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About LordCooler101

  • Birthday 1998-11-06

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    Not Telling
  • Interests
    MLP,Halo,COD,Borderlands,Fallout,Mario,Pokemon and reading.

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. (Horah for 2013) As I walked into Luna's chamber my eyes instantly widened at the sight of the crystalvision,it was practically the biggest thing in the entire room as it took up one of the walls.I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything.When I decide to look over at Luna I could see her making hoof motions on the couch.I follow her command and sat near her,deciding that I should make the first move I slowly put my left hoof behind her neck as an attempt to create a "hug".At this point my cheeks are back to being strawberry red and Im back to being a nervous scaredy cat.I turn to Luna and nervously say "So,what game did you have in mind for playing?"After saying that I could have sworn I heard my mind tell me (PONY-BOY YOU BETTER NOT SCREW UP!)
  2. jeez, I guess I should have seen something like this coming.Also Meta for future reference, I believe it be best to have permission from Page before doing these post.
  3. I pondered what Luna said for minute before saying "Well,attraction can be a complicated emotion to explain at times my dear."I stop for a moment to brush my mane out so it wouldn't cover my left eye and continued speaking "I mean,I did start to like you since Nightmare Night.Speaking of which,I'm pretty sure I was the only pony who didn't run for their life when they saw you.I understand that you use to be Nightmare Moon, but I knew that you changed for the better." I stopped again and looked at the castle before us that covered in the blanket of the night.The entrance is being guarded by two night guards with spears in their hoofs.I turn to Luna and say "Well,mares first."
  4. I felt a sense of dread hang over me as Luna began laughing.Even though I expected anger,laughter was even worse for me.She probably thought I was joking or something.However,my wave of depression was instantly put to rest when Luna told me why she was really laughing.I just had to facehoof myself for thinking like a depressed wreck.I brightened up at her every single word but she left me shell shocked when Luna told me she saw my dreams.For one,I didn't know the mistress of the night could see into dreams,although that should have been expected.Secondly,she saw into my dreams.My face couldn't have been more crimson today.Shrugging the thought off I responded to her challenge by saying "Yeah,we'll see."As we approached the castle I asked Luna "Since you've seen my dreams,you obviously know how I feel about you but let me ask you this,do you think I'm a fool for trying?"
  5. (I listened intently to Luna's brief summary of her life and intrest.I expected her to like many of the things she told me about but one intrest stood out the most.video games.Celestia had mentioned Luna's fascination for gaming but I didn't think it be this deep.Maybe if I bring this conversation over to gaming territory,it could go to my favor.I mean I'm a pretty avid gamer myself how hard could it be?)I thought to myself. After awile of hoofing-it, the palace finally came into view.At that time I realized that I was being very quite.I was a little angered by this and without thinking I said "Luna,I know you may think that this date is going poorly but just know that I tried my very hardest to make this perfect for you because thats what you are perfect.You are the most beautiful mare that I've ever meet.Everything about you is amazing.Personaly I prefer the moon over the sun.I think it looks cooler.Also,never try to think of yourself lower than anypony.I think your special.By the way are you a hardcore gamer or casual?After breaking out my rant and realizing what I said my face was blushing lobster red (WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?NOW SHE WILL NEVER WANT TO SEE Y0U AGAIN.)As my thoughts were shouting at me I covered my face with one hoof in embarrassment and waited for a response from the princess.
  6. (OOC:I hope I don't come across as rude for this but you kinda forgot about the post above which was on page 48.I'm not here to rush you,i'm just curious.Is Dawnpath in charge of where my story is headed?Also I apologize if I put this in the wrong area.Not sure if this could go in OOC or in here.)
  7. (A game?)I thought to myself while looking at Luna confusingly only to remember that Celestia had told him that Luna has a fascination with gaming."Um sure,let me just get my cupcake basket." I said as I put the basket around my neck so its more manageable to carry"Well,off we go."I said as Luna nodded in response.While we made our way to the castle an uncomfortable silence drifted in air between Luna and me.We haven't spoken in 5 minutes.Not liking the silence I finally decided to break the ice and say "Hey Luna,while were heading to the palace do you think you could tell me a little bit about yourself?" I said waiting for a response from the mistress of the night.
  8. As the mistress of the night began to approach me,I was simply mesmerized by her.She was just so attractive.But when she asked me about the activities I have planned I was caught off-guard.(Damn it,I was so busy getting those chocolate cupcakes from Pinkie and that necklace from Rarity that I forgot about the actual date itself!!!)I had no actual activity planned but I quickly thought of a back up plan and said with slight blush "Hi Luna,I was hoping we could get to know each other a little bit more by talking to one another.Oh I almost forgot, I brought some chocolate cupcakes.Although I'm not sure if you'll like them or not." As Storm was about speak his face began to blush even more as he said "Luna,you look really pretty today."Storm's face was bright red, his conscious was screaming at him (WHY DID YOU SAY THAT!!!ARE YOU INSANE??!!)Despite all of this though he kept his head high as he awaits for the night princess's response.
  9. "Thanks Celestia,I guarantee that Luna is going to have a great time with me.Don't you worry i will make sure to treat her with utmost respect." I said to the rainbow maned princess with a shy smile on my face. (OOC:Sorry for lack of updates,school work is a pain in the flank.)
  10. Hey, I don't have any clue as to how to link my character sheet on this thread but can I just put the URL.http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/storm-shifter-r1998
  11. Hey Page I made my character sheet but how do I link it to thread.(Also, Im using using a 3-DS to do this.)
  12. Hey guys I know Page isn't going to be here til monday but I need some help.I made a character sheet but how do I link it to this thread.(Im using a 3DS by the way.)
  13. (Im already in the role play , but here i am so you can sign me up.Currently about to date Luna.Don't really have a character sheet but can i describe my guy hear.)
  14. "Okay Luna I hope to I see tomorrow"I said as I trotted away from the throne room .As soon I shut the door I immediately started to hop up and down in excitement while yelling out the top of my lungs "I CAN'T BELIEVE I GOT LUNA TO GO OUT WITH ME,THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST DAYS EVER!"After awhile I had to stop because I kept noticing that one of the guards was giving me a dirty look that pretty much signalling me that if I didn't go already,he would send to a nut house.After the events that have transpired, I was emotionally exhausted.I jumped on my bed and thought "Okay this date has to go according to plan.First I would go to SugarCube Corner and order some chocolate cupcakes .Then I would go to Rarity's Bouquet to get Luna a present.After tha- wait a minute i've been thinking so much about this date and I just realized this,i know almost nothing about other than the fact that she used to be Nightmare Moon."After snapping away from those images of the evil witch i started to panic "Oh Celestia,what am i going to-" I caught myself mid-sentence just realizing what i was about to say "CELESTIA!" "She is Luna's sister,I could go to the palace in the palace in the morning and ask her about how Luna. After thinking for a good while now I finally fell asleep.In my dreams I was riddled with memories of the Nightmare Night celebration.I remember dressing up as a ninja that day.But most importantly I remembered the first time I saw Luna as herself, not as Nightmare Moon.She was absolutely astonishing.Her wavy mane that seem to defy all logic was mesmerizing.Her dark blue coat was stunning.Blue was always my favorite color.Everything about her was amazing.When she wasn't talking her royal Canterlot voice,she had soothing voice.Today was just to good to be true. My alarm clock began ringing as soon as both hands landed at 12:00a.m. I jumped from my bed began my daily routine of brushing my teeth and showering.Today I had to rush, so without haste I made myself a peanut butter sandwich,and ate it.After breakfeast I sprinted towards the palace.Once I reached the palace, I had to catch my breath for minute.Once that was done I opened the door leading inside as usual there plenty of guards eyeing me but I didn't let tnat bother me, I had to get to Celestia.Seeing the door that leads to the throne room I started to get nervous like i had been when i came to see Luna but luckily it wasn't as severe as before so i had the courage open the door.I had a complete de-ja-vu moment there,every thing looked exactly the same only except it was Celestia on throne as opposed to Luna.When Celestia saw me, she greeted me with a smile.Did that mean she already knew about the date or is this how she greets everypony.Today, I didn't feel like hiding behind the bushes so i just got to the point and said "Princess Celestia, I just wanted you to know that im about to go on a date with yoyr sister,Luna.Anything i should know about her before getting into this?" ( OOC:Yes,I know this is long but I had alot to say.)
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