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Cherry Splash

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Posts posted by Cherry Splash

  1. Hi thanks for the welcome (: Just one question...how do you put signatures on here? Ive been trying to get that question forever


    Oooh! Signatures! I forgot to do one for me. :P But uh, I believe you go to your settings. Scroll down a bit and it should be underneath 'Display name.'
  2. Hahaha Same here, I play it on Xbox at the moment because my computer died :< And yush, it is adorable :P made my day



    I know what you mean lol I live in a crappy place to relate to people about MLP and such, I know a few who play MC at least


    I'm actually playing it right now! xD haha. And aww. I'm sorry about your computer. :c Must really suck not being able to play in on the computer.
  3. Awwww! How cute! I'm only able to play minecraft on the XBOX. I'm never able to connect to Minecraft.net for some reason, though it doesn't bother me. I'm glad you shared this! It's truly adorable.
  4. Wow, that's a cool story. You sound just like Twilight!! :P


    I hope you have a great time here, and I want you to know that these forums can be great as long as you don't let degrading posts get to you. If somepony says something mean, or something that embarrasses you, just remember that they don't know who you are in real life, and that they can't judge you. I wrote out to people about this on this thread.


    I want to hear more from you, and I look forward to asking you for advice! (even though I am positive most of the time, I can get pretty depressed)


    Life is hard on here until you reach cupcake, or parasprite, because the more posts you make, the more people know about you.


    Good luck! B)


    Thanks for the advice! I'll make sure to remember it! You seem like a really nice..well, pony(?) (not sure if we say person or pony..), so I hope we can become good friends in the future! And thanks for the good luck!
    • Brohoof 1
  5. I relate to fluttershy the most. i dont do well when trying to make new friends irl and i can be super shy, but i am getting better with my shyness and being able to talk to people i don't even know. I love all animals, big and small. I also listen to my friends troubles as well, but it is usually relationship or other issues that are just depressing . . and hearing my friends being sad like that, and even more so when i have no advice to help them, just tends to bum me out of my natural cheery mood and aura.


    I have trouble making friends as well, and I'm shy as well, which is why I considered books more important than friends, cause they can't judge you. But I'm glad that you are getting better at it! I love animals too, I have five of them, and hearing my friends sad makes me sad as well. :c <3
    • Brohoof 1
  6. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle

    How did you find MLP Forums?: A friend recommended it to me. (And he's not a brony!)

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I've always loved MLP, even when I was little, so FiM was a great thing for me!

    Hiya! I'm normally the nerd in school and I consider my books more important than friends, or at least, I used to. And no, I'm not in character, or anything like that. It's one of the reasons I relate to Twilight so much. People normally come to me with their problems and I try to fix them as best as I can. I hope to make good friends and if anypony needs somepony to talk to, I'll always be here!

    • Brohoof 1
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