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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nim

  1. Starve the ego, feed the soul

  2. probably the 50th time i've forgotten my password and had to get a new one ok

  3. i forgot this existed...again

  4. Come on and slam

    1. null123456


      And welcome to the jam

      Ah, childhood!

  5. Nim

    gaming Dead Space 3

    It sucks that this is supposed to be the last dead space game. If they ever make a new one, I really hope they add armour customization. It'd be perfect along with weapon customization.
  6. If you got demons, I'd suggest you be VERY careful. Those fuckers will try to kill or hurt you, mentally and physically. I suggest getting something like that checked out, lots of agencies do that kind of stuff these days.
  7. Nim

    gaming Dead Space 3

    That works just as well, too. I usually use the Javelin gun as my main, so I really never tried to experiment more with the other stuff in that battle. I actually beat Zealot mode pretty easily using the Javelin, and when i attempt to do a hard core run I'll probably keep it by my side. 3 lives up to some of what I hoped it would be. It's great and all, but it sort of doesn't feel the same as the last two. It's wondrous, yes, but the amount of action and quick-time events takes up a lot of room, and there's little to no room for the eerie feeling i used to get. The older dead spaces took place in the middle of space, in tight, dark corridors that held death and despair at every corner. There's very little of that in DS3, and it doesn't have the same claustrophobic feeling I used to get when playing DS1.
  8. Nim

    gaming Dead Space 3

    I can just imagine, yeah. If you have the fully upgraded version of the gun in the final battle with Nicole, you can pretty much take her and the Heart of the Marker out with maybe 2-3 shots.
  9. Nim

    gaming Dead Space 3

    Seeker Rifle was easily my 2nd favourite gun in DS2. I used it regardless if I was against Stalkers or not. My top favourite gun, though, has to be the Javelin Gun. That shit is amazing when fully upgraded.
  10. Nim

    gaming Dead Space 3

    So with the recent release of Dead Space 3, I wanted to ask anybody who's played them what they've done with your weapons in this game and the past ones. I'd also like to what Suit you were most in each game. So, for me, In Dead Space 1 I used to always carry the Pulse Rifle, Contact Beam, Plasma Cutter and the last weapon would usually be a Line Gun or Flamethrower. My favourite suit in this game, was the Military suit you get after New Game+. Dead Space 2 was sort of the same. I carried the Pulse Rifle, Seeker Rifle, Flamethrow and the Javelin Gun. My favourite suit in that game was either the Riot Security Suit, or the Arctic Security suit. My choices for guns were drastically toned down in DS3, since you're only able to carry two. In that one, I usually have a Javelin Gun and a gun that was called the 'Show Stopper'. My favourite suit, so far, is still the Elite Suit.
  11. Hollywood butchers a lot of things when it comes to the paranormal. They take cryptids and turn them into huge, big scary monsters that'll kill you on site. There is no definite way to prove that if a cryptid existed, it would act in such an aggressive way
  12. Hello, folks, your good lurker friend Nim here. So i wanted to get some other peoples opinions on what they think of the supernatural. I personally believe in things like ghosts, demons, cryptids and other legends along those lines. I find it very interesting, and i actually think there's quite a bit of proof for stuff like that you can find almost anywhere. I want to hear what you guys think on this matter, and I hope i haven't posted this in the wrong place. Thanks for reading.
  13. I'm purse owner as fuck

  14. Being able to say/posy one's opinion is one of the greatest acts of self-expression we have. Putting a limit on free speech strips us of our ability to speak our mind, not to mention that people hate being oppressed. Limiting our self-expression only causes more violence than what's already there.
  15. Nim

    gaming YGOpro

    It's free, yes. No money needed, just download it, make a deck, enter a nickname and play. Easy peasy. There should be guides about it on Youtube if you need it, sooo
  16. Bad Religion recently released their new album 'True North', and that so far is probably my favourite as of 2013. It's still pretty early, so I'll probably change my favourite sooner or later
  17. Nim

    gaming YGOpro

    YGOpro doesn't use a sign up username system. Enter a nickname, and you're ready to go if you've got your decks made out. Due to YGOpro being used by myself now, I probably won't be on DN often. But in any case, my username is Android Psycho
  18. Nim

    gaming YGOpro

    Not sure if this counts as gaming, but whatever. So recently, me and two of my friends have started playing the Yugioh card game on a program called 'YGOpro'. It runs the same as the tag force games and is pretty fun. Unlike Dueling Network, you can have tag duels in the program. My friend and I take a lot of joy in tag duels with eachother. So to the point of this post, I made it to see if anybody plays on YGOpro here. My two friends and I have been looking for more people to play, so we can fully enjoy the extent of tag duels without having to have one random stranger in the room with us. Thanks for reading, I hope you guys can play with us sometimes. If you're interested, add my Skype and I'll add you to our group.
  19. I think video games have nothing to do with the violent acts of others. Sure, people who usually do commit these acts play video games. But blaming video games for their actions is like blaming food for obesity.
  20. Electronic music heals the soul

  21. I generally don't mind the new look. What I'm more worried about is what they'll do with the original plot and ideas. The old PPG, like someone before me had said, contained many politically incorrect jokes and slight racist humour. That's something I definitely don't want to see disappear, but knowing how most people are these days they'd try to get the show taken down as soon as possible if even one little racist comment was made. Look at Jynx from pokemon. ONE little design, people get mad, and then boom her design is officially changed completely.
  22. My favourite lyrics from a song are part of the lyrics from 'Love Psalm' from Silent Hill Book of Memories. "if you could rewrite our life any way that you please would you tear out the pages of our memories? would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create? or could you be satisfied with the promise you made? so we rewrite our lives but it's not what we think in the chaos we dance as we stand on the brink always one change away from makin' ourselves complete the world will perish in flames and I'll watch as you fade from me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0spJmIm8hlo#!
  23. Nim

    movies/tv Doctor Who General

    My favourite doctor is 11, but best Doctor IMO is 10 or 9. My favourite episode was Silence in the Library, as I got a lot of feels when I first watched it. We find this woman, nobody knows who she is but she clearly knows the doctor and in the end she just goes 'dead'. And when she's finally revealed, I get kinda sad because I realize what happens to her.
  24. So kawaii Nim-Kun

  25. I'm having a smashing time,

    1. StingeMuffin


      I can see you're not one to hide your enthusiasm.

    2. Nim


      I never hide my enthusiasm, poppet

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