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Posts posted by Dysphoria

  1. Here it comes, more INSTRUMENTAL BANDS:




    I find that most solo instrumental prog metal/ djent acts are severely talented and produce real quality music (Bulb, Sean Hall, Chimp Spanner to name a few). Cloudkicker is one of these bands. His stuff is the bee's knees.


    You are the Coolest. I thought nobody else knew about Cloudkicker. He just released a new album in august and all his stuff is available for free download on his bandcamp.





    Oh! and i also wanted to put And So I Watch You From Afar on here, there a smaller Irish band that does some really cool instrumental stuff.


    • Brohoof 1
  2. runescape is good

    the new sonic games are just as good as the old ones


    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Good one.



    Now for me, I believe the following:


    - I hate Metallica

    - I hate Dragonball Z

    - Despite all it's flaws, I love the .Hack// franchise.

    - I find the majority of video games in this generation are just awful.

    - I like the Foo Fighters more than Nirvana

  3. I know others here like Between The Buried and Me and they just released a new album. So here's the promo. From what I've heard of the album I prefer it to their last release.



    • Brohoof 1
  4. I just ordered some shirts from online but, haven't bought anything in person. I did browse the toy section in wal-mart and really creeped some people out when I saw the MLP stuff and quickly went over and started going through it like mad. unfortunately they didn't have any of the stuff I wanted so I left without anything.

  5. I know it's probably over-hyped and over done but, Amnesia: The Dark Descent was my first real introduction to horror gaming and will always have a special place in my heart from now on.

  6. I found the minimalistic approach really creepy. The fact there is no backs story and it just kind of drops you right into it with no idea what your up against was pretty awesome. Is it over-hyped? Yes. Is it still a pretty cool freeware game? Most definitely.

  7. Well I am a pretty big Super Smash Bros. fan actually, the username being a similar abbreviation was just sort of a happy coincidence I guess. :lol:


    I just have to ask whether you are at all involved in the competitive Smash Brothers community. I play Ganondorf (in Melee). :wub:


    My username came from the song I was listening to at the time. which was this one:


    I decided to change my username from previous boards I've been on because I just felt like a change. I do seem to have a habit of picking usernames that refuse to be abbreviated though.

  8. Although I agree with the bit you said about people being obnoxious with the label and wearing clothing solely to announce their fans. I think your aversion to the term "Brony" is rather silly. I have never associated the term Bro with Jersey Shore or any sort of Douchebag culture. You are reading into it way too much.

    • Brohoof 3
  9. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

    How did you find MLP Forums?: I just google searched it.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: A friend confessed his love for the show to me one night(after a few beers and got me to promise I'd give it a shot. I tried it and began watching episode after episode after episode.

    After watching a few of the fan made documentaries on the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I got really interested in meeting and becoming involved in the Brony community. So here I am to do just that. See y'all around!

    • Brohoof 4
  10. I understand that KS and MLP aren't really related but, I find myself in a position where I am not able to share either of them with anyone in real life because of what they look like from the outside. Therefore, I am bringing it to you guys, who I believe would be more accepting of KS's odd premise.


    Said quite bluntly, it is a kind of chose-your-adventure game where you can play through 5 different story arc's of 5 different disabled girls. Alas, the premise aside, the actual game involves excellent characters, artwork and music. It isn't some poorly done eroge but, a fully-fledged piece of art. There are h-scenes but they are in miracuously good taste and can actually seem out of place within the rest of the game (as there are only 1-2 scene in any given character arc.) I don't feel I can do the game justice so just go and give it a shot.



    • Brohoof 2
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