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Everything posted by Molporgnier
Twilight looked in amazment, and brushed some snow off of rainbow dash. "I beleive that keeping a watchful eye on the princess is good. Skullkin shall go with the princess and hank to go to the bunker just outside of canterlot. Now we need to check on cadance!" Skullkin hugged Twilight and looked towards Celestia. "We should leave soon princess."
The red flowed through Skullkins veins. To have such power again was fit to make him crazed. Twilight nocked his shoulder, seeing a blood lust trance fall over him, bringing him back to reality. "My princess, I would love to be your wraith again." He bowed low.
Twilight took a Skullkin esque look. "Mr. Storm, Its nice to meet you, glad rainbow could find a stallion after all. Now you both had Urgent news for me?" Skullkin embraced Celestia, his hollow heart filled with nostalgia. (Im gonna just fill this up with apologizing. Please forgive me for my lack of being here all)
(Whoa inconsistant poster! what a so-and-so I am! Don't have the time to fact check so please point anything out thats wrong) (oh and god mod skullkin and twilight over to where hank is.) "Child I shall give you some time." Skullkin landed his hoof firmly on novas face, causing red streaks of blood to appear.
After a few long moments Skullkins body ceases, the convulsions gone. Twilight wraps her hooves around him harder, a warm embrace through a cold tide of memory. "Follow me, we have a long trek ahead of us." He trotted away, Twilight just next to him, and fluttershy lagging behind.
Skullkin's glare simmered into his general apathetic if cold stare. "I believe that to be a good idea. The crystal empire is sure to have brave warriors on hand. I remember it..." Flashbacks of massacres and suicides, hundreds of thousands of faces and names, histories, deals and bets, fludded his mind with little shots of the crystal empire sneaking their way in. Twilight could see the pain in his eyes, radiating through his body in slight convulsions. She embraced him tightly. Fluttershy, having gained her hoofing, inquired about the situation. "Uuuumm...Twilight I'm not sure what happened...Or who they are...What's going on?" After a judiciously brief synopsis of the recent events and all thoughts of advancement, Fluttershy nodded and gave a similar report, making rarities plan almost unanimous.
Twilight throws her hoof around Hank, Skullkin glaring at him to make sure no sultry movements were made. "You can stick with us! If thats good with you rarity?" (I'm not sure where fluttershy is so god mod her over here as per Our need) Fluttershys head spun as she was warped over to the group
Hanks fatigue was evident in his features. The dark circles under his eyes, the large pools of sweat making him glisten. Skullkin pulled rarity off of hanks back as slid off of his. "Next time, I can gallop fine." She jeered, trying to add some sort of comedy to lighten such tragedies She knelt beside hank, now laying down in rest that his marey-friend had been taken care of, and began funneling magic into her horn. With what little bits of strength she had left (magical strength) she cassted a minor envigor spell, and he rose with new found strength.
(I apologize for not posting sooner. I am trying to read through all of the past posts and its hard with my new glasses, I am trying to contact Storm and get an indepth synopsis of whats been happening to twilight and skullkin, if anyone would like to help and tell me the general synopsis I would be indepted to you. I will make every attempt to make a useful post after I have the synopsi. thank you.) (Ok Brief synopsis was brief, please correct me where I need correcting. I am gonna f up all of this right now.) Twilight screamed, "We've got to help Celestia!" Skullkin grabbed her by the hoof and pulled her onto his back, galloping out. "She'll be ok Twilight, I've seen that mare kill more ponies than you could even fathom." He happened upon Hank and rarity. (contrived character placement is contrived I am sorry)
Their rears firmly planted against the cold ground and backs against the smooth stone of the wall, the couple heard noises coming from inside the castle. "...Then the chainsaw just reared back..." Twilight placed a hoof on Skullkins chest, the black velure of the suit was soft against it. "I'm sorry master Skullkin, another story about wartime masaceres that inevitably end in gratuitous debauchery must wait, I believe somepony is...mmmmaakkkiinnggg a toast?" The words oozed like molasas off her lips. He stood, granting the young 20 year-old a hoof up and an open door in to the castle.
Twilights face audiabley smashed against the door as it swung wide open. "By the mare, Twilight are you alright?" Skullkin lifted her up back on to her hooves, only to have her collapse again into his forearms. He stroked her mane gently, sitting on his haunches against the side of the wall. Her eyes fluttered open after a few moments, eliciting a slight chuckle from her brown coated lover. "What happened?" Skullkin asked in a coo. Twilight simply shook her head as she sat next to him, "I don't even know."
As the Ponies began to form on the dance floor, Skullkin made his leave back to check on Twilight. "My dearest Princess, I am afraid that this dance floor crowd does make for terrible conversation. I would love to continue talking with you, catching up on the times, but I do know this is a party you enjoy." He bowed and saluted, giving Celestia a friends kiss on the cheek. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight rubbed her horn, sending tendrils of excitement through her even through the soreness. The soft rubbings elicited no reprieve from the soreness and did little but to distract her as the side door into the gardens flew open.
Twilight slammed a heavy hoof down on the ground and glared at Rotto. "Leave now, you nag." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skullkin stared into his glass of punch, the way it bubbled foretold of some devious teenage prank. He promptly poured it into a nearby plant, eliciting some gasps from the more stately ponies in the large ball room.
"My princess, I need not tell you of mine and Moonlights relationship. Many a time, if you remember, did you advance upon me in the early years, during and after the discord war. Each time I told you the same, that I belonged to her. In such a time of frivilty to be joined was a much more important thing than in this time. And so I know of all the ponies in the land that you, my oldest friend, can understand when I say that I wish to stay with her all her days. Death to me is inevitable. Time shall not rend from me my life, the winds not forget my taint. Every drop of blood spilt in the lands of equestria, at least in your name, shall be spilt by me. But not hers. Only those that would work against her," he looked towards the door to the castle and smiled a sort of sly smile, "Unless she begs me otherwise."
(Can the children also say, 'Inconsiderate dou--- who doesn't understand OPing their character for no reason'? I believe even they can, if you can not. I will be reporting this to the DM, and if approved and need be, removing you per his wishes.) (I've got a big bag of filler filling up my post! It's lorem ipsum within a joke)
(Dear member red, I would ask that you message me of Skullkin, Twilight and Celestias relationship.) "My dearest Princess, you know I am not one to let harm befall my beloved, as you still are. As you have been. But Twilight means quite a bit to me. Do you remember Moonlight?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight felt her last bits of energy being sapped. She did the thinkable, and lunged at Rotto.
Her mind fired with anxiety and discomfort. Everything in her said no, but her paternality overpowered her. The remote became inveloped in a sort of mix of the two colors, as she wrestled over the power of the controller. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skullkins ears perked, an adjustment so slight, as not even to ripple the waves of air around them, yet noticeable to a keen enough eye. "Master Hank, you might. I shall allow it. Under the condition that you go now," his eyes lit up, again only slightly to the undescerning, but volumes to one as Celestia, "If I go to check on Twilight, she may be wrathful, but if you go. It would just be a concerned stallion looking after an aquaintances friend."
"I'm sorry my princess," He embraced her as well, though no tears did well in his eyes this time, nor did his eyes close. "It would have served well if somepony had, perhaps, told me of Twilight's departure. I had left my note, though quite hid it was. I apologize." He bowed again, not one to show any sort of informality, though not one to leave the princesses wishes unheeded.
"Dear child have you read your history books," His turns not away from his front, staving off what little anger he can through his words. "If you read a compendium of mercinarium By the writer Swift Hoof, you will see my name a many times over, as your name does. But only fewer." No boastful tones or gloried nostalgia marred his words, no tone but the cold actualization of another compendium with his name scratched on it in red ink. The whistful voice perked his ears. "By the mare, my Princess," he intiated an archaic salute. pulling from his jacket a gold encrusted knife, he cut the bottom of his hoof open and bleed a hoof print on the ground just infront of her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Twilight held back a leery and questioning expression, in lieu of one of concern. "Sir, I'm afraid I don't quite understand," Her tone changed to abrasion "And I won't be propostioned by one, nor three, ponies for just about anything if I don't think it important."
Twilight touched his foreleg, a sort of frustration about her. The ancient warrior let the colt down, having recived his wrist slap from twilight. "Good stallion, you'll very much have to forgive him. He forgets that these aren't the olden times," She flashed another glare at him, reciving a sight of begrudging shrinking from him. "He's just... protective. Now let us go somewhere a little safer for you." As they headed toward the gardens, Skullkin felt pangs of inward and outward anger. He breathed a moment, only stimming rather than damming the tide of fury he had come to be known for, and slunk both angrily and dejectedly away.
A bit of sadistic energy surged through him, he had seen so many little colts try to scare him before. The tables always turned. "Who do you think trained every one of those guards," He said licking his teeth with pure delight, but still sternly cold in his face.
Skullkin cut his emprace short, and smashed the jacketed colt against the cobble stone walls. He bared his teeth at the young thing. "You've tread upon the road of evil, child. Nary the sun nor moon know to fiddle with the emotions of fellow immortals. By the mare herself I would dash your lungs out of your chest, if it not be a joyous night."
The dark of the night highlighted Twilights features. A kind of familiar nostalgia washed over him. His perfect memory flashed like a slide show all the times he spent with her. A glaze came over his eyes. Twilight took notice. It wasn't abnormal, Celestia had told her many nights that he had had a troubled past and that she meant something special to him. She raised a hoof up to his mussel and caressed it. "Twilight, I hope you know what you mean to me. There's only been one other like you, and that was farther back than you could imagine. I looked for you so long, I've lived thousands of times over those years, but they were the longest i have ever lived. Food lessend in the already diminished taste I had. Through the memories of the bloodshed and genocide, through the harrowing screams of fire and death, through every bloodied body," Twilight shook him a bit, and his eyes grew smaller, snapping him back to reality, "Through everything, I have thought about you: when you were just a filly, before your brother would come get you, at nights when I stood watch outside of the Princesses room; and the few nights, rooms, I watched you turn into the beautiful mare you are today. As your body matured, as you did, I began to see you as more than that little filly." Twilight looked at him with a confusion, and understanding. She had missed him, one of the few friends she had then, and in her maturing years she had some sort of attraction to him but she wasn't sure yet. She didn't know what they would do together, she knew his likes and dislikes, hers as well, but he had some sort of relationship with celestia that he had described as open. She didn't know if she could share him. "Ma... Skullkin," The dropping of the honorific seemed to relay a rejection to him, "I'd just like some time. We both know eachother well enough, but these things take time. It's not a no, but its not a yes yet." Skullkins eyes began to water once again, he embraced her, wetting her neck with the torrents of tears that flowed. A familiar and regal voice cut through the moment.
The ambiguous statement garnered one raised eyebrow and two furrowed, the latter accompanied by ever flickering eyes. Skullkin, touched her foreleg, beckoning her away. Not one to doubt Skullkins judgment of times to leave, she gave a courteous goodbye, and stepped aside with Skullkin. "Master Skullkin, I understand why you're so protective of me, but you don't need to interagate every pony that walks up to me," She had a momentary sprint of thought, "Was there something wrong with him?" As she asked her eyes scanned the horizon for any signs of would-be assassins or the like.
Skullkin landed a heavy hoof down near Twilight, memories of assassination flooding his mind and his years of protecting Celestia kicking in. His eyes burned with a sort of rage, as hundreds of memories attempted to flash in halucinations across his periphery. Twilight placed a hoof on his chest, and gave him a nod of dismisal. He moved only as far as her hoof moved him. "Yes, I'm Twilight Sparkle. But, you have me at a disadvantage, Mr.?"