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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Fizz.

  1. I like that picture of Vinyl you have, where'd you get it?

    1. Despair


      Oh. Thanks! Here is the full pic: http://oi42.tinypic.com/r87z39.jpg

    2. Fizz.


      Aww thank you! It's so cute .3.

  2. Our local subway ran out of....bread.

  3. o, isn't dashie the best? :D

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Yes Dashie is the best.

  4. I am soo hungry ><

    1. SCS


      me too lol

  5. Down from the mountain look who comes, the American warlord Brigham Young!

  6. @Ampharos The mare nodded her head. She was eager to get out of this awkward situation and down to the party, where hopefully she could simply blend into the crowd. "Um, after you." Serenity hadn't a clue which door in the hall lead to the bar, but she was hoping Blaze did.
  7. Serenity nodded at Blaze. The hall was deathly quiet, only briefly broken by small pockets of conversation drifting in from some far room. She shuffled a bit, unsure what to say. "So um...How do you know Aarod?" The mare grinned awkwardly at the stallion.
  8. Serenity stepped into the party, late as always. She couldn't help it, while walking to the party she was splashed with mud by passing fillies, and had to make a last minute chang. She was entirely alone in the front hall, with nothing but a giant mansion to accompany her. "I uh...is anyone here?"
  9. Anyone ever seen the musical Next to Normal? ^^

  10. I hate when complete strangers on sites say things like "I'm here for you" or "I love you" because they're not, they have no idea who you are, and you probably would never cross them, and if there is no one there for you those words are just mocking.
  11. Serenity shuffled to the judges. She waved at them for half a second, before realizing her mistake and stopping. Looking at the table of weapons sitting next to her, she picked up a small knife, and weakly threw it at the target. It bounced off and clattered to the floor.
  12. Fizz.


  13. Gays are too hard to add into TV recently, and I say this as someone who is. It ends up either being a plot point or overshadowing other relationships. Until we reach the point in society where two people of the same sex can hold hands and not cause heads to turns, homosexuality is simply too distracting to practically put in a show.
  14. Is it Orlando? I'm guessing Orlando.
  15. The problem with #2 is its potential to be abused. The reason, in America, that press and people are given almost no limits to what they can say is because someone, somewhere, will find a way to silence their enemies through loopholes otherwise. I'm also confused on this "fascist democracy". How does the political rule work? Is there still a "Dictator" of sorts?
  16. SERBIA STRONG REMOVE KEBAB What's it like living in Serbia? Kind of an unstable place! Or is that just my Americanized view of Serbia?
  17. Trans are just people who want to be the other gender. It's a chemical imbalance from what my psychiatrist told me, though there are certainly other factors. No, it's not a fetish; certainly there's a handful of people out there who are trans for sexual reasons, but most switch to feel like themselves. Uh, it isn't insecurity, either. Very fit looking people can be trans. It's more...put your personality into another body, and it just doesn't work. You might not be able to tell, but it doesn't. You don't feel yourself.
  18. I absolutely love the United States. I honestly would not want to live anywhere else. I just like it here, despite all its problems and how inferior it is to countries like Finland. As above, another one of my favorites is Finland...it seems like a great place to live. And Norway. And Sweden. And Iceland. I love Scandinavia :3 Turkey is one of my more favorite countries historically, but I wouldn't live there; it's too hot and the government there is not the best :L I also like Ireland. It's a beautiful country with really friendly people ^^
  19. that's absolutely adorable
  20. I try to be. I mean it's really, really hard: everyone hates everyone and everyone is equally terrible. And then you have people like Oshawott up there, who think they're superior to most people. In the end, everyone has their own life experiences and opinions, and we all think differently. I can't say I hate anyone because I don't; I can't. It's not fair. Sure, there are people I'm not crazy about....but we can't judge everyone we meet. People may seem weird or rude or evil, but they're still people. I never hate the person; I do hate many actions people do, and sometimes the way they act, but I can't hate them. They've laughed, cried and sung like the rest of us. Osama Bin Laden played Volleyball.
  21. No, it's a fetish. Unless you explicitly know someone is transgender, there is no way of being attracted/unattracted to them. It's not its own gender or sexuality, and to say so is just silly.
  22. You've wondered about transgenders? That's a fetish, not a sexuality. Trans aren't their own gender, and it's ridiculous that people think they are. If anything, it's insulting to transgenders. "No no, we consider you guys a 3rd class..you're not normal enough."
  23. I can't say I love the AJ, but those two OC picturses are wonderful. I always get jealous of people who can draw so well D: Good job!
  24. I have a few. One I'm keeping private because I'm already in the process of beginning a book of poems about it, but the other I'll share. I was sort of inspired by Pulp Fiction. Anyway, an assassin is hired by, depending on where I'd go for with this, either a vice-President of a Company, or the Vice President of the US, to kill his upper so he can succeed him. To get close enough to be able to do this, the assassin will have to start dating the President's daughter and all that. Anyway, he ends up accidently falling in love with her, and he's unable to kill the daughter's father. At the end, he would end up killing the VP at a ball or party of some type where he was supposed to kill the Pres., and then he'd end up getting either shot or arrested himself. Just a pet project for a movie. There's others I have in mind. ^^
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