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Alex The Earth Pony

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Everything posted by Alex The Earth Pony

  1. Most of these are requests I did for some of my friends (Different Forum) anyways, I've been playing with the dA Muro on Deviant art, I think it's pretty nice, it works like the regular programs, except you don't need to download anything and it's free. Anyways heres the stuff :3 Not sure if this is any good or not I was bored so i tried somethign different The Requests These were pretty rushed but oh well...
  2. Thanks, this is actually someone elses OC, so I'm not really sure what the cutie mark stands for, I was justt simply asked to make one. Oh and the way the lines are is actually a style that I've been working with. It makes my mouse drawings look a lot less rigid by hiding them. Also I've drawn a few things since this thread so I might as well dump them here.
  3. After 2 day of long hard work I was able to finished probably the most challenging thing yet. Luckily I was able to put my mind to and and actually finished it This was done on the mouse btw And just becasue I feel like it you can watch the entire drawing right here: http://sta.sh/0gm5qjuxcyc Just click "Watch Redraw" Let me know if it doesn't work though.
  4. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Hmm it seems that this thread is lacking a significant amount of dethklok,well then I guess I'll have to change that, no need to thank me.
  5. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    I agree with Moog Voyager Every single opeth song shall be posted, MOAR OOOPPPEEETTHHH!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IzLDT73bkk XD he has the most hardcore growls, but when he sings it's like an angel.
  6. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Opeth attack! opeth attack! Let their be more Opeth! These are two of my favorite song from opeth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC_-JsKlIOk This is the full version of grand conjuration.
  7. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    yay, I knew someone here had to be an opeth fan, I got the see them live in 2011 in the house of blue, it was pretty fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk6Q4FpW-sY Why not more Opeth? And here some pony related metal. That MrGeorgeFTW has some good vocals.
  8. When you pick a color for the body make sure it isn't just a real basic color like a straight up red or something like that, in my opinion it makes it look funny.
  9. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    hmm I guess I'll post some more music, I know quite a bit so I don't think I'll be running out any soon. 10 points to anyone that reconizes this band for something. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSSLXMzxxP8
  10. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Well it can't be any more worse as Cannible Corpse XD I mean comeone can't be any more hardcore then some good old necrophilia haha.
  11. Alex The Earth Pony

    mega thread Metal Thread

    Sup guys i'm ATeP, mind If poke in? might as well post some music while I'm at it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fZd5qZje0 Gotta love LoG The funny thing about these guys is that I found them from a spam message in my youtube inbox, best spam message ever.
  12. Well don't chirstians "dislike" anyone who doesn't believe in their religion? So I guess the vikings and christians are even. I believe any religion "dislikes" those who opose it. Anyways I'd rather not have a religious debate, and I'm just speaking through my own opinion.
  13. HA I was afraid to post Amon Armath, I wasn't sure if people here listened to alot of death metal, I'm glad you guys do so looks like I can be more flexible.
  14. I know the episode "I remember you" made me pretty sad. Man that song really made me tear up when ever I thought about it for a few days... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuSDQtQLqn0 Oh, and the ending of The Iron Giant, was pretty sad
  15. I was wandering if anyone else listened to Noric metal, in case you didn't know it metal that is strongly based on Nordic mythology, hense the name. Also here's some examples of it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BUXqEPHCkQ
  16. I was going to say the green mile too but you beat me to it. So yeah the saddest thing for me was when they had to execute john. I couldn't keep from crying thoughout the entire scene.
  17. Paint.net, or Gimp has it. You just go to effects and go to blur. Both programs are free, Gimp is better, it took me awhile to get use to though. Hopefully if you get it you will learn faster then I did.
  18. Wow that's pretty awesome, You should try and use a guassian blur, it will help get rid of that real rough look to it, that what I usually do.
  19. Well, I've tried using the paths tool on gimp a few times, as well as inkscape. I'm really bad with them, maybe I just don't know how to use them.
  20. Ha yeah, I'm pretty lazy, I jdidn't have the time (didn't want to spend time on) to draw the eyes and cutie mark, Other then these being the only exceptions I usually do everything 100% me
  21. Thanks, yeah I guess I'm not very good at lining things up, I think it took me longer then it should have for me to just finding a good position for them to hug. This was kinda my first atempt to try and draw the ponies different from my usual style (my avatar), I do a lot better with just drawing the heads though, like my drawing of luna for an example.
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