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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Flaret

  1. Aww, she looks adorable! I haven't drawn Flaret in so long, I really should though! Maybe I can draw you something in return after my finals, I've improved a lot!
  2. Fall Out Boy - Young Vulcanoes It's so catchy! A lot of songs of their new album are, I used to lsiten to them all the time when I was younger and I'm glad they're back
  3. I'm having tumblr withdrawal, damn downtime!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Friendship_Cannon


      omg, I´m sorry, it is for your own good!

    3. Flaret


      I will remember this!


    4. Friendship_Cannon


      I just try to help :´c

  4. Over here you can drink from age 16, so I order a beer in restaurants every now and then. It's nice and refreshing, especially during the summer! I like the beers Duvel and Hertog Jan. x3
  5. I suppose I could enter, because I'm a girl, but all the others are so beautiful! Why is there so many gorgeous people here?! xD Anyway, here's mine: Even though I'm a redhead now, kinda. Haha xD
  6. There is a free version of Photoshop CS2 available now http://www.adobe.com/downloads/cs2_downloads/index.html It's not illegal and it works perfectly fine, all brushes from internet that work on other CS versions work too!
  7. I've only mentioned it to my best friends so far, I think, one of them really looks down on it all (but then again, she can be a bit ignorant) and the other one is pretty okay with it, she even started watching it herself. I don't really get what the big deal is though, it's just a show, putting it as a double life is kind of dramatic.
  8. If you still need people to be interviewed, my skype name is kiwingwing. Not sure when I'll have time, though! Feel free to hit me up or something.
  9. Aww, thank you so much! I've always wanted a vector of her! It loks absolutely amazing <3 You're getting really good with those. I'll try and draw you something back as soon as possible, right now I'm on a study spree, sadly >:
  10. My ponysona is still nameless (Shame on me >, but I suppose you could consider her an updated version of Flaret. There's a picture of her cutiemark in the link! http://puu.sh/2faYD
  11. Oh wow, that looks great! Thank you so much! <3 You completely nailed her mane style and colours! I'll try and draw you something in return this weekend Ladies, contain yourselves. I just loved his design, so I made you your handsome colt in return! I hope I got it right, it was a fairly quick painting ^^
  12. Same as her eyes For now, that is. I might experiment with white, but for now it's just yellow, with a slight gradient if you're feeling really creative! I'm currently working on a picture for Enigmata but it might take a bit ;m;
  13. I'm just completely dumbfounded, your style is amazing! I'll have to draw you something back for this awesome piece <3 Do you have any references of your own ponies? Edit: Nevermind, I have my eyes on one already!
  14. Who's a pretty pony? Sweet Jeans is! http://puu.sh/2czdI I've been wanting to draw her for a while now, she has such a pretty design! <3 I've got a new OC myself, so if anyone is willing to draw her:
  15. So I decided to try and make a piece with a background, but so far it's not been too great. Does anyone who has experiences with backgrounds have some advice for me? How do I perspective? ;n;
  16. http://puu.sh/2bI2g Background practice
    1. Friendship_Cannon


      looks awesome, mysterious (?), a bit, but great job at the details and atmosphere, beautiful work, your OC?

    2. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      OMG Flary bravo! :o

    3. Flaret


      Yeah, I created her a few days ago :) Thank you both <3

  17. Awww, thank you so much Spark! <3 They look so lovely and happy! Would you like me to draw any of your characters? You know you can always send me a message :3
  18. http://puu.sh/1Zx3A I stumbled upon the background pony Shutterfly/ Tracy Flash and immediately fell in love with the design <3 Maybe I'll even make this one a tumblr or something, she's a paparazzi pony! (from that Fluttershy episode where she was a model)
  19. Haha, thank you! I have a tumblr and a deviantart :3 The deviantart is flarettheunicorn.deviantart.com and my mod tumblr is girllookatthatpenguin.tumblr.com :3 I have some ask blogs but they haven't been very active as of late
  20. http://puu.sh/1UpV4 Your ponysona is adorable, so I made her a little something! I hope you like it! The green colour wouldn't work well when I used it, so it magically turned blue. *nod*
  21. Oh wow, I'm blown away! You made her look so lovely, and the background <3 It just fits her so well! You did her justice, don't you worry <3 I'll have to draw all of you guys stuff back!
  22. Thank you guys so much! They both look absolutely stunning <3 She looks just right in both of them! The shading on the hair looks gorgeous, Crystal! And Silver, you completely nailed her wings, it looks great ^^
  23. Aww, thank you so much! She's adorable in your style, look at that squishy nose <3 I'll try and see if I can make you something back! That would be wonderful, and thank you for the compliments <3
  24. Awww, I love them! Your style is lovely, hun! Do you happen to have any references for me? I'll draw you one of your own characters, if you'd like! Edit: I looked around a little and found your character, enjoy! http://puu.sh/1Qb2J
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