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Posts posted by SkyGust

  1. What's up bronies? Ex-brony checking in here, haven't watched or been apart of this thing since 2013. Just remembered this forum and decided to log in for ol' times sake. Anything interesting happen to this fandom? Or how about the show? Seriously haven't heard much about the bronies or the show since then. Clue me in guys!

  2. A bit off topic, but I gotta say, has anyone seen the new feature when you search on Youtube for a ponies name (Twilight Sparkle for example) and when you search, the top of the website will turn, whatever color the pony is you typed in? Try it!

    • Brohoof 1
  3. "It's a dangerous business, going out your door."



    When an accident leaves Twilight Sparkle seriously ill, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity must undertake a perilous journey to find her a cure.  What adventures await them beyond Equestria's borders? 



    Pretty good read, but it is a bit long, so if you want to check it out, be prepared for a long story.

  4. I mean, it doesn't fold. Or have 3D. They pretty much downgraded the system.


    That being said, I heard it was aimed for a younger group of people, which makes sense. (The case being for better protection aginst drops, and the 3D removed due to it being bad to eyesight of younger people.)

  5. They won't stop anytime soon. At least the franchise. I mean, its been out since the 80s. Hasbro will continue to reboot it until, well, Hasbro is gone. But the G4 which we all know will end, to keep up with the times. Anyways, what would happen? Im sure people would be upset, but hey, life has to move on.


    Don't worry though, Hasbro is making alot of money on this, and won't be stopping soon. 

  6. I have seen it. I don't honestly know what to say about it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't anything too special either. I would probably give it 3/5. The movie was just mostly interviews of bronies and their stories, and some stuff at BronyCon. (From what I can remember) If you really want it and have a few bucks to spend, go ahead and buy it. But if not, you should perhaps save your money.

  7. Fans will start rioting the streets, flipping cars, smashing windows, but it will get worse. Panic will spread through the world, and...... this is what is not going to happen.


    The fandom will live on, as everyone else is also saying. I mean, look at us now, drawing art and writing stories, and the next season isn't even out yet. It will be pretty much the same as it is at this moment. Don't worry, with all the money Hasbro is  making from FiM, it won't end anytime soon.

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Guess I won't need sleep tonight. That clip was pretty creepy, was not expecting CGI.... Man, luckily I didn't see that episode as a kid.... If I did... Oh man.


    Honestly, I don't find TV shows scary themselves. Movies, sure, but TV shows just don't seem scary to me. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. If they did make an episode, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, in fact, I know I would watch it. It would most likely just be one big joke, Im sure it wouldn't really be making fun of it.

  10. When I first moved into my house, it was pretty creepy, but everynight I would hear the keyboard typing, and no one be in the coumpter room. One night I was standing in the hallway looking and hearing the typing (my bro would hear it too) when all of a sudden I heard a voice say somthing, and for an 11 year old, I was scared as anything. I must have been half asleep or was just hearing things, and that typing must have been pipes or the house creeking..... I hope.

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