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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. I neeed some friends!!! My only friend is Celestia.. My name is Smitty1259 (Somehow there's another Smitty O.o) I reaaallly need shards of loyalty to get rid of those parasprites..
  2. http://kaosblaze.tumblr.com/post/18153891573/adorablyrotten-this-why-rarity-is-the-best This is a GREAT explanation of why Rarity is best pony. I personally think Rarity is best pony because of her attitude. She's sweet, kind, and a great friend, but there's that side of her that loves to argue. She gets upset if things don't run her way, but she doesn't let it get in the way of a friendship without fixing it. We saw in Sisterhooves Social that Rarity will do anything to defend her beliefs. Until it gets in the way of a sisterhood, or a friendship. then that sweet, nice, heart warming, and genuine side comes out. And it is Glorious. It's probably just the hair though..
  3. Well... I loooooovvve Rarity. My opinion, best pony. I think I like her because she would be the bad girl in any other cartoon. I mean she's nice, caring, and GENEROUS, but she's also obsessive, and snotty... I still love her though.
  4. AAAHHHHHH!!!!! Finally a guns thread!!!!! Well, I'm only 14 but I have ALOT of guns. And yes ( I pay for the ones I can call MINE) I own a M4 with a VLtor upper, and lower receiver, and a Daniel defense rail system. (Got it used) I own a G17, that is my cuddle baby... Not going to list my dads replicas because... Well... I don't have time o3o
  5. Not in any kind of order.. Should be a gamer.. Kindness!!! Adventurous Shares the same interests I so Sense of humor Somepony I can talk about anything with Laughs alot Notice how looks isn't on the list? Yeah.
  6. I need an OC!! And a Wacom..

  7. I don't know.. I searched it up, but I didn't get any results so new topic it is!!! I'm so sorry if there's another one!! Anyways guys, these are looking awesome!! Keep it up!!!
  8. This is a game I saw on a BUNCH of different forums.. So this is how it goes. You start the sentence with "You might be a brony if..." Then insert something clever. For example: You might be a brony if you've seen every mlp episode" Or: You might be a Brony if you could write an entire biography on Rainbow Dash" Have fun!!!!
  9. Smitty

    Thoughts on suicide.

    Come hang with me!!! I'll cheer you right up Oh and btw, about 1,000,000 people on this forum love you. If you take your life, i dont know what i'll do.... I would die missing another smiling face on these forums.... Keep your head high!!! <3
  10. Ok, so most everybody here draws MLP... Whether it be sketching or computer art. So, for all of you people who use computer art, what art program do you use? I'm just using paint right now, because I can't find another good one. P.S. Post a link to the download if you can!! (Sorry if there is already a thread on this!!!)
  11. yesyesyesyesyesYESYESYES YYYEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!!! I am addicted to anything assassins creed related. I've played, and beat all of them! I just beat Ac3's main storyline, but that's like 1 third of the game... If ANYONE has an xbox, Come play with me!! GT: Yappaquacka1259
  12. What's your xbox gamertag??? You should addd me!! MY GT is: Yappaquacka1259 I only have 2 brony friends on xbox, and they're both 11
  13. Brohoof times 1 million. It's kinda hard to be a closet brony... I was watching mlp, and my dad walked in. I quickly proceeded to close the tab faster that Celestia, and it kinda creeped my dad out. Later at night, he asked me what kind of porn I was watching....
  14. - The Who!!! - Fleetwood Mac - Van Halen - Lynard Skynard - Nero - Borgore - The Xx - The Eagles - Ellie Goulding - AWOLINATION -Cage The elephant And many more...
  15. http://www.bronystudy.com/id1.html This is a really in depth study. I don't really care about how many bronies there are, but I want to se a 1 in 100 study. Like 1 in 100 people are bronies... That's sorta realistic...
  16. Oh.My.Gosh. I had no idea that you made this!!!! My friend just sent me this photo. When you build the car, are you accepting donations???? I'd be happy to give my share!!!
  17. Did you use a graphics tablet for this? If so what kind?!?!? I REEAALLLY want to get into digital art, and I can't draw with my mouse... :/ Gosh dangit.
  18. I find it waaayy more enjoyable to stay on task. But never fast travel so you still have time to derp :3. My favorite race is definitely the Dark Elf. He can light everything around him on fire for buck sakes!!
  19. Definitely agree. I knew Applejack was hiding something really bad, and I really wanted all of the other ponies to leave her alone. And when she dropped those ribbons....The look on her face... The disappointment... A little piece of my heart died that day.
  20. RARITY IS MY WAIFU. Everytime I see her in an episode, I d'awww SO BUCKING HARD. The way she talks.... The way she walks.... I love Rarity.
  21. Most fun ponies: 1.Pinkie Pie!!! 2.Applejack 3.Rainbow Dash 4.Rarity 5.Fluttershy 6.Twilight Sparkle Most "Canterlot" like: 1.Rarity 2.Twilight Sparkle 3.Fluttershy 4.Rainbow Dash 5.Pinkie Pie 6.Applejack
  22. Silver Smooth. He was born into the C.I.A. Raised as a cold blood killer that shows no mercy to any opponent. He used to have a loving family that cared, and protected him. That's all gone now. His parents died in a "Car incident No doubt by the N.Y. mobsters. Silver is now on a mission to get revenge for his parents. No matter what it takes. He's got class, Charm, and a witty mind that can get him out of any situation. Appearance: Silky, silver hair. A scar going through his left eye. (Idk what color body) and a pistol as a cutie mark. Pleeeassse draw it?
  23. Hahaha! Funnay. I have a G&P Sentry which I named Vanessa because...It's a hot name . And yes my last name is werbenyegermanjenson. By only one, I meant only airsofting brony.
  24. The style is amazing!!!! I love it!!! What kind of drawing program did you use though? And did you use a graphics tablet? Whatever it is, I want it.
  25. Wow! This is amazing! The shading is awesome, and the eyes are beautiful I think the nose should be a little smaller, and more rounded. But all in all, great job!!!
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