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Minath Khalsi

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Everything posted by Minath Khalsi

  1. To anyone concerned, probably no one (except for this one person, you know who you are), I'm doing okay I just haven't gotten on a computer recently.

    1. ~Sole~


      I've actually been wondering where you were lol. I haven't seen you around much since before Christmas.

  2. Happy birthday to me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      Happy birthday! I would give you a cookie or something but I don't have any. :(

    3. Harmonic Revelations
    4. Child Of Darkness

      Child Of Darkness

      Happy birthday Minath.

  3. I accidentally started a cult in a internet chatroom. Merf.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Minath Khalsi
    3. Nomadic


      Intriguing, I'm not sure what MERF is, but you've must a given an excellent argument for it.

    4. Minath Khalsi

      Minath Khalsi

      Oh I don't know either.

  4. @, Minath sighed, glad she knew the link better than Tempest. She could feel his emotions without alerting him of her presence. "He's tired. He's almost content with what's going on. It almost feels like despair," Minath's eyebrows wrinkled together "but not quite." Minath turned to Discord and Caras' battle. @,@@Child Of Darkness, Oh no buster. You're not leaving us that early. Minath began preparing a spell to miniaturize Discord, so when the bubble broke it would appear as if he vanished. Presumably, because he had died. Caras seemed to be like the type to let his foes suffer to death, and leave them on the brink. If Minath miniaturized Discord and then turned him back into stone, then his life force would be preserved. The downside being that with Discord being so weak they might not be able to get him back out, or having to wait for him to regain his strength in his stone prison to break himself out, which could take millennium. While preparing the spell she tried to keep her magical residue to a minimum so if Caras did notice, which hopefully he would be too busy to, he would take no notice of the casting. Minath waited for the bubble to break.
  5. I have this weird complex where I hate myself but I'll still think I'm better than everyone else.

    1. Alex Kennedy

      Alex Kennedy

      I was going to say something, but I figure I'm kind of a broken record by now. Still, um...don't hate yourself, 'cause you're awesome. Or something. I don't think I have anything left after all the other times I've told you this stuff.

  6. @, Minath felt a strange tingle in her spine right before Tempest awoke. Something had happened while he was unconscious. She shrugged. "Well we can't win without you. But at the moment all we can do is wait. Caras and Discord are in a bubble, and I'm pretty sure Discord wants to stay in there."
  7. @@Child Of Darkness, Minath ignored the thing's words and looked back at Tempest (((I was thinking the runes would like, carry))) @ Minath looked at Tempest and tried to bend bother her magic and Celestia's to heal the poison off of Tempest. With the Aura Beasts, Tempest, and herself, the poison must wear off soon.
  8. @@Child Of Darkness,@, Minath cursed mentally as Caras locked himself in a bubble with Discord. She felt a twinge in her mind and turned to see Tempest in a difficult situation. Appearifiying next to Xecha, she hit him with the side of her glave ax, pushing him away. She bent by Tempest's side, trying to cure the poison with him.
  9. @,@@Child Of Darkness, @, (((Sorry for the delay, I haven't been feeling well of late.))) Minath heard the sounds of crashing and jumped out of her bed. She appearified her armor on her body and quickly checked Celestia's ley lines,finding dark magic and other foul presences. The process took about a second before she teleported where everyone was, in a flash of light so bright it activated her Celestial form, and blinded everyone nearby. Before Caras had a chance to react or regain his eyesight (she figured Caras being made of basically dark magic and smoke, dark < light, so it would take a moment longer to regain his eyesight) she pulled out her glaved ax, newly embeded with god magic runes. She swung it at Caras, and with a pure magical force tried to temporarily make him stay in his regular form so he had to take the hit. (((Sorry if it seems like I'm godmodding, but Minath is fully rested, in her Celestial Form, peeved off, and has the element of surprised. She's kinda OP at the moment.))
  10. My friend made a webcomic and it's awesome! Check it out ==> zeniea.com/zquest

  11. @@Alex Kennedy Don't feed the parasprites @@Spartan, But what if I don't want to talk about it in fear that if I do, someone will get hurt by my own pain? If I tell someone, what if they feel like it's their fault? If I tell my mom, she'll feel like if she was a better parent it wouldn't have happened. If I tell my friends they'll feel like if maybe they were a better friend I wouldn't feel so lonely and angry. See the problem? I don't want to hurt anyone. @@Snowdream,@@TwistedShadow, I like writing my feelings in hopes that maybe someone will look at them and think "dang, this is my life" and realize they're not alone.
  12. Sometimes people will ask me, "Minath, why do you cut? Everything in your life seems... perfect. And you always seem so happy!" I always respond the same way. "Let's say for a moment that you were always angry, always sad, and you didn't want to hurt the people you care about by taking it out on them. Let's say everyone always expected you to be happy and cheerful and all the rest. Everything everyone expects you to be. Let's say that you try so hard to live up to those expectations and because you always feel angry and empty and sad you feel like you're failing everyone you care about. But you don't want to hurt them. You don't want to hurt anyone, you don't want to make anyone cry. So instead you take your anger and sadness and failure out on yourself to avoid hurting others. You believe that by doing this to yourself, you're doing the universe a favor. And when people notice, you feel guilty for making them cry and making them upset. You don't want to hurt anyone. So you tell them you'll stop. You'll stop for them. And for while you do, because you don't want to hurt them. You don't want to hurt the people you care about most. You don't want to hurt anyone. But after a while all that anger and sadness breaks through your walls, and you end up hurting the people you care about by hurting yourself. And you feel terrible for hurting them so you punish yourself. I don't want to hurt anyone, I don't want to make anyone cry or be worried. So I hurt myself to save those I care about from myself." And everyone who hears my explanation has questioned me about it again.

  14. Okay I'm drawing lips on photoshop and honestly, I hate drawing lips. So I keep on revising them until it's pretty good, then I zoom out to look at them. And in my head I'm just like, "I just created seductive lips on accident. And they look good."

  15. I don't think you know real anger, frustration and hatred until you've drawn on photoshop.

  16. @, Minath was beginning to shake her head when Tempest took off. It was night, and night was now Tempest's territory. he would be able to bend shadows around him if he wanted. Instead she sent him a message through the royalty mind link I know you're hurt and scared. And I can't exactly help you, considering I'm clueless myself. And this may hurt you, but I have a suggestion for you. Look through Luna's memories to her last moments. Look for any sign that she held any spite against you. If Luna can forgive you in her dying moments, and she could, why not forgive yourself as well? Minath then went to her room, the small one that she still used, and shed her armor, crown and necklace. She curled up on the bed and fell into a fitful sleep.
  17. @@Alex Kennedy, Minath made sure they were alone. "I don't think there's anyway Raptor could've done it. He may be a total jerk most of the time, but he wouldn't do anything like that. You've seen how he interacts with Syl. He wouldn't do anything to hurt her, and if he was behind all this that would definitely put her in danger. So I say we get Syl out of the barracks. Doing that might make Raptor a little bit more easy to arrest, at least. She may even be able to help find him. So what do you think, should we go for it? If we do, talk to the Old Man first or just do it?"
  18. @, Minath took the book. "Thanks... How long were you in the past you think? And, um, if you need any help for keeping Luna's memories from overwhelming your own, I can help with that. When I first became princess, Faust that sounds so weird, sometimes I would just snap into the past. After a while I realized that it was Celestia's memories... kinda makes it difficult. Luna... Luna helped me. She had the same problem with Equinox, you know. You could probably pull up the memory. But I've found out hat the farther you go back in the princesses' lives the harder the memories are to control. One time I found a memory of Celestia and Luna playing together as fillies and I was trapped in the memory for days. Sorry, I'm, uh Rambling, aren't I?" ((I would kinda think not... I dunno.))
  19. Minath put a hoof over her mouth as the Captain Commander spoke. ​Raptor... behind the disappearances... I may not like the dude, and he may sometimes be creepy and scary as he*l, but I don't think he could be behind it. After all, I've seen the way his face softens when he's around Syl... SYL!! She could be the clue in finding him... But we need her out of the barracks... I better talk to Rambler about it before I make a move, though. @@Alex Kennedy, "Rambler, a word outside, please?"
  20. @, Minath looked at Dark. "He and Xena traveled into the past. I found them enclosed in a block of ice. While I do know what happened, I think that's for you and Termpest to discuss. But first, I need to talk to the new Prince of Night." Minath gave Dark and apologetic look and flew to her personal library, finding a book. While the concept of the book seemed ridiculous as well as the title, the contents were genuine. Minath found Tempest on his balcony. "I have a book you can borrow. It may seem foolish, but it's effective." Minath said, holding up the book with her magic aura. 101 Tips For Newly Coronated Royalty; The Throne and You
  21. @, Minath shrugged. "With your new, uh, occupants," Minath said, then pointed to her head "it was pretty easy. Not to mention the fact that I was the Princess present when you were coronated, and I'm the Sun and you're the Moon, similar backrounds, blah blah blah." Oh, and there's also this. Minath thought to Tempest. The royal pair had a mind link, very similar to the one shared by Minath and Rambler but the royal link was passed down with the essence of the previous royal.
  22. @@Alex Kennedy, Minath nodded. If there was one pony in Equestria that could beat the old man, that pony, creature, whatever, deserved a freaking medal and world domination. And while Minath wasn't very fond of the 11th, she was fond of the lieutenant. In the words of Note, Minath's best friend, Syl was 'So Kawaii'. Minath never fully understood her best friend, but that was okay.
  23. @@Alex Kennedy, Minath blushed and stared at the table, tapping on it with her hoof. - -- - pause - pause - -- - - pause -- - pause -- - - -- pause -- -- pause - - pause - -- pause -- pause - - - - Minath realized that anyone who actually knew Morse code would be able to tell she was freaking out. She never liked the feeling of being helpless. She whispered over to Rambler. "You can start by getting the dang buckle at the nape of my neck and waking me up tomorrow morning." Then her tone switched and she made a face that was grim and looked like she had just drank a quart of lemon juice "that is, if there's a tomorrow morning. Fausticorn above where is the old man?!" (((The Morse code above says "RELAXMINATH")))
  24. Minath scrambled around her room. "crapcrapcrapcrapcraaaaaap" Faust is a jerk. That is the only solution. Not only do I miss the announcement for an emergency meeting, but I also can't find Rambler anywhere and my alarm doesn't go off. Yep, Fausticorn above has forsaken me. Minath donned her armor, not bothering with the buckle around the back of her neck that she could never reach, grabbed her saddlebag with her teeth and fled the barracks. Pumping her wings to give herself extra speed she thought she saw Rambler. @@Alex Kennedy, "RamblerRamblerRam... oh hey Flint sorry gotta go important meeting late bye!" She arrived at the 1st squad barracks, head down and blushing. She realized that her saddlebag was still in her mouth and placed it on her back, eyes glued to the table as if it was going to teach her morse code if she stared at it long enough. She didn't want to think of the ponies that saw her in her rush. ...don't think don't think don't think... Where in the world is Rambler?! He needs to be here, like, right now. I am so screwed without him. He's like, my receptionist. I just come up with the plans and take down some hollows. Come on... appear right about now! Now? Dang it where's luck where you need it? What did I do to deserve this level of Karmageddon?!
  25. Minath turned her head as Tempest disappeared. She knew where he was and what he was doing, thankfully, because royalty, when introduced as pairs such as Equinox and Solstice and Celestia and Luna, had a stronger mental bond than those introduced separately. It was even stronger because of the similar mental connections Tempest and herself shared. Tempest... Faust dang it. I freaking hate the cold. So now you're going to make me go aaaaall the way back to Tartarus and unfreeze you. Great. But I guess the noble cause of collecting Aura Beasts was worth it... Minath, after her internal monologue, sent a quick message to Rambler. I'll be back soon. Minath teleported out of the palace and as close to Tartarus as she could. When she was at the gates, she took flight into the shadowy realm. @, It seems over time the demons of Tartarus had actually built a shrine around Tempest's cave, and Minath cut through the "worshipers" with glee. It had been to long sense she had last wielded a weapon. I'm glad that I was present to coronate him... it would've been way more difficult without that... Minath was especially skilled as a tactitian and using shielding and combat spells. While most unicorns, or even alicorns, tried to avoid pouring emotion into their spells, Minath had always found her spells to work better the more emotion she had. She poured every ounce of her being into her spells as thoughts flitted into her consciousness. Why am I just now sensing Tempest? Shouldn't he have been here all along? Or did the actions in the present cause actions in the past to take place? Would it have been possible for this outcome to not have happened and we enter some kind of "doomed timeline"? Minath's tactic for getting Tempest out was simple. Form small shielding spells in the rock, move the shielded contents, pieces of rock, and then where the rock was now missing form another shielding spell and push the boundaries outwards, preventing any kind of cave in to happen. Eventually Minath had the entrance to the cave cleared. She summoned the power of the Sun, a gift granted to Celestia's heir, and turned the cave into a temporary supernova. Because of the shielding spell Minath still had up, the cave wasn't super heated to the point of collapse. She knew Tempest would be okay, even though his suit was now Night and Cold and Minath's was Day and Warmth. She sat down, and fixed her crown. As Tempest came more and more around she was sensing other presences in his mind. Kind of like Xena but more, volatile. After a quick thought she went partially into her Celestial form, her mane picking up a breeze that no one could feel and her horn, body and wings getting slightly bigger. (((Sorry if this post seems kinda rushed.)))
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