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Everything posted by Slendermane

  1. As soon as the episode aired, I saw Alicorn Twilight toys on the shelves, but I don't think that is the reason she became an Alicorn. It might have influenced when they made her an Alicorn, but I think it was their plan all along.Twilight was always going to be Celestia's successor. But I think she is still too young to rule. She still needs time to learn how to use her new powers, as well as how to lead Equestria.
  2. I think most of the hate is from people who are afraid that the sudden and drastic change with change the show itself. That maybe Twilight won't be with the mane 6 anymore. Personally, I doubt it. Where ever she is, her friends will stick with her. Even if she is in Canterlot, you know her friends would visit her often. But I think she will stay in Ponyville, while she learns how to use her new found abilities. Personally, I like the idea, and can't wait to see what they do with it in season 4.
  3. I know I'm not very artistic, but Vinyl, Octavia, and Octavia's ensemble have inspired me to finally try to learn an instrument. For Christmas this year, I got an electronic Keyboard. Unfortunately, with my work schedule, I have trouble finding the time to learn it. But I'm trying. An hour here, fifteen minutes there. Before you know it, I'll be playing Winter Wrap Up. I doubt it will turn out to be my special talent or anything, but I am becoming a more well rounded individual because of ponies. Now if I can only find more time to read.
  4. The animation was done by the same person who made the Picture Perfect Pony music video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDdL4z5qfr4 Here is their tumbler blog. http://ask-thecrusaders.tumblr.com/ I quite enjoyed the animation, and especially thought it was cool to have John de Lancie and Tara Strong voice act for it.
  5. Definitely Moderate. I could care less what other people think about something, if it's underground or mainstream, so I know I'm not a hipster. And I haven't made any artwork. so I'm not a creative. I became a brony because of 3DS Forums, where this site got its start.
  6. I live in a very small town in the Florida Panhandle ("Lower Alabama"). Our Walmart is the local meet up spot, so I can totally relate. Actually, I can kind of agree with her a little. She got it wrong that we can't handle reality, but I think that it is a relief from the negativity of the world. However, It's not an escape. It is more of an active attempt to deny what is wrong with today's world and share kindness and tolerance with those around you. But she did try to explain it away, and in doing so, make us out to be outcasts. I downloaded both the 1080p and the 720p versions. The 1080p for my computer, the 720 for my iPod.
  7. How about almost every teacher and substitute in school, especially the grammar teachers? The problem is that most people just don't care. They take a quick look and see the Ge, and say the first think that comes to their heads. It gets pretty annoying. It's like "Hello, Mister not worth my time."
  8. I don't really dislike my name, but I get tired of everyone mispronouncing it. My first name is Geoffrey. It sounds just like Jeffrey. In fact, it was the original Old English version of the name. It's not even that uncommon a name. I just get sick of being called things like Gregery or Godfry of George. Or anything with a G sound. It gets annoying. I don't want to change my name, I just want people to say it right. It means peaceful traveler.
  9. No clue when it will show up on Netflix, but when it does, I'm showing it to all of my family. Sorry to those who haven't gotten the chance to see it yet, but John de Lancie asked us not to post it online yet. Then again, I'm sure someone will probably post it anyway, so be patient.
  10. Which one are you talking about? The trailer, or the actual hour and a half documentary? Here is a headline from Equestria Daily today. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/01/brony-documentary-released.html
  11. My apologies if there is already a topic about this. If there is, please either delete or merge. The Documentary, "Bronies, the Extremely unexpected adult fans of My Little Pony" was released today to those who donated. What does everypony think? This is for people who have seen the documentary, so if you haven't and wish to continue, prepare for spoilers. Personally, I loved it. Well worth the wait. It really got to the heart of what Bronydom is all about. The animations were great, and it was cool to see cast members and fandom celebrities in it. I loved the animations. I'm going to have to show this to my family. It was pretty cool how they started with peoples negative reactions and misconceptions, then led to explaining what we really are. They had a good variety of people they interviewed, from average fans to celebrities, artists, and cast. I think they had a good representation of what the fandom is. Also, it was pretty cool seeing my name in the credits.
  12. I work in the produce department of a grocery store. Every time I see the banana bags, I cringe inside.
  13. I got 1. A Yamaha Keyboard and some music books. 2. Books on folklore and fables 3. A shaving kit 4. $100 from my grandparents (I actually got it a month ago. I spent it on a TV on Black Friday) 5. Tootsie Rolls All in all, I'd say it was a pretty good Christmas. I have family coming over today (don't think I will get anything from them,) so I will start learning how to play the keyboard tomorrow.
  14. I feel sorry for a lot of kids who's parents bought a bunker instead of presents this year.
  15. My Wii U Nintendo Network ID is Slendermane. Please tell me if you add me, so I can return the favor. Once again, my 3DS Friend Code is 2062-9149-9412.
  16. I just got my Wii U Deluxe today. I was surprised my local Gamestop had any in stock! I guess sometimes it pays to live in a small town. I only have two games for it so far, Nintendo Land and Assassin's Creed 3 (and I'm still playing the first one!). I'm updating as I type this, so I will probably post tomorrow with my opinions. I am mainly excited for games we haven't seen yet, like new Metroid, Zelda, and Smash Bros games. I definitely want Monster Hunter and Aliens Colonial Marines.
  17. Just bought the black Wii U. Updating now.

    1. Motion Spark

      Motion Spark

      do a blog about it

  18. I still think it's outrageous that Luna was trapped in the moon for 1000 years. I hope she wasn't conscious for all of that. How can anything stay sane after 1 year of absolutely nothing, let alone 1000!
  19. Finished watching the iTunes version. For those who haven't seen the episode yet, I'll put it in the spoilers tag. And why do I need 100 characters?
  20. Looks like taking it off and putting it back on erased my data. I can play it now, but I have to start over from scratch. Now I know to never try that again!
  21. Right now I'm trying to take it off of my iPod with iTunes, then putting it back on. If that doesn't work, I'll just leave it alone until after work today.
  22. I'm having the exact same problem right now. I've tried restarting the app, restarting my iPod, playing other games for a while, playing music and coming back to it, but nothing works.
  23. I hate the social element to this game. I have tons of friends so far, but none of their treasure chests seem to get through. I've gotten a few, but hardly any. I don't think I got a single one today, and I need 5 to get through this quest. It's so frustrating! Also, I joined Gameloft. I'm Slendermane.
  24. Granted. Here is a badly written Dora the Explorer fanfiction written by someone with the name Show Me How. I wish I had my own personal library. Sorry. That was for MagicalStarRain. Blackopp1: Granted. No arrows.
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