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Everything posted by MagicalStarRain

  1. @@AnonBrony, (SR & D) Star Rain glanced at the wall, then she looked around the town. She turned to Dorado, still expressionless, and asked,"You do realize that you're asking me to shoot some pony's building with a weapon in a crowd in broad daylight, right?" @@AnonBrony,@@Windbreaker, The book Kinetic Energy was reading was pretty much word-for-word the information Star Rain has disclosed to Eternity last night. There were some additional information like the historical accounts of miracles brought on by heroes who wished on the Scroll and a few pictures of runes and artifacts found at the now-abandoned city. The strange thing though was that there wasn't anything that told any pony about what happened to them after they made the wish. And it doesn't say anything about where these artifacts are now.
  2. @,@@Windbreaker, North Shine's ears perked up at the sound of Sonnet's comment. The "PO others off for the lols" pony inside of her wanted to have some fun. Besides, it would also steer them away from the conflict. For now at least. "Sooo, do you have a thing for this special some pony of yours?" she asked Noble with a mischievous smile.
  3. @@Windbreaker,@, North Shine didn't shake his hoof, only folding her forelegs and saying, almost pleadingly,"I'll get along with you, but you'll need Kanon for this and her help won't come as easily if you two are on bad terms. So please, I want you two to just make-up and move on. You don't even have to forget, just forgive. And I promise you this, the next time you run into Kanon, she'll try her very best to be your friend. Just promise me that you'll try as well, alright?" She then glanced at both Sonnet and Noble and added in a cheery voice,"Any questions about the mission?"
  4. @@Windbreaker, @, North Shine felt the whole thing escalating and her instinct told her to end it. So in a tone "Well, I'm sorry for not being a good speaker or a good defense attorney. Look, all I want is for you two to make up and move on. It wouldn't be good for your families if they found out that you two tangled with each other, you know what I'm saying? Besides, you saw what Star did when me and Kanon pointed our blades at Dorado. Do you really want her to be around when you two begin to argue?" Losing her wing blades to Star last night was kind of a big deal to her.
  5. @@Windbreaker, @, North Shine casually placed her hooves behind her head with a dull, surprised look and said,"Wow, you call that an insult? You must've lived a pretty good life if "insults" like that hurt you THAT much. I mean like I said, Kanon came from a rich family in Neighpon, but when she came here, she had to put up with insults on a regular basis! All three of us at that! I just don't get how what she said hurts you. Guess we grew too numb to realize it."
  6. @@AnonBrony, (SR & D) Rain? That's a first. Star Rain wasn't used to others referring to her by just the second part of her name. But anyways, "Well, you have other errands to do, right? Maybe you can just provide me with some tips or something before I go practice?" she asked, thinking she already knew how to load an arrow and shoot it. I think I can just learn how to aim on my own. I mean, if I can get a few battle spells down without a mark for magic, I can do archery. Just some repetition, right? @@AnonBrony, @@Windbreaker, (K, E, & KE) (OOC: Keep in mind, Twilight is not in this library. The Mane Six will not show up at all in this RP.) Kanon walked to the library and immediately spotted the two scholarly stallions she saw at the meeting. However, she wasn't here to greet and inform volunteers. She was here to pick up a tome and translate it, that's all. Not wanting to attract the attention of the stallions, she went over to the librarian's desk and asked for the tome. After paying for delivery and purchase, she stopped to glance at the scholars before descending to a desk in the basement level. She took out a worn lexicon, a blank journal, some ink and quills, and she began to write something down, all while muttering in Neighponese.
  7. @,@, @@AnonBrony, @@Tricksters Pride, @@Windbreaker, @@Nomadic, I'm curious, what would your OCs' theme songs be?
  8. @@Windbreaker, @, Huh, so I was right to check Ponyville's borders after all. "Yeah, sorry about that. Though to be honest, sneaking up on others is kind of Star's specialty," she said while laughing a little to cover up her unease at the cold stare she briefly saw. He still must be upset at Kanon for what she said last night. "Well, listen, sorry about Kanon and what she said earlier. She's pretty sweet, but when a pony like her comes from a rich upperclass family, she kind of has a little bit of right to be all snooty. I'm sure you and your wife will forgive her, right?" she said a bit innocently, and also unintentionally insulting Noble. (OOC: North Shine thinks that Noble is Ice's husband.)
  9. Biologically, I'm female. Personality and taste wise, I'm an in-betweener.
  10. ​Ok, so I know how to fire an arrow already, so that's good. I just have to learn how to shoot accurately, that's all. Maybe after getting a little decent at archery, I should go over to Eternity and ask how to do that spell. If he could infuse a sword with magic, maybe I can do it to my arrows. Then again- @@AnonBrony, Star Rain's thoughts were interrupted by the Esponish stallion who had aimed a crossbow at Kanon. She turned to face him and regarded him like how one would if they were looking at a stone wall. "Well before you can have your crossbow back, I need you promise me something," she said, looking straight at him in the eye. "That you won't use other ponies to show off your magnificent skills in archery, especially if and when we run into some pony along the way." She then glanced over Dorado's shoulder and noticed a small group of little fillies and colts staring at them. "Also, it scares the children." Kanon bowed to Eternity as he left and she and North Shine were left to prepare for the day. After cleaning up the living room and Kanon making North make Star's bed, they headed out of the door. "So we're clear on our plans?" North asked, looking at Kanon while facing the east while the earth pony looked the other way. "Hai hai, North-chan," the latter said while rolling her eyes. "No need to repeat it for the umpteenth time, now I've got to go now, alright? Bye!" and with that, she started toward the library. North snorted in mild frustration and went toward the market area. @,@@Windbreaker, As she flew overhead, North Shine recognized two of the ponies from the meeting and decided to try and boost her social skills. She swooped down and hovered over them, saying,"Hey you two, what's up?"
  11. To some extent, we all desire some amount and form of attention. There are just some people who seek it more than others, sometimes to the point of narcissism.
  12. I get along with a fair amount of people on this sight, but I talk a whole lot with Anon!
  13. I suppose it's because if I blocked a punch or a kick, they'd assume I wanted to inflict harm or something like that. Funny, considering I live in the southern region of the US. XD
  14. @@Burning Question, Wish I had that kind of luxury at my school. I never get beat up, but I've seen signs of people wanting to after hearing that I'm a martial artist(one reason I have for why I don't go around telling everyone in real life). If they were to come up to me and try to throw a punch to my face, I would get in trouble with the teachers for blocking said punch. And you don't have to tell me, but what kind of immigrant are you and which country are you talking about?
  15. Count me in. I've experienced it before and it has went down a little bit, but it still happens. It's happened to my friends as well and that hurts me more than the pain done to me.
  16. In this situation, it really doesn't matter how much the sculpture costs or what it looks like. It's common sense to not even lay a finger on art displays in museums and these parents seem to be lacking in said common sense. That's the whole issue here.
  17. I hit you with a phone that I dialed 911 with.
  18. 2018.
  19. Messy(sort of) Seashell collection Blue bed Two digital alarm clocks(set to go off at different times) A desk to study and do homework at Plushies 3DS A few video games LOTS of books A dragon made from real jade
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