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Everything posted by N8C8

  1. Man, if you asked about 4 months ago, I would have said SammyClassicSonicFan (That's a link to his old channel). Now, he's gotten much more tolerable on his new channel, but he's still pretty stupid.
  2. I like it because is makes fighting dragon types easier. I don't like it because it makes USING dragon types harder. Well, as long as Jigglypuff doesn't go around carrying a book labeled "Da Rules" I don't really care.
  3. Hey guys. Sorry, but I think I might have to hop off of this RP. To make up for it, I'll give you a video by the beloved Jerry Lewis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MA3406YJUg&list=FLsd0Cv9g0QU82qcJRSN3ORw&index=33
  4. Every time I stub my toe. It is a fate worse than death itself. I wouldn't wish it upon my greatest enemies. There is nobody that can say they don't feel pain when they stub their toe...
  5. My whole life, people spell my name wrong. My name is "Nico," but, I've seen it spelled: Niko, Nikko, Nicko, Nicho, Nicco, Neco, and Nichko. 8/10 times my friends misspell my name, so I've gotten used to it.
  6. Well, this RP has slowed down considerably, am I right? So... how is everybody? I've been drinking more milk than usual lately... that's a thing.
  7. Well, this RP has slowed down significantly, am I right? So... what's up? I've been drinking milk lately, so that's a thing.
  8. Well, the title is pretty self explanatory. There are several different kinds of fans to choose from. For instance, there is the desk fan: There is the hand fan: There is also a ceiling fan: Well, pretty much any kind of fan you can think of. So, which one are you?
  9. My prediction of the season 4 opener: THIS JUST IN! AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE ON PRINCESS TWILIGHT'S LIFE! THE POLICE HAVE NO LEADS! Then, Twilight promptly goes back to being a unicorn. THE END! Nawbutreally, at least now we can call her Twilight Princess!
  10. Ok, so it has been confirmed. We STILL don't know wheather it will a permanent change or not. This video kind of sums up what I think about it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4-1HOuveq4&t=1m28s Skip to 1:30
  11. Hey Spike, douse yourself with this kerosine. Good, now take this lighter and light yourself on fire while drinking this mercuric bromide. Huh... this is more fun than I thought...
  12. Hell, I don't know. I have an idea! Let's make a useless thread to debate pens and pencils! That seems like a good idea! I'm full of thooooo(sarcasm)oose...
  13. No. Most people who play violent games are kids under 17. Kids aren't THAT stupid. Just because they see killing in a video game, doesn't mean they'll actually go out and do it in real life.
  14. your FACE dusnt no how to ploy golf! galf iz teh most boring sport evar. it so esy!
  15. i bet u went to skool at poo face skool! butt head!
  16. OK GUYS, I HAVE A PLAN! IT'S F*CKING FLAWLESS! Here's what we do: We stop worrying. There are rumors, rumors, that Twilight may become an alicorn. Please, give the writers SOME credit! I'm sure they aren't that ridiculous. If it's the finally of the show, fine. If it's temporary, fine. It most likely IS one of those things. If it isn't, we wouldn't know. You guys are all looking at worst case scenario. My point is to just relax! If it DOES happen, and it IS permanent, then you all can react how you want. The thing is though, we DON'T KNOW!
  17. N8C8

    open The Keeper

    Swish ran up with Ace. The battle looked like it was just getting started. Thousands of ponies were fighting. It would take you forever to even begin to count them all. "Well, here we go!" Swish yelled as he rushed into the battle, stabbing an enemy soldier while he was distracted, giving the guards some help.
  18. So, I don't think there are many, if any, Quantum Leap crossovers yet. It's a great show. I wrote a quick crossover of it where Sam finds himself leaping into Equestria. Quantum Leap: Feeling Hoarse June 14th, 1986
  19. Cool, I like these cards- Oh... Sorry, I thought you were talking about decks of cards. You know the spade is the best suit in the whole deck. The ace just makes it better.
  20. Procrastination is SUPER EFFECTIVE!

  21. Well, Swish was alone due to all of the others getting trapped behind stone walls. Goody. "Yeah, you guys want to do that fast?" Swish looked at his torch, which was slowly dying. "My torch is going to burn out soon, and I'm not one for being alone in the dark!" Swish felt the same breeze he did before. He looked all around him, but there was nothing. Unfortunately, that breeze blew out his torch. He sighed, and threw it to the ground. "Fantastic. A dark cave... That's EXACTLY the kind of place I wanted to do this in..." He said, taking out his shield. (OOC: Sorry, I felt like I had to post something, because I haven't been doing much, story wise.)
  22. I'd choose earth pony. Mostly because everything they do is based on their merit alone. They don't have any huge perks to help them along the way.
  23. "You got that right... This place is eerie." Swish admitted. "Try to ignore it. Paranoia is the last thing that'll help us at this point." Of course, not taking his own advice, he looked behind him when a slight breeze fell upon his back. It could have been wind made from someone running, although it could have been natural... However, the only exit that they know of behind them was sealed. How could it be natural?
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