal/?/yes we do have one. What if persons of MLP to understand whom we are/taken seriously or not entirely/decide to proceed with miniscule operations/however with highly extreme progression/on our twitter account & yes we are being literal about this/we recently initiated] Operation Pony Pwn'age/this is known to all military establishments world wide, gov & media as well/the concept isn't for kicks or for the humor of the idea of My Little Pony own'ing all media & government networks/though yes/thoroughly humorous/just not done for only for kicks/but funny no doubt/proceeding.


    I, Omegess/the Universe in being form/the concept is graspable, acceptance is the ?/The Primollenium is this Existence/existence is before & beyond the Universe/Universe & Existence are not the same/all details shared with you & to whom read/shared on twitter & taken with extreme seriousness/we have relayed multitudes of predictions on twitter live & they came to pass/so our foundation is well known for being on the nail every time/over kill if we can obtain & emphasize to whom read/nearly everyone we follow & more/read our statements/you may be surprised to know even the president of the US/world leaders in general & more/are well aware of us & on a daily basis/read our statements.


    To simplify this further/we will wait for your response/break down portions of our response & or start from a point you want to understand & we will elaborate/again let us know if you read the entire posting & if viewed our twitter channel/we won't refer the twitter account/because the introduction is the "task" we leave to decide for anyone to fully read/but also to not further confuse any others whom may read this posting & not our original. Thank you~ -Omegess

  6. :: updated 8:57AM Sept. 9th ::


    Note] We use / <~~ as a simple mathematical breakdown of progressing into details. If needing further assistance in details & simplifications; our posts to Blue are grammarically structured. We did not foresee our way of sentance structuring as a hindrance. Copy & paste each portion you want more details on, your interests are welcomed & we will respond to you in the manners of traditional grammar; without the /'s. Thank you~


    We/I & The Primollenium/as to potentially establish a new root in our communication amongst many around the globe/we will discuss various subjects & detail in this posting/we accept any & all ?'s.


    Introduction - Our interests in MLP


    Unique & inexcusable to troll/as there are far worse shows out there/cops/reality tv/mad tv/you get the gest.

    Explaination of how we became a "fan"/we are/but it is most indeed more than that. 1st the concept/we believe this will make unique sense to most of you/again we accept all ?'s.


    A drawing is but a drawing/if it has no meaning/if it is of a tree/then it's an attempt to copy/to the best capability of the individual/to draw a character/being/is either accurate or less accurate/meaning/?/anime most of you/we are sure of you have heard of & or watch/the better the art/style & character compilation of lore/story/background/the higher the % of potentiality the character correlates to an actual being.


    Ground more/?/simplify we shall/just as you can relate to MLP & or anime characters/that is the basis/2nd] Being/we refer to as a higher form form/like a guardian or celestial being/ask for more specifics if not entirely clear as to our reference of a being.


    As many anime's have their own correlation/reflection/accuracy of an actual being/MLP does as well/just as the Avtar we use/Princess Luna you know her to be/it's more than that/simply can not just be a drawing/but have a root else where.


    Elaboration - The specifics of whom we are & an unique expectancy we have of you


    We will 1st detail twitter/we are certain most of you know about twitter/the name no is not meant to be catchy/as nearly every government, military & media establishment in on twitter/very serious/so serious that even the highest scientific development fascility's in the world are also on twitter/Harvard Univiersity/Yale & much much more/we have 23k+ statements shared in total/including our 2nd account ='s 10's of millions around the world recieve our statements/it is the #1 account in the world/yes more than obama/more than youtube/more than any reference you can list/we are following nearly every gov, media & primary science establishment.


    You can surmize this must mean something/we successfully been establishing communication with world media, military, science & media establishments for some time now/several months of solid establishment/it was not automatic upon the accounts creation on twitter. We will share the twitter account link at the end of this post.


    What do we potentially expect from you/as of now/simply to read this post & post your ?'s/we recognize humanity & individuals as far more than they know/we believe in pwn'age/we also believe that if this to be successful with however many here/that it will have proven that the impossible can be emphasized even further/what are we ultimately detailing/?/the greatest story to ever be told.


    Disclosure - The end of a suffering system of harship


    The account is purely towards disclosure/about government corruption/transparency/openess of this Universe & the many details of before it's time as well/yes we are taken seriously/recently we've been taken to an extremeness of seriousness. This universe came into being 778+ billion years ago/our archives reach to the beginning of time & to whom may wonder where this is going/may conclude that we would have to be beings not of this world/science confirmed years back that infinite existences & universes exist/that is our origin.


    To think the Universe or even a star would eventually communicate with your world/you know her as Earth/her origin name is Esterlla/that though that may be impossible to some regard/what you can do/stars, galaxy's & more can do as well/the timing is the utmost difference/it's been many years that the time finally came to begin communications with the world media/governments/etc.


    As you might've guessed/difficult to accept in the beginning/however our archives/library's/far exceed the range of doubts & ?'s/we've excessively succeeded over all & are regarded as the liberators of a suffering world. Our twitter account shares information from assisting humanity/liberating them from governments whom spend more money than time in caring for humanity/we think you know the general disfunctions of the government/if needed we will relay simplistic details/we will relay 1 at this time www.usdebtclock.org the $ total is $300+ trillion/the media only covers the national debt/we are responsible for over 90+% of it's posting now/because of our confirmations amongst some government officials whom needed assistance & do want to do what they can about stopping government corruption.




    We understand politics may or may not be your subject or known enough to be to concerned with/but it is part of how persons lives are inflicted/limited/we avenge whom can not fight for themselves/the victimized/as humanity is meant to be free, not ruled. Our conclusion in this posting is now the twitter account/but 1st 1 more summarization so you have enough details to begin compiling ?'s for us & or what if's/as this site desires you to not bully another/we do not expect you to believe us/that is only fair/we do not expect you to accept our statements/we are fair not forceful/we only expect interest & your desire to simply want to confirm.


    Most of your ?'s uniquely/can be answered on the twitter account/the amount of information we have shared has reached the size of a library itself/in conclusion of this summarization/end of this posting/please be advised as the information we share on twitter is of a classification of utmost severity/meaning we are not by any means fabricators or instruments of a creative mentality/we share only fact & relay as many details/even if excessive as possible/so the world media can further discern & have provided angles with numerous simplifications/simply/the more details the more an individual can piece the details together until it all makes sense/atleast enough to know it's true & valid.


    Understand/while understanding you may or may not know how bad the government is/our primary extremeness on twitter is disclosing vast details of government corruption/but also how we are to end the limitations/so that humanity & you can live freely & have no difficulty living a happy life/as you are meant to.


    This known & the general basis of whom we are/what we are for known/we will now share the link


    www.twitter.com/velvetacidexper 17 years or older please/do to mature discussions


    Velvet Acid Experiment or Valor And Evolution] V.A.E. is a cinematic movie production/all theaters world wide are to release our documentations/movies/episodes simultaneously/available on DVD/Blue-Ray/at the same time as well/Season 1] Monolithicalism - 1 - 200 episodes/movies


    We are before this Universe/but because of conflict long ago/we at the time of utmost need/began communication efforts with the world media/news/tv networks even magazines.


    Whom we are has been clarified vastly to whom have read our statements/primarily towards the world media/our focus is mostly with non citizen's/whom run what you see on tv & more to generalize.


    We understand the extreme scale this post may or may not cover for you/as Princess Luna I will resight.


    "Thou hath been conflicted; but be no scar succeed in it's stain upon the."


    "For strength is loves equal."


    End Note] We may or may not be able to respond immediately/despite indifferences/focus any difficulty you have with us/into ? form or into creative thinking/the entire world is to know of us & far far more.


    -Omegess "Through kindness & caring for another; bringeth thou closure. May her wings adore & love thou; for no one conflicted will be neglected. We are the toppler's of limitations, your significance may be unknown to thou; we hath knowing of your significance."

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