(OOC: Hang on, so who's on what side? Faceless, Steel and Harmonic on one, Swish and Addem on the other, correct?)
"Unfortunately, I don't think it will be as easy as flipping a switch. I knew there was something wrong with the boulder. There must be some sort of reset switch, resetting the traps. Quite ingenius, and magic, I should add. I wouldn't find much comfort in this knowledge, though. Finding the reset switch would be useless as there is no way to deactivate the traps without setting them off manually..."
Faceless rubbed a hoof against his forehead and sighed. "I suggest we just try and get to the end of the fort. I don't know how we will FIND the end per say, but it would be better than waiting to turn into skeletons like the ones over-"
Flyer stopped himself and cocked his head. "Well what do you know. Skeletons..."