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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  1. (Sorry I haven't been posting!) Nurse Flo put all the patients to bed early that night. But Katie just sat there on her bed, thinking. She thought about what she had done to make Emma so mad. Katie first thought it was for attacking Emma, but she knew the real reason. It was because she was friends with Michelle. Had Katie made the mistake of trusting Michelle? Nothing good had come to Katie out of it, only bad. Katie was pretty sure everyone hated her for it. Katie decided on something: Michelle wasn't her friend anymore.
  2. I remember reading this RP, and being depressed that I never got there in time to sign up for it. I'll create a character!
  3. "No. No I didn't," Katie started to say, "But I've seen him before. He worked at a pizzeria, and he seemed like a really nice guy. I'm mostly just shocked they tricked us into this!" Katie sighed, and placed her head on Charles' shoulder. "I don't want to die!"
  4. Katie stood up, and frowned. "Well maybe he was! What's that got to do with you, eh? You're the fucking murderers!" She then realized something. This was the anger test. She was going to fail. She tried to ignore Sidworth, and walked up to Charles, who was on the ground. She needed to distract herself. "You served in the army?" Katie asked, whispering, "I find that sexy," She sat down next to him, and smiled. Well, she tried to. She kept thinking about the death of Brandon, and she started to cry. She put her head down. The poor, poor boy...
  5. I care, Strong! I care! And this time there's no Lola to care for you, so it's just me! *evil laughter*
  6. Katie was shocked as she pulled her earplugs out. Another test? They just saw someone die! She sat down on the ground, crying. She couldn't believe she was dumb enough to sign up for this.
  7. Katie stared in shock as he saw Brandon in the box. He wasn't moving. He wasn't doing anything. He wasn't breathing. "I want out!" She screamed, "You killed him, I want to leave! Let me out!" She got up from her chair, looking for an exit. She needed out of this deathtrap.
  8. It got boring RPing about hurting ears. Does this mean Katie's gonna die?
  9. Katie couldn't take it anymore. It was too much! She pulled her hand off her ear and slammed it down on the button. "I guess this means I lose?" She asked, loudly.
  10. Katie felt liquid running down her cheeks. Sweat or blood? She asked herself, she covered her ears up harder. She had to not concentrate on the sound. She found the solution. Math. "4598 DIVIDED BY 4 IS 1149.5!" She screamed, "1149.5 MULTIPLIED BY 6 IS 6897!" (I bet those aren't even the correct answers, I worked 'em out on paper!)
  11. I dunno, I've seen some pretty sexy places that smell like fish.
  12. "Thanks," Kat said in response to Irene, smiling. She patted Irene on the chest a bit, "Your tits are nice as well!"
  13. Katie looked to Michael. "IF YOU CAN'T STAND IT, PRESS THE BUTTON!" She screamed, "DO IT!"
  14. Kat turned around and saw Irene, angry. She looked almost like a fierce cat preparing to pounce. Kat sighed, and walked up to Irene. "We realize it's your first day, and you're nervous. It's the same for us." She said, trying to calm the girl.
  15. Don't worry. You're a pretty princess, you'll figure something out!
  16. Kat turned to Marcus, ignoring the new girl. "Hello, Marcus! It's nice to meet you!" She said, noticing his extended hand. But instead of shaking his hand, she pulled him into a tight hug.
  17. (Well you know I'm not good at reading carefully! This is obviously you're fault!) "My cab practically threw me off!" She laughed, her boobies jiggling about smile growing the more she laughed.
  18. (Hey, you're the one who invited a guy that hasn't read the books!) "Alrighty Erin, I'm guessing you're new to this school also. You seem lost!" She said smiling. She'd been meaning to read those goddamn books this RP's about.
  19. Kat jumped at the electric shock, but tried to ignore it. She looked to the student she was holding hands with, and said, "What's you're name? I'm Kat!" Kat was confused when she heard another girl talking about a mating ritual. She was a little angry, but at the same time, happy. It seemed funny to her, like a joke. Kat couldn't help but giggle a little. "Look now, we're not mating," She assured the girl, "We're just friends!" (I'm assuming the group Irene walked past is ours)
  20. "I'd love to!" She said, happily. Her smile was amazing. "Would you like to hold hands?" She asked, reaching her hand out towards his.
  21. The cab ride seemed to take hours. Kat was so bored that she tried to converse with the cab driver. But the cab driver didn't speak. He just drove. Kat soon fell asleep. "Wake up!" The green gummy bear in Kat's dream yelled. When she opened her eyes, she realized it had not been a delicious bear-shaped treat, but an ugly old cab driver. He nearly threw her out of the vehicle. Kat looked around. A group of people could be seen. Two boys and a girl. Kat walked to the group, and waved her hand at them. "Hello! I'm a new student here, and don't know where anything is. Can you help?" She asked politely. She giggled a bit, noticing how attractive the boys were. She was going to like this school.
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