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Party Cannon

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Everything posted by Party Cannon

  1. Here is the subliminal image during the "crash" scene if no one has posted it yet. Really enjoyed the episode. Probably my favorite aspect was the characterization of Derpy. The only thing that put me off a bit though was Larson's Lyra/BonBon over-the-top "friendliness." He damn well knew he was going to cause arguments among fans. Other than that, good stuff, and was worthy of being the 100th episode.
  2. DKE Toys announced their last SDCC 2014 exclusive today. As Pinkie would say, it's a "doozy!"
  3. If they did turn into Alicorns, I think it would just be for just an episode, perhaps for the premiere to take on a villain. IF THEY STAYED THAT WAY...
  4. Like some of you, I am a SDCC veteran. I have been blessed to go multiple years. Though I can give tips on exclusive hunting, I have never been to a panel at SDCC. Having a one day pass for Friday this year, I was thrilled to read that it is the scheduled day for the MLP: FIM panel. My question(s) is/are this: For those who went last year, what was your experience like going to the MLP panel? More specifically, how long before the panel's scheduled time do you recommend lining up? Any other helpful tips about attending the panel? Thank you to all that answer and I wish that we see each other next Friday in San Diego!
  5. Skeleton Warriors is turning 20 years old! To commemorate this, October Toys has launched a Kisckstarter to make officially licensed figures from the property. If you remember this show, loved it, and would like to help resurrect the amazing toy line [that will be now fully articulated :3], please check out George and Ayleen's kickstarter. (Plus, I believe Ayleen may be a pegasister.) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/georgegaspar/skeleton-warriors-glyos-compatible-action-figures
  6. I know, right!? Maybe Twilight has been giving her more voice coaching behind the scenes in the show.
  7. In today's episode, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Luna's voice did not sound like her voice actress Tabitha St. Germain. Did anyone else notice that? It says on IMDB that it was her however it has been wrong in the past, especially if it is freshly edited. I feel this deserves a discussion topic in itself because this may have larger ramifications. One poster on YouTube stated that possibly what appeared to be Luna was actually Celestia disguised. This sounds odd but then again so did her voice, an element which is a crucial part to an animated show. Thoughts and explanations?
  8. New figure released by WeLoveFine to add to your vinyl MLP figure collection. Pre-order yours today for $25! http://www.welovefine.com/7823-future-twilight-vinyl-figure.html#.UyDKmc5iI3M This figure is deserving of the description BAD ASS. It adds to how this show is only for, you know, little girls. :comeatus:
  9. Has anyone else's liking for a pony fluctuated season to season? My example is Rainbow Dash. Season 1 through early 3 she was low on my list of favorite ponies. She was simply too arrogant for my taste with relatively little redeeming qualities to balance. With the ending of Sleepless in Ponyville, her softer side was something I liked very much. It was with Daring Don't however that she really became someone I enjoyed. Can't quite figure out what it is but now I think she's pretty cool. I guess with 4 seasons these ponies have been able to grow via the writers, in good and bad ways.
  10. You would make a great defense attorney. Lol But yeah I totally get what you mean. It didn't ruin this fantastic episode in the slightest. I am more intrigued than anything at this point that whoever animated him into the episode wanted to start some brony trouble/gossip. So when is an image of AJ's "sexy face" from today's episode going to show up? Gotta say, even though it is still going S4 wins for best faces. UPDATE: Here it is
  11. Loved the song! All the references! SO MANY REFERENCES!!! Oh, and by the way... THEY LIED!!! FLASH/BRAD IS IN S4! WTF!!!??
  12. Questions How flat are your cards? If you place them face down on a table, are they perfectly flush, or is it like 90% flush? How about with sleeves? I have been double sleeving my cards to keep them minty. They are quite flat, yet they do have a little bowing, with the four corners of the double sleeved card touching the table yet with a little airspace between said table and the center of the card. Is slight warping, bowing, or arching natural in cards?
  13. For me, it was an 8/10. The song is one of the best of the series. It was fantastic to see the sequence completed from the SDCC animatic. The faces were hilarious throughout. Pinkie's duckface on the waterfall...yes. The running gag of animals getting picked up by the eagle was good. It would be a funny short if we found out how the wheel-duck escaped. Overall, it was fun to watch. It didn't fully meet my high expectations (I wished there was more of a resolution at the end), but any Pinkie episode is fun.
  14. Sounds like you are stocking up! So do you prefer to just buy them outright as opposed to searching boosters? You might as well get the new packs so there are no regrets. If extra cards are an issue you can probably either sell them or give them to a friend. Maybe you'll get them hooked, and maybe have a new person to play with you and your husband. Still haven't opened anything yet, so I did not even know that if you bought a Dash or Twilight "facing" deck they were the only foils inside, as opposed to 2 foil manes per deck. Glad I waited to by the single deck packs because I like AJ more than Twi.
  15. Went to Hot Topic today, and saw that they got a shipment of boosters and decks. What is interesting is that all the theme decks they were selling were in "reverse," in that Applejack was the facing card for the Orange and Purple deck and Rarity was the facing card of the Blue and White deck. Is this "variation" only sold at Hot Topic, or has anyone seen this elsewhere? Edit: Yes, these are in fact Hot Topic exclusives. Cool.
  16. Prologue The CCG interested me when it was announced, yet it was a surprising situation that threw me into the game. On Sunday the 29th I was with my friends, one a fellow brony, walking around the local Target before our movie. Since I had yet to see the CCG cards in the wild, we went over to the card section to do the periodic look over. All the starter decks were sold out, yet hanging on the pegs were approximately 25 to 30 booster packs. We inspected them and read all the printed info. Seeing that Lyra was not only a friend card in this series, but a fun-to-hunt Ultra Rare, I became more excited about the game. My brony friend agreed to give it a shot and the employee stocking cards told me how there were numerous locals who are already playing the game at various "game clubs." The next day I continued to mull the idea and decided the next time I hung out with my friends I would buy at least one booster pack and a deck if I could find it. Thursday turned out to be that next time. When I went back to Target however, all of the boosters were sold out! I was amazed. This past weekend I went to another Target, this time finding only one booster under the rubble of fallen card packs. For intel I took it over to customer service, so that they could scan the barcode and see what Targets had them in stock. The system revealed all of the Targets in my county had sold all of their stock and awaited restocking. With Hot Topic (my backup) not having them in store in my area yet, I bit the bullet and went to the local Walmart. Entering the barbarian horde that is my local Walmart paid off, as 9 remaining boosters hung on the many pegs like fleeces of gold. I bought all of them. The 'Meat' I have 10 boosters in my possession waiting to be opened, sitting next to the Pinkie-Shy Deck pack and DJ PON-3 sleeves I bought from Enterplay directly. I'm doing the 5 star treatment with these, getting a nice binder and such. I did a lot of research on card care and maintenance, so if you have any questions or want to discuss those things like me know. More importantly, I learned how to play! Obviously I have not played a match with my unopened cards, yet once they are open I am ready to go. Note Ultra Rares (which of course we all strive to obtain) appear to be in roughly every 4th booster. The odds tend to be in your favor (haha Hunger Games) if you buy an expensive booster box, with the ratio being more constant. However since the "draw" is manipulated when customers buy random portions of a shipment at a store, the ratio can tilt in your favor (1 every 3rd pack or even 2nd!) or severely against it (1 every 5th or 6th pack). Ultra Rares at least in the store setting are going to be more like Wonka golden tickets (if you only buy one or two boosters at a time). If you buy numerous at a time, then the ratio seems to be more prevalent and stable. Closing I would love to find a Lyra and Octavia. What cards are the objects of your desires?
  17. I do. I am one of those people who aims for balance. I am equally religious and scientific. I think there are many things that the scientific method can explain. With that said, I also think there are a least a few things that are beyond human control and understanding. Ghosts are fascinating. @@EquestrianScholar pointed out the basic categories many believers roughly identify haunting entities. When it comes to intelligent ghosts, as in ghosts that interact with the living some how, I theorize them to be souls in Purgatory. (Look it up if unfamiliar) I think of Purgatory is here in our world, and souls that still have some "unfinished business" or are still too attached to this world remain in a spirit form here until they are ready to go to heaven. Because heaven is, well, paradise, most would not hesitate to go. Therefore, I think most souls do not become ghosts. However some simply are not ready yet.
  18. LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! I have been waiting for an episode like this. I was hoping Castle Mania was going to satisfy the "spooky" episode niche, however it was very disappointing. Bats! on the other hoof fit it perfectly. I thought all of the mane six had a great moments, each tapping into the character authentically: Pinkie's moments of suspicion, Hazmat Rarity, Twilight's amazing grid, Applejack's say'n how it is, Dash's cider addiction, and of course Fluttershy's transformation. I loved the Danny Elfman-esque song as well. I can go on and on about what I liked, however I will just say that this episode swooped into my top ten favorites of the series. 10/10 This episode almost alone has made Season 4 worth it. It really has given me the reassurance that the show has not ran out of steam. Note: Twilight's grid was something that I never asked for, but now that we have it I love it so much! I know grids are in some many franchises, yet I would like to say (or at least think) that this is another G1 Transformers reference. The Decepticon Soundwave would use grids sometimes in the way Twilight did in the episode, to show or explain plans.
  19. Chaos is indeed a common element in his writing looking back in retrospect. Nice post. This style definitely can act as a covering dust cloud literally and figuratively when it comes to character development and focus.
  20. They are highly unlikeable characters. Elements of their being/personality that cause this are as you said their multiple alliances with antagonists, their voices that generally are considered annoying, their not-even-comedic lack of intelligence, and all of their poor choices in frankly all circumstances. I cannot think of a culture that reveres let alone likes any of their qualities. It may be argued that there should be more character development for them. To this I say that we have had plenty or at least enough of character development for them that many bronies have made the judgement that they don't like them. By the way, just because someone does not like something, does not mean they automatically hate it. One may dislike tuna, and hate genocide. There is an element of magnitude or scale there.
  21. First, who is David Polsky? "WGA, screenwriter whose feature film credits include Scary Movie and Scary Movie 2. Mr. Polsky has also written for Singled Out, South Park, Cedric the Entertainer Presents and Frank TV as well as the animated shows The Class of 3000 and Disney’s The Buzz on Maggie, for which he served as creator and executive producer. He has also sold pilots to FOX, CBS, Castle Rock, and Nickelodeon." Source: (http://writers.uclaextension.edu/instructors/david-polsky/) So far Dave has 7 episodes of FIM that have aired with his writing credit. They are: Feeling Pinkie Keen Over a Barrel Too Many Pinkie Pies Spike at Your Service Keep Calm and Flutter On Games Ponies Play and most recently Daring Don't. When I was posting in the Daring Don't episode discussion, I said his writing was real hit or miss. However once I checked which episodes he wrote, I revise that statement. Personally (oh yes that magic word), I at least liked all of them except Spike at Your Service [that piece of junk ] , with his last two (Games Ponies Play and Daring Don't) being tied for my favorite of his. Though he has not written any of my top 10 favorites of the show I still find his writing to be funnier than others as well as being entertaining and watchable overall. So, what are your thoughts of Dave as a writer? What do you think of his episodes? Do you think he has a particular signature or style? Has he written your favorite or one of your favorite episodes?
  22. What a relief! After the disappointing first 3 episodes, I thought Season 4 was surely sunk. Luckily Dave Polsky (who's writing is real hit or miss) wrote a Hail-Mary-of-a-Pass of an episode with this one. It was quite entertaining and finally took the spolight off of Twilight to focus more on another of the Mane Six. How fun that Daring Do is 'real' in the poniverse now. Still looking forward to Pinkie's episode, but this is absolutely the best S4 episode yet. Can't friggn wait for all of the Rainbow Smirk image macros.
  23. I caught it Friday. The pre-release reminded me of the situation with Wonderbolts Academy back in Season 3. Anyways... It was better than the (at least to me) disappointing premiere. With that said, I found it to be quite lame. The concept was cool and reminded me of a free comic I got from a student in which the six go to a castle to fight Chrysalis. However, the comic was infinitely more entertaining and better executed. This is all I thought of during the episode: The original Scooby Doo to my tastes is dull and repetitive. So was this episode. I go in and out of hating Twilight's wings. S3 finale I hated them, Equestria Girls I was fine with them, and with the S4 premiere they were annoying. The moment in this episode where the animators gratuitously made her float about the library had not purpose. I actually laughed at it. I GET IT. SHE. HAS. WINGS. Overall, not a bad episode, however it is unfortunately very forgettable. Counting down to Pinkie's musical episode!
  24. Turn Twilight back into a UnicornORRRRRR Screw the rushed plot and have the whole premiere being Twilight explaining what the heck she is the princess of and what her duties are (ala "Krusty Krab Training Video").
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