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Posts posted by StarStriker

  1. What do you guys think cos this I've been thinking about for a while; do you think creatures like Cerberus and the Timber Wolves exist in the EG universe? :o

    I noticed in the first film the kids at the school didn't seem all that surprised to have-- well, in case you haven't seen the film you know what happens at the end ;D 

    Like they were just as surprised as the ponies are when a creature goes on a rampage (even less so in fact?) 

    So what do you guys think? :D

  2. Fascinating that they're not pushing this in Europe, given that the Europe market was the only thing that kept G2 alive at all. Out of curiosity, did they push G3 & G3.5 over there at the time?

    I don't think so; as far as everyone was concerned when I tell them of G.4 is, "I thought MLP stopped in, like, the 80s/90s?" which was my thoughts too, until I became a brony, of course ^0^


    But, na, I don't think it was ever released here :s There're not even showing G4 anymore D:

  3. Aw, that sucks! D:

    That means every UK brony (myself included) is gonna have to wait till Fall D: In fact, a little after since we have to wait for it to go on Amazon! ><

    Luckily, I have a multi-region DVD player, but I hope everyone else finds a way to watch it D:

  4. Sad to say, nothing can last forever :(

    But, MLP can! :D


    But, let's say if there was a downfall, what do you think it would be? A change that would stop the MLP craze forever?


    In my opinion, it would be if they got in another head or something and, unlike when Faust left, they- say- hated bronies and/or decided to bring the show back to the actual children's show it was before :s


    I remember in My Little Dashie the author said the show ended after 8 seasons... Another thing to keep in mind, right? x3


    So what do you think would be the ultimate downfall of MLP:FiM? :o




  5. Personally, I would try and make them as close to the episodes as possible.

    I've only written one fanfiction, about my OC (in my icon ^0^) and I actually didn't introduce him until chapter 3.

    I changed his design a little, too. I tried to make him brighter and more "pony-friendly" :P since before-hand he was black-maned and grey-furred Dx

    I really didn't want him to look like a Mary-Sue :<


    Anyway, but I didn't make him (yep, he's a he despite the muzzle- working on that xD) the main character, but rather a supporting character.


    Only problem was the moral- I've been trying to re-watch some episodes to ensure I didn't copy them, but that left me with very few ideas! D:


    In the end I "came up" with something very similar to Zecora's (nooooo!!) but I tried to change it a little, to make it seem like I was referring to working with people who may seem scary or who you may not like to get the job done is normally a good way to go ^0^



    But, enough about that, how do you guys write your fanfics? x33

  6. Hello, StarStriker! Just popping by to inform you I've merged your thread with a pre-existing thread on the very same discussion topic! Hope you don't mind! Always be sure to use the website's search feature at the top-right to ensure you aren't creating a duplicate thread!




    Hey, New Clamamity! I don't mind at all, the more answers the merrier! Thankies! x33

    Gotcha! ;) I'll make sure next time, thanks again! ^0^

  7. Okay, first post :) Hi x3

    This has probably been asked... a LOT... But what do you think Apple Bloom's, Scootaloo's and Sweetie Belle's Cutie Marks will be?

    And don't say the blue screen of death xDD

    Personally, I would think maybe singing for Sweetie Belle, (going by Episode 18) obviously scootering for Scootaloo... Not sure about Apple Bloom- I was thinking maybe the writers may have something other than apples in mind; it would make a nice moral :) But what do you guys think? :D

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