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Princess Lintsalot

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Everything posted by Princess Lintsalot

  1. Aaaaand time for another pointless status- I'm so proud of myself; truly I am.

  2. Seems I'm back, once again. :D

  3. I'm invisibubble. You guys will never find me :|

  4. Sir Lintsalot isn't a pony, right? I believe I win, yet again. Just look at that magnificent party hat, the way he stands there. It comes across so resolute, as if nothing can stop him. The way he's hit by the nonexistent lighting, perfectly offsetting his drab brown coloration. Clearly. Anyways, I'm done extolling his many virtues, I guess.
  5. Okay, then! I'll get straight to work... Like I mentioned earlier, though, don't expect a masterpiece or anything. My digital art leaves some to be desired Righty! Hand-drawn, here we come!
  6. So, since I need to get my drawing skills back in touch, I've decided that I can try taking requests. These can be either digital or hand-drawn, but don't expect any great results, as I tend to fumble around at most anything I do xP I'd be willing to consider signatures, drawings, and the like, but nothing too fancy. In any case, details. I need lots of them. Links to pony generator pictures are preferred, as they're excellent to go on. And the format goes as follows: Request type: (signature, drawing, digital art) Subject: (pony, obviously, but which pony? Background, if applicable? Giz me detail.) Text(if signature): What text do you want, if any? What text style? Side notes/any additional requests: And that about wraps it up. Please consider asking me in any case, as I badly need the experience.
  7. Overclocked at 200 mHz 110 MB of RAM And I can run Linux/connect to the internet with this thing. I believe that practically counts as a computer, right? >.< In any case, it can play pokemon, and that's all that counts
  8. Best display name change ever, right?

  9. However, take note that diamond weaponry/armor would not exactly be overly useful, as diamond is in fact pretty brittle as well. In any case, my opinion really depends on the texture pack I'm using, as others have said. With the default, it's gold all the way, though.
  10. 3-month hiatus? Ugh. Anyways, I'm back, I guess.

  11. Well, after a 3-month hiatus, I'm finally back, I guess. Don't ask for details, because I won't give you any. In any case, I'm back, intermittently, providing I get somewhat good internet. This means I get to show more of my RP, right? Anyway, I haven't exactly gotten much progress done yet, but here's an incomplete place list, with short comments on each location. I'll get into expanding those details later, but this is just for an overview Locations: (concept- scenario A: SotA) The Empty Lands- Plains & Savannah. Buffalo stampede through, and earth ponies are constantly settling vast swathes of it. - Airborne alliance(Eh, this naming is temporary. Will likely change) Non-agression pact between the Pegasi and the Griffins. Highly belligerent, and takes pride in their military prowess. Unstable. Pegasopolis: Built onto the side of a steep mountain, unreachable by any other than pegasi. Pegasus capital. Cloudsdale: The heavily armed floating fortress of the AA. As it is built on clouds, it can move around at will.(I'll just assume for now that Cloudsdale was constructed pre-equestria. There's no canon info disproving it, after all, so I can fit it in, I guess. In any case, I needed a pegasus place name >.< ) -Arcane Confederation: Leaders of the Unicorns. Split into the various guilds: Thaumaturges, Aquaneers, Pyrotechnicians, etc. Nobility gains special privileges, and a monarch presides over the AC. The Obsidian Hall: The ancient seat of the House Cantabri, the most powerful house(currently. Subject to change at any given moment). Imposing black structure, with obsidian exterior, as name implies. Interesting note: impervious to magic attacks, being magically treated. Serves as guild headquarters for the 'The Spire': A gargantuan tower shaped like a Unicorn horn. Training grounds for young unicorns, and to-be-warlocks/soldiers as well. (Side note: Brainwashing here? Could be interesting...) Minstrel's Rest: A meeting place for musicians of all kinds. The Unicorns, whose territory MR is in, charge a steep entrance fee, but the concerts are said to be legendary. Of course, as usual, I'd love to see feedback on all this!
  12. Yeah, I'm still around. To be honest, I've been juggling too much with exams coming up, but I'll still try to stick around. At least Dancing Shadow is relatively quiet, generally, so you're not missing much Anyway, post coming up!
  13. Care to explain the 'Imagination' special power? If it just means she can do anything with magic, I'd feel that's a bit OP for my tastes. For instance, are there any flaws with her powers(leaves her exhausted, makes her dizzy, etc.) Other than that, you're in. Welcome to the Crystal Empire! Sure, feel free to come in! I've just been a wee bit busy with upcoming exams, but I'll be back in the thick of it as soon as they're over Also, A crystal pegasus? Interesting choice, there... Don't worry, everypony makes mistakes. Accepted(again) as well.
  14. You guys are both in, as long as you post your OC threads here Don't worry, I fully intend to let this continue as best as I can with mah synchronisation issues.
  15. It seems to be pretty broken to me. It's sayin' that the next episode is about 14 days away. Is that a time zone bug, or is something seriously messed up?
  16. Now, just for the sake of fun, I'm gonna assume that the ponies are 1:1 scale with the toys themselves. I, as a human, would be a giant. I'd obviously start off very confused(Where am I, and what are these tiny ponies doing, swarming around me like that?) Next off, with all that publicity, I'd likely catch the attention of both Twily and Celestia, who I'd take hostage. Then, with that done, I'd rule Equestria as I'd see fit, as a tyrant.
  17. Eeyup, exactly that one. I was hiding in the oven, eating the cake. Sorry about that.
  18. Doug Finch was drowning. He'd never even been close to any water before, and he couldn't swim. Thrashing wildly, he tried to maneuver himself to the light, to the shard of pure white cutting through the gloom. Just a few more meters and I've made it. If only my lungs weren't bursting. Just in the nick of time, his head broke the surface of the water, ripples destroying the former calm, shattering the reflection of a perfect cloudless blue sky. He dragged himself to the edge of the fountain, heaved himself over the edge with the last of his strength, and then lay there, shivering. Wait a second, something's wrong here. A quick check can't hurt. Suddenly, Doug's gasp cut the stillness. Is that a... A hoof? What happened? Frantically looking over himself, he found that he now had four legs, each terminating in a hoof, in addition to a black coat and a glossy black-and-grey mane and tail. I look like some sort of a horse, maybe a pony? How the hell could that happen. The fountain. It cant be, though. Overcome by the shock, Doug promptly tries to stand up, and then winces, his spine curved in an excruciating angle. If I've gotta be a pony, then I'd better learn how. I suppose standing might be a good place to start. Doug now tries to stand on all fours, and with no response from his back, breathes a sigh of relief. The others. Are they the same way? He examines the clearing to find that everyone there seems to have been hit with the same ailment. A flash of black in the fountain catches his eye. My hat. I thought I'd lost it when I jumped in. Grabbing the hat in one hoof, he then slaps it on his head in a rakish angle. A flash of gold and scarlet from the plumes briefly waves across the fountain as Doug inspects himself. Not half bad, he smirks appreciatively. Now, back to business. Where are we even, anyway? He appears to be standing in a clearing in a forest. Trees thrust up on all sides, blocking his view of the sun. Birds are twittering on the branches, and a rabbit can be seen darting through the underbrush. A well-worn path snakes its way out, leading to paths unknown. Maybe one of the others knows more about this place than me. I'm totally in the dark. "Does any of you know where we are?" he asked, marveling at his changed voice. (OOC: Mah OC uses the metric system. It's much better anyway.) (OOC: Woah, I must be feeling poetic today. Where did all this flavor text come from?) (OOC: Mah OC's a man/pony of few words. I'll try to make up on that with some good descriptive text ) (OOC: (Edit 50/79) And yes. 'Mah' is a better term than 'my'. It's even a whole -1 characters shorter.)
  19. Oh, schweet! If we get to keep our belongings, then my hat should still fit! The hat is mah thing right now. A black hat, worn at a rakish angle, with a scarlet feather sticking in it. It's mah signature clothing. I really should draw a pic at some point. On topic, though, we start in the Everfree forest? Sounds fun enough, especially since there's a way out!
  20. Hey, at least you guys won't need to cope with me being OCD about mah accents... Rhaïn is a safe distance away from all this
  21. Well, I'm next to jump on the welcome wagon! As per usual, I'll tell you to have a nice time here at MLPForums, and to take the complementary cupcake at the entrance. As you can tell, I make bad jokes. Deal with it, I'll never change. Enjoy!
  22. Coolio. I suppose I can go for it! I need some 'leader' experience anyway, so this looks like a good opportunity
  23. A DM is a 'Dungeon Master', a term back from when everyone still played awesome tabletop RPGs. The DM basically moderates the RP, nudging it in a certain direction at times, chastising anyone for breaking rules, and accepts new people in, if given permission.
  24. Well, yet another update! I'm too hyperactive to focus on one thing for too long, but I've turned my attentions back to sketching for now. I still don't have a good eraser. Sorry to everyone who bugged me. I swear, I'm heading to Karlsruhe to buy some on Thursday. For now, I have another drawing. No shading yet, but I honestly have no idea where to start on that. Anyone post a good guide, maybe? This time, I chose a slightly more interesting pose, so please tell me how it turned out, as usual!
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