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Everything posted by Wonka

  1. Has anyone ever played any older games or had some sort of interests or thought, and I mean 64bit era and prior (or 2002 and prior). Although I personally haven't played a lot of said older games, but I have had an interest in the Golden Age of RPG's. Such examples of games comming from that era are Ultima and Might and Magic.
  2. Another stupid and just downright hurtful, but its even more sad to see the levels that people will go through just to get some money. I just hope that this movie bombs and that the company makes an actual good film next time... if possible.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2hExQK_M1w&list=FLQzf-LBU8VxJliLXeNjUSRQ&index=22&feature=plpp_video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35l0RASPnv8&list=FLQzf-LBU8VxJliLXeNjUSRQ&index=23&feature=plpp_video But then again, quite a lot of music that I listen to, more specifically metal, hypes me up.
  4. Its undoubtable that the show and its fandom has improved the moral and overal emotionall well being of many people. However, that doesn't mean that the show is targeting those with depression or other negative emotional problems. I think that most of this is due in part to the fandom. The fandom is full of people with many similarities. This means that not only are the people going to help you, but there is a greater chance that they'll understand you as well, thus improving. To conlcude, it's not so much the show that is improving the moral and emotions of people, but more of the fandoms fault.
  5. I love how when people talk about the end of the series, they forget about the plausable next generations of ponies. 4th Generation isn't the end people, we still may have other generations.
  6. It's undeniable that there are aliens of some form out there. The universe is just to large just to have only one planet with life on it. I feel that there could be thousands of other species like humans, just that we probably wont be able to visit most them because of the vastness of the universe.
  7. When it comes to me, I'd have to say false.
  8. Dreams that are not scary, creepy, or that not so good type of wierd that I can remember.
  9. It has been shown that when you "wake up" from a lucid dream, you could still be dreaming. For example, you could "wake up", go to the bathroom, and do your business, but you were still sleeping and instead relieved yourself in the bed.
  10. Wonka

    technology Teleportation

    We may not have the technology or knowladge now to teleport, but we might have a large amount of options that could teleport us that we just don't know about, other than killing yourself and letting a clone live.
  11. I love sleeping, but I also like other things. I just love video games and ponies to stay asleep all day. I do, however, sleep in when possible.
  12. Internet and gaming nerd. Any free time I have, I'm on my PC either browsing the internet or playing a game.
  13. I find ponies nonsexually attractive, because of their personalities and how cute they are, and I find it normal for others to have the same attractiveness if using the same reasons.
  14. That's a sigh of relief. I wouldn't want a good character altered because a few people are getting mad about it/trolling.
  15. Stuff like this gets me to laugh at the possible trolling while also getting me to slowly place my face in the palms of my hand at how stupid people can be, that's if the person is serious. But I do think that this is trolling.
  16. I never realized that. Good find, nothing to realy argue against.
  17. Wonka

    ASCII Art

    I don't know the exact problem behind those, but they could be some sort of forum error.
  18. When I was around 7 or so, I thought that there was a small genie creature that could fly, that came out only at night, that was after me. The only way to protect myself, or so I thought, was to cover my entire body with my blankets.
  19. From what I got from reading this thread, this is what I can get: Public schools give social skills, at the cost of lesser education. Homeschooling gives you some of the best education, at the cost of social skills. Private schools give you a good education and gives you some social skills, at the cost of paying thousands (if I'm correct) a year just to be in it. For the most part, I find public and home schooling to be good. My only beef with any sort of education are private schools. I just feel that they're a rip off, considering that you can learn/make up any missed information or social skills from the other two options via sources such as the internet, or even going out once in a while.
  20. I said that the unicorns and pegasi could help with the flight, not be the source of it, to improve many areas of the ballons and whatnot.
  21. Wonka

    ASCII Art

    It's beautiful! Nice job, and keep up the good work.
  22. The architecture of the show, that is. I haven't seen one thread about it, so why not have one? To start, I find the architecture to be the nicest I've seen in a while, and it has been some of the only times that I've been able to call buildings and whatnot "eye candy." What say you about how the looks of it?
  23. I don't consider crap a swear word. And as marshmellow posted, it has a english meaning for junk. Therefore, swearing still isn't canon as of now.
  24. If I did something like that at my school, no one would notice... they would all be to busy not paying attention via talking, like how they always do in a normal class period.
  25. Almost anything that can happen will remind me of ponies. So yea, my mind is full of ponies.
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