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Everything posted by himanuts

  1. They aren't distracting us. They wanted our attention and they got it. All they really want is ratings for that premiere, and they're gonna get it. Haters, supporters and in-betweeners of the Alicorn Twilight thing will all tune in. Regardless of Alicorn Twilight or not, just the mere concept of switching cutie marks is bound to be hilarious.
  2. Sea ponies are going to be featured in one of the MLP:FiM children's books that will be released in March or April. And if I recall, there's going to be two species of them. http://www.amazon.com/My-Little-Pony-Under-Sparkling/dp/0316245593/ref=sr_1_18?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1359694781&sr=1-18&keywords=my+little+pony
  3. Just like I see Discord as a weird odd horse species, I see the same for the Changelings. If the universe that Equestria is set in has horses as well a miniature magic centric counterparts that are their own species called "ponies", why can't changelings and draconequi just be other species?
  4. Oh no, I didn't find it negative at all, and I apologize if I did make it look like I did. You're comment just made me realize what I mentioned in the last post. In the context of Goku compared to his human friends. Yes. It resembles what may be a possible outsome to all this. The Super Saiyans outclassed the humans by far by the end of the series. And possible the new Dragon Ball movie coming out may be the best example of this. Goku is battling gods now.
  5. Twilight is about to become a pony version of Goku. While I agree with all that you've said. I have to disagree with this little comment. The reason I find Goku likeable is that he worked with the resources around him to improve his natural talents. Super Saiyan state is as natural to the Saiyans as the Oozaru state is. It's just much harder to attain, and only few do because of how hard it is. The Super Saiyan legend kind of reminds me of how Star Swirl the bearded is portrayed as in the show. Goku fullfilled what the Legendary Super Saiyan did, Twilight seemed to be about to fullfill what StarSwirl did. Looking at it, part of why I like Goku is part of why I like Twilight. Naturally talented and made the best of their natural talents and abilities to become better. Twilight being turned into an alicorn feels like Goku wishing to Shenron or Purunga for more power.
  6. She doesn't give the same vibe as the sisters. She seems fully grown. And at least when Lauren was involved, Luna was yet to reach her full growth. "Luna Eclipsed" basically hinted towards this with her increase in height compared to her first appearance. This is just another one of the many subjects that make alicorns so darn confusing.
  7. I gotta agree with OP, I'd love something focusing on Twilight and Celestia's relationship as student and mentor. As for a plot? At this point I'd want something fully explaining Alicorns. Maybe something involving Luna and Celestia's past before they came to Equestria and became it's rulers. And it's coming back. Probly the reason Celestia seems to have been strengthning her guard up with the addition of Discord and now Alicorn Twilight.
  8. All instances of Hasbro shoving in merchandise ideas have proven to not had been the idea of the showrunners. With Lauren's comment on this not being her original vision for the character while she was working on the show it pretty much points towards it all being Hasbro. Yes, they managed to work out some great storylines with Hasbro's shoved concepts. A Canterlot Wedding being the finest example. It's really hard to think the whole Twilicorn thing wasn't Hasbro's idea. And from a marketing standpoint it makes sense. The Celestia toys helmed the toyline for the first season, and most of the second. The Cadence toys have basically been doing the same for the remainder of the second and so far the third. Hasbro needed something new to rotate Cadence out. They probly thought up Twilicorn as the answer. Toys rotate out every year.
  9. I'm flattered you took my comment so seriously as to write a small wall of text in response.Mind you, I did read and basically agree with it. And I appreciate people who like a good debate and are thorough in their responses and opinions. But thing is, I never once commented on believing the Reddit post as fact. All I'm seeing is a big fat coincidence and are basically mentioning that I wouldn't be surprised based on the recent occurence if this coincedence stretched to S4. As to my opinion on seeing Hasbro as a backstabber, it all stems from how I've seen their francise managment work during G3 and G4. G3 was an abysmal shallow era with no effort put into it, but it still somehow brought them money. I wouldn't be surprised considering how succesful G4 has been if they decided to stop putting anymore effort and continue working with it in a rather halfassed manner by simple leaning on the popularity G4 has build up to now.
  10. Depends on what your looking for. Are you interested in brushables, or molded hair? If it's the latter. The Hot Topic Vinyl Figures is where it's at. And if you don't mind smaller figures, the McDonald sets aren't bad. They actually look more like the characters than the official Hasbro stuff. And finally there's the blind bags, the 3 packs Hasbro's been releasing (Shining Armor, Twilight & Cadence Set, Zecora, Spa Pony and Pinkie Set ect) are actually really nice.
  11. Applejack! She really gave of a vibe of second in command the first time I watched the first two episodes. She has the experience of responsability and leading due to her time working with her family at the farm.
  12. Thing is this wasn't the intention from the begining. She was just supposed to be this super talented unicorn. It was Hasbro being shallow and greedy that caused this turn of events. It's the thought of this unicorn, a member of a normal pony race, having so much talent and potential and working with what she had that made her so interesting and unique. Turning her into what kind of is a deity among men kinda turns that of.
  13. Considering Hasbro seems to have gone hypocritical backstabber on MLP:FiM. I wouldn't be surprised if something worse where to come for S4. But alas, all we have to do now is wait and see.
  14. I give it another 13 episode season at the least. Let's wait out and see how the finale's turn of events play out. Despite Hasbro most likely forcing this change due to their shallow and greedy reasoning, we all know the show's staff will try to make the best out of it.
  15. It's just going to be an aesthetic change. A pointless aesthetic change, But whatever. It's going to be ackward as hell to watch sometimes... I cringe at the thought of Twilight now being able to walk on clouds while three of her friends don't have that luxury. But meh. I've watched mostly for other characters that aren't her anyways, so I won't feel much damage. As long as they don't mess with Discord, Luna and Fluttershy I'm happy. Show should remain just about the same with it's slice of life plots.
  16. @@SOHCAHTOAWhen the characters where first designed they where meant to be young adults with rather childish minds and attitudes at times. Twilight is already an adult by in world standards. I don't think she has anymore growing to do. But ugh, I totally agree with you on this being so confusing. Yes, waiting is our best option now. If the finale doesn't deliver answers, I'll see if I get the chance to approach Meghan McCarthy and ask her about it as Las Pegasus in February. Should've done it when I had the chance at BronyCon.
  17. Aye, this topic is the second reason why I didn't want Alicorn Twilight to happen. Cadence made the concept to the alicorn "species" confusing enough. But now Twilight makes it even more. I've said it before, and I'm glad many seem to have taken up the same idea. With atleast the alicorn sisters being sort of a pony equivalent to the LOTR elves. But then we throw Cadence into the mix. And the Princess of Love doesn't seem to give off the same vibe the sisters do. She seems like a mortal alicorn. Perhaps a mixbreed of sorts. Decendant of alicorns and standard ponies. And now we get to Twilight... Oi. She becomes one most likely by spellcasting. And by any of the promotional pictures it seems she doesn't change much phyisically aside from getting a pair of fancy wings. She doesn't seem to have the same regal body the others have. At the moment I'm classifying alicorns coming in three variants. LOTR Elf pony equivalents (Celestia and Luna), mortal hybrids or something along those lines (Cadence), and those changed from a standard pony into one by the use of magic. :T
  18. Because the show is about the mane six and those close to them and who's lives they somehow touch. That's how it was meant to be from the get go. Just because a bunch of guys who started watching the show have an attention to detail that rivals Rarity's took notice of some greatly designed ponies in the background doesn't mean this ponies should now be given special attention. I rather more see the secondary and one shot characters be brought forward than any of the background ponies. I say leave the background ponies to the comics. As to toy distribution. Before making a toyline with a large library of characters much like the Transformers and Star Wars toyline. Hasbro needs to get their act together on making a small group of characters into figures that actually resemble them and that are of good quality. And not leave use waiting for months for just two new figures that would make a grand total of four figures in 6 months (I'm looking at you Hot Topic Vinyl Figure line).
  19. While Twiley isn't my favourite, she's a great protagonist in my opinion. She is such a well rounded character, her negatives are as clear as her positives. She is a character that strives on getting better and learning. She realizes her mistakes and attempts to correct them. And she even sometimes makes the same mistakes again, just like a real person sometimes does. Twilight's personality and situations highly resonate with realistic personality traits and scenerios.
  20. The Skyla toy seems like a random attempt on Hasbro's part to increase sales for the mutant baby pony line. Which I don't feel is that popular. But alas, Skyla is an odd situation considering nothing within the show has hinted towards her and we're nearing the seasone finale.
  21. Several pieces or merchandise depicting what looks like winged Twilight Sparkle has been spotted. Most recent, a toy magazine. EQD actually reported on this about a week ago.
  22. Ha, episode was funny and adorable. Loved all the character cameos. Also like the addition of the CMC's during the latter half, made all the interactions even funnier.
  23. The Changelings themselves aren't necesarily evil. Same kind of applies applies to the Queen herself. She just came of as a really asshole-ish b***h. But do I see her being "reformed"? No. I think she's to proud of an individual to give up on who she is. Which I feel is fine. She works well in the role of returning villain I think. Gilda? I never saw her as a villain. Any "reformation" for her could be included during a visit to the Griffon Kingdom.
  24. Because to Hasbro, pony princess now means Alicorn. That was the sole purpose of creating Cadence in the first place. And the reason Celestia is a Princess instead of a Queen. Also, the amount of merchandise that's popping up as evidence doesn't help. Wether or not bronies exist, in the end as long as this show exists, Hasbro will still keep marketing to the little girls. And to them, Pony Princess with horns and wings sell. And if they can add more characters to that line, they most likely will.
  25. If G5 is to be started with a new MLP series, I say it should take place within the same universe as G4. G4's universe is so well established and diverse that an infinite amount of stories can be told.
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