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Everything posted by Genepool

  1. Sadly, I don't see the creators/dev team turning Twilight back into a "regular ol unicorn." To be quite blunt, I expect them to have a second ascension of sorts for the studious pony where the MLPFIM team follows Faust's original idea for Twilight to replace Celestia. She'll become as tall as Princess Celestia, gain a flowing mane, and she'll lose her quirky personality as she assumes a more "regal" appearence to lead the ponies of Equestria. This will probably happen near the season finale as Hasbro unveils a second "Princess Twilight" toy line in 2014. (Nonsensical rant of mine, don't have to look at it. Just giving fair warning about it.)
  2. Yea, I saw the comic as well and thought it was quite enduring. Still sad that it was bashed on EQD as the fanciful tale of an anti-Twilicorn brony. I have extreme doubts that Twilight will be reverted to that of a normal unicorn. It's definitely agreed, at least from my pov, that if they expand upon Twilight's character that has ascended and show her doubts/concerns that are fully realized in S4, opposed to outright "I'm a pretty, pretty princess now, I haven't a care in the world/everything will be fine, and I accept who I am with others doing the same" acceptance, then it will smooth over some things. To be brutal and honest, Rainbow Dash's character wasn't right when she said "aw yea, a new flying buddy" as she was all-too-quick to accept Twilight's transformation. With her character being rather self-centered to add in that spark of uniqueness since she's the element of loyalty, I thought she would say something like "great, another flier. When will AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie get their wings?" in a rather cynical tone. Also, I really expected her to start talking amongst the others as to how they fit in since Twilight was now 100% royalty since all Alicorns are princesses. Sadly, I do expect atleast two, maybe four new princesses to be introduced. If they were to introduce a non-alicorn princess that would be great, but it's doubtful. My headcanon is Hasbro dictates that all little girls want to be princesses and special. Since all princesses shown thus far have been alicorns, a special mix of flight + magic with qualities of all three races, then little girls can relate since alicorns are special and thus princesses are special. The only non-alicorn princess we have heard/seen is Princess Platinum from Hearths Warming Eve. Other than that, all princesses thus far shown have been alicorns. Hearts and Hooves day has a rather interesting problem where the image shows a regular unicorn princess, but the image changes when the CMCs look at the book again, showing a small outline of wings on the character in an expanded image.
  3. Agreed. I really needed a good cool down period after the episode aired to really gather my thoughts. At first, I down right hated the idea, and with time, i've come to dislike her ascension, but not to the extent of outright seething hatred like I once held. I still want to see Twilight revert to a unicorn, yet I must agree with you 100% that if it was done right off the bat in the season opener, this wouldn't be good. It's doubtful the change would send the wrong message. In all honesty however, I must concede that it would more than likely create another can of worms scenario where she just "gains powers" and "suddenly loses" them to feel like some cop out scenario. They could potentially do an episode where Twilight is trying to master some new spell which causes her princess hood to flop around to the other mane6 as part of a "it's not the outside but inside that matters" lesson/moral as each of the mane6 becomes a princess for a short period of time. I get the feeling this idea wouldn't be well received by fans and won't happen since it would duplicate circumstances/ideas in the MMC episode. Not to be a cynical downer, but I do foresee Twilight not being the last of the princesses to be introduced or ascend in the show. I really get the feeling Hasbro will push extra hard in S4, trying to introduce new princesses since they seem to want as many princesses as Disney, and they are trying to capitalize on the idea that all little girls want to be princesses. Any female, young or old, that says they don't want to be a princess and want to be something else is wrong. <_< (Don't really care about that since i'm a guy, but it just irritates me cause it seems so stereotypical. To have Meghan McCarthy say it on her Twitter feed was kind of a slap in the face, even if she expanded upon her words by saying she wanted to be like Princess Leia from Star Wars.)
  4. Agreed. There's definitely a schisim in the fandom when it concerns Twilight's ascension. The main reason people are probably more accepting is due to a variety of reasons, some being "She just gains wings, deal with it" while others offer more supportive arguments of "we got a taste of her in the finale, the writers will flush her character out more, and we're hooked now much like the person who gives free samples at the grocery store."
  5. I'm hoping temporary and we'll see some awesome series finale where Twilight will pull the same stunt in the movie Hercules where she gives up her powers to stay with her friends, aging alongside them even though she is a powerful caster. Realistically, I don't see it happening and it will be permanent. Hasbro can quite easily sell Twilight Princess toys if she is still a princess and kids equate it to the show with her "regular old unicorn" self being before she ascended to that of an alicorn. I doubt Hasbro thinks the same of the reverse if Twilight abdicates her power. I still want to see the idea of Chrysalis returning, taking Discords power for herself, changing the world into the Changling Empire, and Twilight saves Chrysalis by giving the changling queen her princess/alicorn hood. The darkness surrounding Chrysalis disappears and it's revealed that she's the lost relative of Celestia and Luna with the corruption around the pony being the same that surrounded Luna which turned her into Nightmare Moon. In honesty, I do believe several of notions/idea some have brought up where Twilight's importance within the Mane6 is elevated now that she is a princess. Though she can joke around about things, she's a princess right now which carries significant weight to it and eclipses the others who say "Hey i'm a wonderbolt" or "I'm a promising fashionista." Despite Twilight being Celestia's Protege, her status as student was important, but not so important that it eclipsed the others.
  6. *looks around* Ok... where's that picture of Oprah saying everyone is an Alicorn.... I have a very sad, gut feeling Hasbro will introduce three maybe four new princesses, but I doubt any of the mane6 will be it. From way back we saw that Princess Skyla toy and i'm betting she'll be introduced in S4 as the daughter of Princess Cadence with Twilight being her aunt or something.
  7. What i'm hoping for is two different kinds. There's mortal to demi-god ponies, and then there's true godlike/immortal ponies. Celestia and Luna would be the true godlike/immortals out there because of their power. One raises the sun while the other deals with night, but Celestia had the power to do both jobs. When Luna returned, she took up her old job and resumed her position of going into dreams. Unfortunately, we don't have too much concrete proof of what happens when an alicorn ascends or is born and how their life cycles work. Personally, as mentioned above, i'm thinking there are two kinds. I would consider Twilight to have an alicorn ancestor, or Star Swirl was her ancestor, and she ascended to alicorn/demi-god status. All this means is she gained identification as a princess, the wings, and her power stays the same. Cadence is a mystery since she was an alicorn during Twilight's flashback. I'm wondering if she ascended at an early age, or if she was born that way. I think the biggest problem some fans hold is the idea of Twilight being an immortal, learning to live through the pain of her friends dying. Luna is more than likely an immortal due to she and her sister having lived for quite some time. Even after the Nightmare Moon incident, I think she's still an immortal.
  8. After some time has passed, i've gone from hating the idea to dislike/indifferent. This is mostly due to conversing with some fellow brony friends on skype about it. Some don't like it either while others feel they would be more accepting of the idea if the story were flushed out a bit more in the episode. Not surprised we got a whole area dedicated to this... controversy of our fandom since Tara Strong said in the hub twitter feed "no, Twilight won't become an alicorn" yet she did. Personally, part of me still hates the idea, and I feel this way since Twilight could have had a way better destiny than the "Princess of Friendship." Would have been cool to see her as an Equestria Guardian, head teacher at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, Twilight being a descendant of Star Swirl who was an all powerful unicorn wizard with her taking up his place in research in magic, etc.... Playing devil's advocate about the matter, i'm indifferent. I won't be a person who goes "fandom over, Twilight character screwed, i'm leaving," and such since I want to see how things turn out. As mentioned, the execution of her turning into a princess could have been handled much better in the season to ease fans into the idea instead of it culminating in one episode. My only thoughts right now pertain to the writers, and how they are skating on rather thin ice, though I mostly blame Hasbro for assuming more control over things.
  9. I truly hope Twilight doesn't replace Celestia. It's just me, but I really feel like Twilight's character is degraded by being turned into an alicorn/princess, can't really put my finger on it for some reason. Part of me still wants to see Twilight forsake her princessdom/alicorn powers in S4 where she turns into a Unicorn, but is granted the title of Princess with it showing you don't have to be an alicorn to be a princess, etc.... Even more so, I want to see Twilight take the place of Star Swirl the Bearded where she serves as an instructor at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns or as a power magical guardian of Equestria that serves Celestia and Luna. It would also be good to say that Star Swirl is a distant ancestor of Twilight, and that's why she's quite proficient in magic. After watching Lauren's interview, I started to wonder about some the interpretation by some fans of Celestia and Luna, and if those two are cursed with Immortality. Twilight's role would be to relieve the two of their immortal powers as she takes their place, or just Celestia's place, allowing the two to lead normal lives. I personally hate that idea outright, both the immortal thing and Twilight taking over Celestia's place. The immortal thing is just placing curse upon curse like Final Fantasy X where the summoners are sent off to their death. Throwing this in spoilers as not to clutter this with a wall-of-text. It's my idea/hope for a series finale. Right now, I would say my major concern is a sort of "tipping point" where the S3 finale felt like a series finale ending as many have stated, equating things to where it's like the end of The Matrix movie, and it could have been left alone. In all honesty, Twilight's friends look like deadweight. The newly crowned Princess Twilight can more than likely wield the Elements of Harmony on her own without the need of her friends as she's probably crowned the Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and Harmony. Not to mention Hasbro could introduce a new cast of Mane5 characters to "accompany" Twilight as she teaches them about friendship. Another thing to mention is what the studious pony said in Magic Duel. Her words are probably negated. In the episode, Twilight said the age spell was on the highest level order of spell and she could never cast it. With her being turned into an alicorn, there's a very good chance her words are now false, and she can cast any spell she wants with her "ascension." -_- Hate to keep venting like this, sounding like a broken record and all, but I just came to really like this show and its direction. I guess my opinions at this point can truly be relegated to that of some obsessed fanboy who feels his idea for a movie ending would have been better, and the director was wrong. Anyways just my 2 cents on things as I await S4.
  10. There's probably nothing out there that will make me 100% ok with Princess Twilight, and, imho, this charade of "you get to be a princess through hardwork, recognizing friends, etc...," when the change is really about toy sales, kind of irritates me. With that said however, the brony fandom will endure. I have to echo the sentiments of Anadu. The only cautionary tale that needs to be said is at the end of the day, the show is product. If Hasbro deems it necessary that Twilight's personality change to sell more princess toys, they will get what they want, end of discussion. Just like that customer who walks into a subway shop and gets a ham sandwich/sub the way they want with the veggies and condiments. No amount of Meghan McCarthy and Tara Strong tweets saying "She'll stay the same," "Don't worry, everything will be fine," and "I won't change her personality" won't matter. Not to say the show is trash now since I still have faith in the writers, it's just that their comments can't be taken at face value anymore with a person like me.
  11. Agreed Himanuts, and it would have been an awesome lesson to show that "princess" is just some title bestowed onto any individual like Shining armor or Blue Blood having the title of prince. Sadly, this is 100% Hasbro work because all princesses that have been show thus are are alicorns. Even the story book from Hearts and Hooves day was changed from where she was a unicorn to a 2nd image where she displays wings. Only time that we've seen a non-alicorn princess was the holiday episode for Xmas where Rarity played Princess Platinum, but that's just one vs 5 confirmed Princess alicorns. I do agree that the episode was quite up to snuff, reminding me of Mary Poppins where songs help to convey an eloquent story. Also, like a song in that movie, a spoonful of good songs helped the bitter pill of Twilicorn go down the hatch.
  12. I have to agree that Twilight forging her own spell, with that being a direct result that turns her into a Princess/Alicorn, is really dumb. Star Swirl created countless spells, yet you didn't see him fluttering around as an alicorn, unless only mares can become alicorns with all alicorns being princesses and thus they're special in order to sell toys to little girls because they aliken themselves to being special little princesses which is what "every girl wants to be" according to Meghan McCarthy's tweet about girls wanting to be Princesses. The one thing I supremely want from S4 is showing that Twilight isn't all powerful, she can't cast age spells, there are spells she can't cast and can never cast, plus her friends still wield the elements of Harmony and Twilight needs their help to utilize the full power. Sadly, I doubt that will be the case. This episode feels like a compromise between Hasbro and the show's staff because we saw the chariott which is a direct product placement. Truly expect to see Twilight sitting in her new castle, or a special designed area of Canterlot that's her room which is reminiscent of the product, for a S4 opener. I would say that with Twilight turning into a Princess, there's nothing left for Hasbro to destroy, however, I know that's a lie in and of itself.
  13. I think we're losing people, but at close to the same rate we are gaining folks. This recent episode will put more on the edge, and in the end, we'll gain some folks.
  14. My optimism in the S3 finale is somewhat renewed with the premise of a musical number. However, this still doesn't make the bitter pill of Twilight being bastardized and mutated into a pretty, pretty princess to sell toys any more palatable. Still hoping that this transformation gets retconned in S4 with it turning out her destined was tweaked in some way by a malevolent force that the little adorkable pony needs to stop.
  15. I just really can't take what Meghan says at face value. Her comments just have that air of disbelief like you would get out of some automated machine. There is nothing wrong with character progression and change mind you. It is 100% truth that characters need to evolve to keep a show fresh, I have to admit that and accept it. However, Twilight's change isn't something normal. Her change is a drastic overhaul of the character as she "attains her destiny and emerges as a princess." The so-called "coping" mechanism concerns me as well since it isn't something a normal person/pony would do, and has a royal/regal mannerism to it. In all honesty, and quite sadly, I foresee Twilight becoming a more "regal princess" type to sell the products. Once Hasbro dries up that pretty, pretty princess well, they pitch the adorkable pony into the garbage like some used up waterbottle as they move onto the next character to mess with. If her transformation was temporary, or she was granted the title of "Princess" with wings bestowed on her Celestia that lasted for the ceremony, I would have been more accepting. Instead, I just can't view this as anything more than a great character being butched for the sake of the product. Probably wrong in my assumption/opinion, but its just what I keep feeling from this. For me, it's that sense of someone close to you betraying your trust in order to make a quick buck.
  16. Character change I don't mind, but massive character change like we saw with Twilight is something I don't like. I wasn't worried with Fluttershy's character because she would be the same pony. Twilight on the other hoof, she's undergone a massive transformation into "Princess Twilight Sparkle" and Meghan McCarth talking about it only makes me worry more. It sounds like she's trying to prepare us for an eventual change of Twilight into a "regal princess" like we see with Princess Celestia.
  17. That is what concerned me the most where Cadence was "coaching" Twilight on how to act calm in the face of adversity. Meghan McCarthy said they wouldn't change Twilight's personality, but this scene is a direct contradiction, imho, to her Twitter page. Hasbro demands the newly adorned Princess act more "Princessy," taking strolls around Equestria in her chariot to promote the toy, they will get what they want. Another concern is the uselessness of the other mane6. A scene from the video promo shows them without their elements. Why even keep them around is Twilight will now embody the Elements of Harmony. It's also a great way to kill off characters and introduce new ones, saving money on the amount of voices the VAs do. Still hoping what I saw was an animation error, but i'm highly doubting it. As for my current "reaction/feeling" towards Twilight, i'm on the not liking it, but I don't outright hate the idea. I truly feel with all my heart the studious unicorn was destined for something more unique. She could have been made a descendant of Star Swirl with the book produced during episode 2 of S3 beng for her lineage. It would have been so awesome to break the stereotypical mold to see Twilight ascend to that of a guardian of magic. Sadly, what we see here is the downfall of that idea with "every little girl wanting to be a princess" as Megha McCarthy was "coached" to say by Hasbro, quickly updating her twitter to say she wanted to be "Princess Leia" from Star Wars. This massive change to such an auspicious character just teaches me that I shouldn't have become so invested in the show that I loved it/ it absorbed me. That is truly my fault.
  18. I think my interest in the show has dipped slightly because of this whole Alicorn/Princess nonsense. This is due not towards the community backlash, but Hasbro treating the show as its own personal litter box to drop steamers into when they get a "brilliant idea." It really re-taught me the harsh lesson to not be so invested into a show that it eventually crushes you when it ends or a massive change happens. However, I am still a brony because of my fondness for the colorful equines. Season 1 and 2 were just absolutely fantastic and not even Hasbro raining down demands of pulling those episodes and having Twilight be a princess from the start can take away what I felt. What truly disheartens me is my chance to write a legendary fan fiction story, a selfish dream I believed in after watching S2EP3 and worked on it for close to a year and a half now, has probably passed. I'll still persevere on in the face of adversity, but I just have to come to terms with the fact it probably won't happen.
  19. I would personally welcome the idea of Twilight's ascension being the cause of the problem and in the end, gives it up to save her friends. Another thing I would do is be apologetic for spouting so much crap. However, I think it will be the opposite, where, to save her friends, Twilight has to absorb the elements of harmony with it being her "final spell" and ascending to Princessdom, acting as a reset button. The "Princess Coronation" would be the final scene where Twilight stands on a balcony as Equestria welcomes a new pony as Princess.
  20. Well, I think we have confirmation as to what happens now, mostly due to what we saw in the preview of the final episode of S3.
  21. Personally, I want to believe that, and really gave Hasbro the benefit of the doubt, but they do seem hell bent on killing the fandom off even though we earn them money. Fighting Is Magic was a huge blow, however, many of us do remember that even the FiM crew said they were prepared for this because they were working with licensed characters. It would be the same, yet have a swifter outcome, if they did it with Disney characters. I can say with 100% assurance, Disney would have come after them like a 10 ton truck with a jet engine in the back if the Fighting Is Magic crew used Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, and others in a fighting game without Disney's sole permission. One thing that concerns me is the talk of "Change" when it comes to S4, the release of a MLPFIM movie, and the "teen" MLP thing. Starting to think they are purposefully "shifting" the brony community away from Friendship Is Magic, using nasty methods of core character alterations such as Twilight's "Princess Ascension." The one thing Hasbro didn't count on was the resiliency of the DHX crew and their dedication to the fans. Without that great group of writers, animators, musicians, and not to mention VAs, the show would have been dead before S1 barely finished. Truly hope that we, the true bronies, can come together in the light of these obstacles, persevering on in the face of adversity.
  22. Had a few thoughts about this whole business. I'm still not ok with alicorn twilight/Princess Sparkle/whatever, but i'm not against it either. 1. Discord: Perhaps the main reason Celestia freed Discord, albeit selfish, is so he can actually turn Twilight into an alicorn. We've seen him remove wings and horns before since he's a godlike entity, so there's nothing that says he can't give Twilight wings + increase her size a bit so she's in a more "regal form." 2. Omniomorphic Spell: Twilight has been practicing some serious magic as of late. I'm wondering if the Omniomorphic spell has anything to do with it. Don't really have a theory backing this one up, though they might tie it into when Celestia first saw Twilight and the pony's explosion of magical energy. 3. Faust's original idea for Cadence: This one has me the most perplexed, and i'm wondering if Cadence and Twilight will "switch bodies" at the end of the episode, so to speak. The reason behind this could be quite numerous, from Cadence admiting that Alicorns are immortal creatures and wants to be with Shining Armor, or the resulting destiny thing alter's Twilight's own destiny and forces her into Princessdom even though Meghan McCarthy keeps swearing that Princessdom isn't something that a pony earns. However, I sense something her words, and i'm thinking that could be a cover. Part of me is still angered/irritated at the idea of Twilight being turned into a Princess because she has, well had, so much potential for an awesome destiny, but there's nothing to do. Highly doubt the writers would even consider a retcon because the damage has already been done, and such a move would only add to the problem. Definitely wanted to see Twilight turn into the next Star Swirl the Bearded, becoming some grand unicorn wizard, perhaps even running Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns.
  23. I think Homework serves its purpose because it helps to show if students learned the material. The main problem I find with homework however, devil's advocate, is the fact some teachers aren't educated in its proper use. I've been out of the public education system for some time since I graduated in 2002, but I met some teachers who didn't care about homework. They only issued it to shut the kids up and give them something to do.
  24. Genepool

    request shop Inking Requests

    Sorry about not posting something up. Don't have anything to "really" show in a sense. Here's a link to a post by a person that requested a vector image of a drawing he received from a fellow forum goer. At the very bottom, I uploaded the final product which was/is a 5760x3240 transparency image.
  25. Genepool

    request shop Inking Requests

    Starting to get into my artistic streak again, and if you have a drawing that you would like to have inked, give me a hollar and post the original piece in here. (When I say *inked*, I mean that I use the pen tool to trace it out, then carefully use those lines to paint the lines with the brush tool) I'll follow the drawing as best as possible, adding in a few flourishes here and there, so what you see in the original is pretty much close to what you will get in the finished product. I'm not good with colors, but I am willing to do simple flat ones if you like, no shading. Also, final note, I work in 5760x3240 or 3x the 1920x1080 resolution. It helps to create much crisper lines. Stay frosty my bronies.
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