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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ImperialFoxes

  1. Living and Chilling

  2. Most of my inspirations came from music. (You Brony Musicians know how to pull on them heartstrings) With MLP coming in my life. It inspired me to be a better person, to learn some humility. Now these days my inspiration is random. Idea one day then "poof".
  3. I hate that I'm lazy I hate my hair isn't straight (It curls when its long) I kinda hate that I'm sensitive. (helps my friend) I hate I can't take criticism well (sometimes though, I've been working on that) ...Hm I have more, but not "worthy to type them" I have been working a lot of these, but my first one is there to stay.....
  4. My mom, she's great She always there when I need her. But like most moms, she is very strict about grades.....when I brought in a C....It didn't end well But I understand that because she didn't finish high school and she just wants me to finish with good grades. She cares.
  5. For starters....People think I'm Mexican. (Asian Descent). A lot of people think I'm slow and stupid when I'm actually very intelligent. People presume I smoke weed just because I get tired in classes....I don't live that life. I'm just bored.They say I'm a hipster when I wear a scarf...so? People think that I'm a loner, but in life I have many friends and I can do conversation.They say I'm aggressive and mean looking...false, In fact I am not shy per-say and I furrow my brows due to deep thought. I'm more apathetic
  6. Octavia has gained number one in my heart. I have no reasoning for it, but shes just it. Lyra and Colgate is near 2nd, but hey can't choose.
  7. I love spiders. However that won't stop me from killing one. Snakes though.....I absolutely terrified of them. I panic when I see them. Yet In books I'm alright....at least they wont bite.
  8. This episode was really great in my opinion. So many things became canon. Though I must say.....Trixie who I hated now is now my good list.
  9. depends, If it was only a medium sized figure maybe $50 bucks. However a figure of Octavia.......Maybe I would only go up to $90 to $100. I freaking love Octavia.
  10. I'm attached to music, it just calls out to me. Yet on a level that isn't an inanimate, is family. I would do anything to protect them. They were always there, so that mean I should also.
  11. The only piercing is my ear piercing on my left ear. I want another one soon though, but meh. I haven't really thought about it.
  12. My name is mine because I was thinking about foxes. The Imperial part though...it was some fanfic about a imperialistic regime....Hmm I don't remember what it was though.
  13. Sup guys. I remember I use to be in the festive mood. Always wanting it to be a holiday. Christmas has yet to come, but I feel no excitement about it. I no longer...feel "happy". Hmm...Why are even setting up so early? Oh well. Maybe when it does hit Christmas that will change. PS: I have no talent in decor. Do you have any decor problems? Share Stories please.
  14. I want to ask, "Do you remember back in the day?" Do any you reminisce about the past. Always thinking about the music and the musicians that passed. Maybe any cartoons? I'm a late 90's kid but I remembered a lot of them. So tell, Do you guys reminisce often?
  15. My only opinion that I want to post is that..... Best pony in my book is Octavia. Okay...maybe a few. I like dubstep. Past games ( Mario on on the NES Days) are really great and always fun to play.
  16. Hmmm, anything Chocolate. Yet Reese have one that play in my heart when I kid. Also KitKat. Don't care if mainstream All I care for is CANDY.
  17. I stand in this forum as a noob. Yet at least I'm acting like myself instead me working on to the popular list. Besides I 'm kinda lazy for something like that; for what, just to be known. Meh.

    1. Riclo
    2. ImperialFoxes


      :u That's not nice..... Don't care :D LOL

    3. Riclo



  19. Cheese is great. It can be smooth or crumbly.I approve of most cheese. Yet, I'll try other cheeses that sound good. Cheese on sandwiches FTW!!!!!!
  20. Well, a girl of course good looking, but she needs a good personality . Not like the nasty ratchet bi...girls at school. Also a girl who actually can understand the things I enjoy (Music, Games(If any) literature). Kinda cheesy, but hey. I'm kinda a romantic. To woman I'm a gentleman.
  21. Honestly, I do care for them. However you just get bored of it. Sometimes you need someone to spend it with. I know family is great, but can I get some friends over.
  22. Holy crap Bronys...You guys are rich. I would only spend about seventy bucks on merchandise, but the the amount that I've been reading...dang.
  23. Well I got one of those seat belts that buckle. It has all the characters. All so 2 shirts. One of Vinyl and the otherFluttershy...Still waiting for Octavia though.
  24. I'm very open minded. Always plays Video Games. I Like Reading. Can Do about 30 Pull Ups. Very personal and also hates....annoyances. .......I Like Octavia, (Best Background Pony, Opinion)
  25. My friend and I went to this festival and had fun and yada yada yada. Then out of no where I saw this girl with a Dj Pon-3 shirt. I couldn't believe it....So Me and my friend looked at each other and nodded. We did a triple brohoof.....weird day.
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