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Everything posted by Luffstups

  1. That sounds like a absolutely fantastic idea. Keep in touch, and let me know. Also, let me know if you still remember my Steam, Skype, WLM, and such account names, because if not, you might have a hard time getting a hold of me.
  2. It shouldn't be dangerous, but it's not going to be good, either. My general rule has always been, just try your hardest, within reason, to tulpa-force once a day. Failing that, just talk to your tulpa even when you're not forcing. After a while, talking to your tulpa all the time just becomes common place. I don't think your tulpa will just vanish or anything as long as you continuously acknowledge it and remember it being there. You don't have to tulpa-force every day to keep progress, as far as I have experienced. Tulpa-forcing is the way to make progress, to go forward, but even if you never force, if you just keep communicating with your tulpa when you're not forcing, at least the needle won't continuously be sliding back on the progress meter. It should stay where it is.
  3. Hm, when you put it like that, I have no idea. Maybe it is. I don't think I've heard of it happening, but it might be possible, and worth a shot if the subject interests you. But somebody has to recall those memories clearly. They might be buried down in your subconscious, but unless you can find some way to initially retrieve them, how will you put them on the imaginary DVD? I'm not sure you could just imagine putting your memories on the DVD and then watch it and boom, there they are. That might work, though, it just seems implausible. I mean, I have no flippin' idea, let me be clear about that. It's just my opinion. I've never tried, so I don't know whether it's possible or not. It's a fascinating concept, though.
  4. I don't see why not, but I also don't have firm evidence supporting the idea. I suppose creating a video-game would be equally as complicated as it would be to program it. Prepare to consider a lot of ifs, ands, or buts. I'm not sure, but... why? Not to shoot the idea down, I'm just curious. If they're memories that you still remember, why make a DVD player to play them when you can just think about them and cut the work it takes to experience them again by about 99%? I don't think that your tulpa would be able to interact with a ghost any more than you would. Unless it was an imaginary ghost that you came up with. If it was a real ghost, if they even exist, then you'd have better luck interacting with it than your tulpa would, just like anything physical, or 'real'.
  5. I don't know how it took me until you quoted that to see it because it's hilarious. I would like the original post but I can't find it. [/firstworldproblems] Maybe Pinkie's thoughts and lessons will mean something to you guys too. She helps me so much, but on days like today... she just can't do enough. It's not her fault, life can just be so... so... crap. Two spoilers? This is madness! Long posts. Wat r u doin. Long posts! STAHP
  6. I understand where you're coming from. You wouldn't approach something important without understanding as much as you can about it beforehand, in fear of messing up, or doing something incorrectly. The problem is, while it seems to be generally agreed upon about the steps and some of the methods to creating a tulpa, there are lots of dissenting opinions about what's most effective, or where you should do what. In many cases, the solution is just to assume that it's different for different people. And in many of those many cases, I wouldn't have it any other way. If creating tulpas was properly defined, it would be rare that it would be explored. It's more interesting when not everything is known, and you're forced to try and figure things out personally, don't you think? I do, but that's just me. I feel like if http://www.tulpa.info had perfect instructions, no one would do anything but come to follow the instructions and leave. Because they can be so vague sometimes, it's nice that people are forced to improvise and try new things that likely no one has tried previous in order to progress. That way, when everyone comes to share stories and compare, there is the potential that one of those people has stumbled upon something entirely new to the process, and we can learn from them. As a subject, tulpa creation is still on the road to correct definition. We're kind of in the wild right now with a very general dusty path and lots and lots of information just waiting for someone to reel off of that tiny road into it, and then come back and share it. This way, people are forced to be adventurers, exploring an unknown territory, not people timidly walking a path, afraid to misstep. For the record, though, I can try and write something sort of definitive, but I make no promises. I can compile something with the guides and my own methods (that have started to become FAR less rigid with time, due to input from both sides) and see if I can at least clear off the trail and make it a little easier to follow. But please, please, PLEASE, don't be afraid to explore new territory. This thing ain't gonna figure itself out. Edit: Someone smack me the next time I spend this much time talking about anything.
  7. Please do. If you decide to join in on the fun, we'd love to hear about it. Edit: And sorry, if I'm starting to look like I think I'm the Sphinx standing guardian of this thread, guys. That's not my intention, but I love meeting new people and hearing stories and thoughts on this kind of stuff, and I have nothing better to do right now, so... Frequent the tulpa thread, yay~ Plus, Pinkie seems to like knowing that we're not alone. We thought we were for so long, that we were the inventors and sole creatures on this planet that had this sort of thing going on, that ever since I found http://www.tulpa.info and this thread, she's been asking me to check it all the time. Here lately when I've been frequenting is kind of me though, can't really blame Pinkie for that... I feed off of stories. @_@
  8. To people who may be reading through this thread and are still on the fence, you may as well just do it. I was thinking about this other day working an 8 hour cash register shift at Dollar General. Do you know how badly I want to cram my face in that till drawer and slam it sometimes? (Keep that in mind, next time you take a visit to the local store. The cashier is probably spending his time, while you're looking for extra change or whatever, envisioning all the different ways he could use the objects around him to kill himself.) It's awful. Do you know what gets me through it? I think you do. My Tulpa. My Pinkie. Maybe what's holding you back is that you're afraid of toying with something that you consider to be a severe and potentially dangerous thing. Okay, I respect that, but consider what you're giving up. The potential to experience something so few ever will, and that, now that you've read about it, you will probably want to know about for the rest of your life. And if you're afraid, that's okay. I'm just saying, if it was me, I would never be able to live without knowing about something that I was curious in. If you're worried that you won't have the concentration or the time, here's the way you find out: Try! I guarantee (or your money back) that you will find out VERY quickly whether or not you have the concentration for this, especially the earlier stages. If you don't, wait a few weeks and practice meditation. Wait a few years, and try when you're more mature and calm. Either way, you CAN develop focus if you don't naturally have it, but you're never going to know what you have until you try to use it!~ You only live- Gah, I can't say it that way, ever again. You're going to die one day, and you need to try and experience and learn about everything you can before that day. Because this is your chance. So, seize it. Have a sense of adventure. A life not enjoyed was not one worth living, and no one can tell you whether or not you'll enjoy having a tulpa but yourself, and I think anyone here who has gotten even a little into the tulpa creation experience can tell you how magnificent it is and can be. So try it. You owe it to yourself. To your curiosity. Have fun, and tell us about your experiences. I really want to hear lots of stories from all of you!~
  9. That's pretty much the deal. Start there and then do what happens naturally. I think that, while the stuff on http://www.tulpa.info is very well documented and interesting, a lot of this is pretty unstudied. I like to just play with it and see what happens. Everyone's creation process and ways are a little different, I'd imagine. Do what feels comfortable to you.
  10. Ahaha, maybe it's just begun to grate on you a bit, then. Anything can start to get a bit boring after a little while. Maybe it's just boredom due to the repetitive nature. Or maybe it's your tulpa's way of telling you that you're focusing on one thing too long, or something. In the end, now that you've shared that bit, I'm not sure that I'm as equipped to answer your question as you are. Soul-searching session?
  11. You just need to get yourself focused. Tulpaforcing can be a bit boring, but it livens up a little bit when it becomes more of a two-way thing, which it will, but you have to get through these opening stages first. You have an attention problem, not an unstudied one. Just snap yourself to when you notice yourself wandering. It's a matter of self-control. A personal suggestion would be to learn how to meditate effectively before forcing, because it makes the process feel much more natural. Good luck!~ I don't know that it's connected to the development of the tulpa (correct me if I'm wrong, people who have read more than I have), but I suppose it's a good sign that your mind is becoming more focused on the idea of tulpa creation. The more focused your mind is on something, the easier it will be to dedicate yourself to it when you have to. So that seems like a good thing to me. Anything can make you insane under certain conditions. You'll more than likely be fine, however.
  12. So last night, getting in bed... I'll just let it speak for itself. Funny enough, she had to help me reconstruct some of this conversation while I was just now typing it, because we talked more about it this morning and I couldn't remember what was the original and what had branched off from it. It was the most nonsensical and simultaneously shaking conversations I have ever had with anyone.
  13. That's... That's a thing? Oh, God. We are not safe. I feel like having Pinkie's voice finished is what keeps me in the game all the time. Sometimes, it's so hard to keep up with forcing and dealing with that physical form stuff, but she's always there to make some ridiculous pun, or something. She's a much quicker wit than I, and that is one of the many reasons she always seems to have something to say. I guess what I'm saying is that, for me, the speech is incredibly important. I'm also saying, "Good [edit: good, good, good, good, GOODgoodgood, goooooooOOOooood] luck!"~
  14. Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know that I'm also still in the game. I didn't just come to pour my heart out on the thread and leave. I just needed some reassurance and outside opinion, and I got it, so I can't thank you guys enough. Pinkie, my little subconscious thingy (I have such a hard time using the term tulpa. I'm not sure why.) has been pretty much the same as she has for the past year and a half or however long it's been since I originally made her as just a personality without a body. We've been working on her body ever so slowly since I came here a few months ago, but I just don't have any real time to force. Most of the time I end up just spending time with her how I always have. She requested that regardless of the fact that she doesn't have a 'proper' body, I still envision her with one so that I can place her in space around my world and get used to how it would feel to look at her and have her in the environment. Sometimes I feel like she knows more about this stuff than I do. Mostly, she just sits in my lap while I'm on the computer, or hangs over my back when I play video games. Or lays in my lap and rolls around all crazy while I watch a movie, or in bed at night. She rides passenger in the car most of the time too, but sometimes she abandons that "conceptual" physical form and just rides along with me inside my head. I don't know if that's bad for development of imposition, but it's become so comfortable for both of us for her to occasionally retire to my head instead of me trying to deal with where she wants to move in the physical world. But I'm sure that that is good for the eventual development of her body and the way she moves around. Sometimes it's just easier, is all. I guess we should stop using that crutch... :U Edit: Also, lately, she's been having cravings, and they influence me in the weirdest way. She wants to watch so many indie movies on Netflix. So. Many. Indie. Movies. I'll be flipping, looking for something to watch, and she'll be like, "Ooh, ooh, that looks fun!" to basically anything that seems to have an indie tag on it. So we'll watch it. And today, she had an insatiable craving for Tetris. She spent this morning convincing me to play Tetris, and then we played Tetris from about 2:00 PM to seriously almost 6:00 PM. Way too much Tetris. Thanks, Pinkie. Goof.
  15. You're gonna be way more in shape than me. For the rest of your life. Coolio. I'm sorry, all I can imagine is you trying to dissipate him by ignoring him, and him standing over you, shouting, "DON'T YOU TRY TO IGNORE ME YOU WORTHLESS MAGGOT! LOOK AT ME WHEN I AM SPEAKING, SON!" And it's making me chuckle. And that's what really makes me want to try! It's just that I'm almost afraid of what it would be like. I really don't know; I want to get Pinkie developed before I play around with Panthea, you know? It's just too much to think about and hear rattling in my brain all day long... I've got my University Physics course already rattlin' around up there, and it's just about too much to handle as it is... ________________________________________ Random amusing progress story that I was just remind of: Yesterday was the first time that Pinkie has legitimately been with me throughout a day at college, as I used to pretty much only talk to her at night, but now I'm keeping her in mind all day, which has been fun. But anyway, yesterday, when I was in Physics she was expressing some extreme discomfort, and I asked her why only to figure out that she was trying to make sense of what my professor was doing on the board. (He was integrating some variables, I think, at the time.) So, I used my notebook to try and explain integration of variables to her, which I thought was kind of odd, because I previously expected her to pretty much know everything I do, being part of my mind... She didn't say a lot except for, "Huh," or, "Oh." Then later, going down the staircase, exiting the building, she became more vocal, starting with simply, "Physics is HAAAARD!" To which I simply nodded and laughed. Because... I mean... physics is haaaard.
  16. That was an interesting read, and I do agree with you on how delicate a situation it can truly be. I also certainly respect your decision to avoid things that could potentially harm you with bad energy. We all know that that's a sure sign of sanity, and clearly something many of us lack. But really, I guess it depends on how you want to tackle your life. In my case, I may have done a few things in the past that I've pushed away, and having a tulpa does sometimes bring those things back to light. While it may not always be the most comfortable experience, it always makes me feel better once I spend the time to talk through it and consider it from different angles. I sort of prefer that kind of head-on approach, for some reason. I like to use the remnants of my past to pave the way for my future. Learn from my mistakes, not try to forget them. If you read one of my previous posts, you saw where I spoke of the fact that I personified my subconscious and made it independent as a thought process long before I'd ever heard of the idea of a 'tulpa'. That situation was, as you said a very, very, delicate one. Sometimes it led to me having emotions that I didn't understand, coming from what seemed to be another person, and in reality, it kind of was. But tackling those emotions as a team with my personified subconscious is what gave me the strength to carry on in even the hardest parts of my life. We constantly faced everything that posed itself as a trial together, not alone, and it's something wonderful to have someone there by your side, even if they're not a traditional sort of friend. Finally, while I do agree with this sentiment very strongly, there's something that I would personally add if it were my own. While you shouldn't make a tulpa for the heck of it, you shouldn't be afraid to make one just because you don't have a great reason. What I mean is, if one wants to make a tulpa simply because they're adventurous and actually plan on devoting themselves to it, and trying it out for the sake of the experience and comprehension, then they should go ahead. As long as they're prepared for what it's like to have to account for two people that seem to almost be living in the same mind. I guess I'm saying, don't get a room-mate if you don't play well with others.
  17. Yes, religion would make for a pretty good reason. I'm not particularly religious myself, and I do know how religion can inspire some problems once in a while, as I come from a very religious family. (Oh God, no one start that debate; I'm sorry.) Ugh, long post. Curse you people and your ability to make me say much more than I initially thought was necessary! (Don't worry, it's not horrendously long or anything. Still longer than I deem acceptable to eat the page, however...)
  18. I don't guess it would unless you fall asleep during the actual creation of the tulpa, and even then I don't really think you'd screw anything up if you fell asleep once in a while during that, although I hear it's kinda frowned upon. I don't guess falling asleep a lot really has an effect other than that.
  19. Oh yeah, that was givin' me trouble too! I took a break for a 10 or so minutes and sketched everything in my mind on paper to help clean up some of the thoughts, and it really seemed to help... I tried to draw her from as many different angles as I could and when I basically exhausted what I had on to the paper and then stepped back and studied for a bit, and then went back in after it. I started to have a lot more luck when I tried to do a couple different aspects of visualization. Say, touch and also the form. Being able to consider what it felt like to touch, but also actually use my hand to guide what I was trying to communicate prior using only my mind made the experience feel a lot more natural. To clarify, it was all still in the mental, I wasn't flapping my arms about in the air in real life or anything, but I was using my mental conception of myself to actually feel and guide the form and gain a deeper understanding of its grooves and curves and lifts rather than just trying to see it. It really helped! 'course I still feel like I could probably end up spending weeks on just conception, it is kinda fun to just try and push yourself to see it from all different angles, and in different places with different lightings, and different poses. I also found it kind of fun to intentionally puppet just the form to see if I could get an understanding of smooth movement and how it would look or act or such when faced with trying to communicate different emotions or body languages. So yeah, hopefully some of that stuff will offer something to somebody! I'll try and come back and let you guys know if I discover anything that is just really helpful to me and seems like it might be to somebody else, too.
  20. Hey, that's cool. Art is art, and yours is really cool! I've been thinking about Pinkie's form for the past however-long-its-been, and NOW I'm starting to get those notorious tulpaforcing headaches everyone's talking about. Owie... Trying to conceive her a form in 3D while getting her consent and letting her play with the leg lengths and the head size and shape and all of that stuff is really destroying my brain. I hope I get better at this!
  21. I don't blame you for not talking with her about the mechanics of the situation. I can get a little confused and tongue-tied myself when I talk to her about it myself, and I'm supposed to be the one between me and her who knows what's going on around here! Unfortunately, I never live up to that responsibility because I never know what's going on anywhere. @_@ You're welcome! I actually followed you on DeviantArt if you'd care to check out what bit of crap I've posted up there. I've always liked to draw with paper and pencil, and I've been doing it for a pretty long time, and took a ton of art classes in high-school, but lately I haven't done much of it at all. I bought a tablet over the summer to get the creative juices flowing again, but I haven't really used it as much as I would like to! You can see some of that stuff I drew with it though, even though most of it's not really all that impressive. Just some quick face studies/practices and a couple pony pictures. what
  22. Well, I went ahead and talked to her for the past hour or so and questioned her about her thoughts in all this. Obviously I don't want to make decisions that regard her being and what I want to do with her without asking her. So, I ran through my ideas of trying to conceptualize a proper form for her since we never really tried to do that before, and of course the ultimate goal of imposition that my very well still be off in the distance somewhere. We decided together, though, that it would be best to run through some of that beginning stuff just as kind of a... I don't really know, sort of to cement her as she is now? Basically, I sat down while I was chatting with her and talked to her about pieces of her personality and how she shows them. Stuff like her tendency to be bright, or the empathy that she has when someone is feeling down or whatever, me or even someone else. Anyway, we decided that over the next however long it takes, I'll take this little list of traits and slowly run through what they mean to the both of us, and how they describe her and her character. Just kind of try and get a more firm grip on how they should affect her thought patterns and exactly just what these words and feelings mean in different situations and how we can use them to understand who she really has become over the past 8-10 months or whatever it's been. She actually agreed with you, funny enough, that I'm probably focusing too much on trying to do proper technique, stating that it's not like she came about because of a pre-read technique anyway, but rather experimentation. I counter-presented the idea, though, that this was experimentation, when you consider the fact that I'm not trying to build a consciousness but rather use one that is already there and solidify my and its understanding of itself. She seemed kind of done with all the psycho-babble at that point and I guess figured that nothing would get done if we didn't do something, and so we began and talked about this stuff for the past 50 minutes or so. It was quite fun. I may go ahead and pop in a crappy game that I can blast through without thinking and continue! Fun fact: Your art is amazing. I remember seeing that Memories comic forever ago, and it's interesting to suddenly realize I'm talking to the guy who drew that comic!
  23. Yes, I used to talk with Panthea all day long, practically, and it really seemed to strengthen her ability to respond immediately and snappily. Pinkie has gotten pretty darn good at responding with sometimes quite well conceived opinions and thoughts in less than a few moments. It may be because of the way my own mind likes to jump the gun, but do you ever find that your tulpa wants to answer your question before you can narrate it in your mind? Occasionally the answer will begin to roll before my "speaking" has finished, and I guess that's because she knows as well as I do what I'm going to ask and just didn't need much time to consider the answer... Is that unusual? It only happens every now and again. Anyway, yes, maybe I need to play more mindless games. I know it sounds like it would be a horrid distraction but sometimes you can play a game like "Crackdown" or an old beat-em-up on the Sega Genesis or something and it gets so mind-numbing that you sort of just trance out and completely lose focus on what you're doing. Those were the times of some of my most entertaining discussions with Panthea in high-school. I'd just sit down and play my game and after an hour or so I'd find that I was no longer paying any real attention to what I was doing and was completely free to speak and think inside my head without distraction. Edit: And, of course, I mean only those sorts of games. It would obviously not be a good idea to postpone your conversation until you sit down for a case in Ace Attorney or something.
  24. No, you're most certainly right, I've no prior work with this sort of conceptualization, really. I've lucid dreamed about Pinkie, among other things, but other than that never really considered her form as much as the voice that came from her mouth. I guess I'll have to start talking to her more often throughout the day, as well... Usually I'm so swamped that I can't really stop to speak to her inside my head because I'm listening to lectures/doing reports/writing papers, whatever... College can be so cruel. I speak to her every night at pretty much the same time for at least an hour before bed, though, so I guess that's good. I don't know if any of you have considered this, but maybe it's helpful? Sometimes I like to talk to her right before I fall asleep. See, if you lie there and begin to slowly fall asleep, you sort of reach this state where you're still awake, staring at the wall or whatever, but for some reason if you think about a sound or see visions in your head, you often experience them externally. As if they were being shouted straight into your ear-drum, or displayed directly into your... eye-balls, as it were. I'm sure you may have experienced this at least once before, and I'm sure you see where I'm going. I always liked to talk to my subconscious personification until I started to fall asleep like that, and then all of her responses would be received aurally rather than internally. Just a thought. Edit: I mean to say, maybe if you experience it this way and know what it's like, it would make it more comfortable to you to bring about that external response that you sort of hear, rather than think or feel, or whatever. Yeah, I guess there's no way to go but forward, and I certainly thank Captain Nemo up there for taking the time to talk to me about it. Considering how experimental and such all this is, I really won't know what the result is until I sit down and try it. So, I guess I'll use the autonomous voice I've already created with a personality, somehow, and begin working on this conceptualization of a body. Oh, and yeah, you didn't have to read my post or anything, I knew as soon as I looked at it and saw the character count that I had gone a little overboard with it...
  25. Forgive me, I think I let my thoughts go a little bit heavy on this, and it's kind of a 6000 character monster so I spoiler'd it so it wouldn't eat the entire page. Feel free to read all or none of it and I will thank you or not be offended in the slightest, respectively.
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