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Everything posted by ☢Navy☢

  1. I think people are clicking on the wrong thing, because for some reason smooth is in the lead. I'm fairly sure chunky is far superior than smooth.
  2. :/ The forums has become fairly boring for me recently. I need something to do...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Yeah. That'll give you that "spark"

    3. Wingnut


      Sadly, the only real solution to this problem is the start of Season 4. :/

    4. ☢Navy☢


      Truth be told..... truth be told.

  3. Why did we all become bronies/pegasisters? I believe the proper question is: why not? I don't believe there was any particular reason why I decided to watch. I just tried it one day and was like: "Man, this is good." And the rest went on from there. I can't say why I became one, but I can tell you about 100 reason why I'm glad to be one.
  4. I'm actually a fairly good runner. Though, I do it as a school sport, rather than just for fun or to get in shape. I run just about every day of the week with the exception of Saturdays and Sundays. Also, the training I've done has done wonders for me. My record time for the 400 meter dash (I'm a sprinter, by the way) is about 55 seconds. That's about 11 seconds away from Olympic time (not too shabby, in my opinion).
  5. A time machine, eh? I, personally, would go back as far as I possibly could (before life was formed) to see how everything started out. Man, the knowledge of how it all went down would just be awesome.
  6. I had one where the topic was: I used to talk a lot about_____. But now I just have normal conversations. The card I played was clopping. :3
  7. Alright everyone, I'm hosting a round of cards against humanity (basically Apples to Apples for men). It's free, fun, and actually pretty comical. The rules are simple: First person to 10 points will win the match. Also, there is a max capacity of 15 players, so only 14 other players can join at a time. *DISCLAIMER: note that this game technically DOES have NSFW text in it. So, know what you're getting into before you click on the link.* http://pyz.socialgamer.net/game.jsp After you have created you nickname, press F3 and type Navy into the search bar. From there you should be able to fin my lobby. The password for the lobby will be: ajisbestpony
  8. Well, I've been completely off the internet for about 3 month's now. I can very well say that that was the most horrible thing a human can endure. Never going off for more than a week again.

  9. I'm serious, he's not that smart. Neither is anyone who supports sans.
  10. I gotta wonder, do the people who vote for comic sans have some sort if mental issue or something like that? Because, they're voting for the wrong font. Times new roman is always the right answer.
  11. ^-^ thank you. I'm the one who started this debate with Musix in the first place.
  12. Personally, I generally prefer newer music (Dubstep, metal, etc.), but there are a select few songs that I enjoy that I could personally consider to be "oldies". Hotel California http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgyfn_eHfoo Stayin' Alive (XD yes, sounds cheesy, I know. But, I really do like this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3b9gOtQoq4 That's pretty much it on my "oldies" list.
  13. Hey, MLP forums, my birthday was yesterday! What'd you all get me for a present? :3

    1. Retro*Derpy


      An Applejack :3 Would you like it in a to-go cup?

    2. ☢Navy☢


      Damn right I would!

  14. Finally came back online after a week of being offline to find that I had 64 notifications. ._. Welp, no more going offline for me (ever).

  15. Wow, I have to admit, this looks bucking awesome, man. I'll be honest, I'd really like to be a part of this. I'm not very well know around the forums, but hopefully you don't mind throwing my OC into the mix with everyone else.
  16. Alright, so recently, a buddy of mine had pointed out a pretty spot on fact about the forums. He said to me that “everyone is at each other’s necks” and that there are constant fight, flame wars, keyboard warriors, and so forth. And, I have to agree with him on that. Some of the members of this forum are churlish, abrupt, and just mean in general. I completely agree with my friend on what he says about this forum. But, I’m not going to be so cynical about everyone here. I noticed some status...

    1. ☢Navy☢


      updates here and there where people say how they’re not doing too well or aren’t feeling too hot either. Every time I see one of those updates, quite often, many members will offer assistance or try to cheer them up. I have to say, that really brightens up my day. I really have one overall thing to say about this forum’s members: *Pokes screen* you guys are bucking awesome!

    2. CloudFyre


      What?!? I wouldn't call this forum anything CLOSE to "at each other's necks". If anyone is ever questioning the "niceness" of these forums, just hop on over to Reddit's front page for a few minutes, and read some comments. It never fails to put things in perspective. :P


      And I agree, everyone on here is awesome. ;)

  17. Someone told me that I'm "Best AJ". That makes no sense at all, but it still made me happy as hell to hear that. :D

    1. Leafeon


      I am best Trixie then. :V

  18. So I was thinking to myself, is there any way that AppleJack could be any more amazing?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Windwaker


      I think both. XD

    3. Shiki



      Forgot opinions aren't allowed to be expressed on the internet.

      My bad.

    4. Windwaker


      Haha! Yes you are!

  19. >.> <.< *shrugs* Sure, why not. Braeburn seems like a likely choice. I've been know to try new things often. But one thing first, I don't sell out cheaply. I expect a nice dinner and at least a necklace before things start going anywhere. :3
  20. You know those hilarious videos on the internet, where it's a guy chopping down a tree and all of the sudden it falls in the wrong direction and destroys something of value. Yea, that was almost me today.

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