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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by CosmicFaerieDust

  1. This Sunday I went to Big Apple Ponycon. It's the first convention I've ever been to. For any of my fandoms. I had a great time. A bunch of people took pictures of my cosplay. I also met a group of other cosplayers that I hung out with for pretty much the whole time. We took pictures and they talked to me about a Harry Potter convention they run. I bought a whole bunch of stuff there too. And I got micthemicrophone's autograph! He liked the sunglasses I was wearing for my cosplay and I took a picture of him wearing them. He also thought my phone case was cool. I had an awesome time and I'm definitely going back next year. I want to go both days next time because I missed a lot of awesome things.
  2. This really isn't as bad as everyone thinks it is, but everyone's probably just freaked out because this is a huge thing. And the MLP only has 3 seasons so far. This is a lot of stuff happening to a show that's still new. This character design isn't that great considering how they're supposed to be humans, but they're still pretty cute. And I love the outfits. I mostly think positively about this, but I kind of feel excited and worried at the same time. This could either be completely awful, or pretty good. Maybe it'll be kind of like an anime, except not japanese. If they have wings there's no reason why they shouldn't have magic, and if they have magic it probably won't just be a boring dramatic show about pony girls in a high school. Also, I'd like to mention how they're making spike a dog because it doesn't really make sense if they still look a bit like ponies. Hopefully they'll think of things that make sense and it won't turn out to be a total dissaster.
  3. So I went to Big Apple Ponycon on Sunday. It was so awesome! It was the first con I ever went to and a bunch of people wanted to take pictures of my cosplay. I also got micthemicrophone's autograph and he wore my sunglasses.

  4. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, I'm going to Big Apple Ponycon!

  5. Haven't been online in ages. I'm back!

  6. Can't it just be christmas already?

  7. Hey everypony! What's up?

  8. How is it already Saturday night?

    1. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      Cuz Friday night was yesterday :P

    2. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      More like early Sunday morning.

    3. ParsoOfEquestria


      Sunday afternoon here :P

  9. Bored. Can't sleep. Ugh.

  10. Good morning everypony!

  11. Going to bed soon. See you at 6:30 tomorrow at the livestream!

  12. Had a rather large conversation about Harry Potter in the stream before. Because we are cool people.

  13. Okay, this gak thing is getting really old. Let's stop.
  14. Happy Thanksgiving everypony!

  15. Working on some new pony art. Also, any things in particular you'd like me to draw? I need some more stuff to draw. I need a CHALLENGE!

  16. Hey everypony! I'm back. Sorry for not posting in a while. Also, the new banner is awesome.

  17. Stardust dashes up the stairs, glad to know that other ponies are here. as she arrives in the room with the group of other ponies. "Guys, what's going on? W- why are we trapped here?" she asks nervously. " Do any of you have an escape plan?" Stardust was scared and wanted to know what to do. She needed answers.
  18. This day felt really short. And now I'm super bored.

  19. That live stream yesterday was very fun

  20. Follow my tumblr? stardustpony.tumblr.com/

  21. Follow my tumblr? stardustpony.tumblr.com/

  22. Follow my tumblr? stardustpony.tumblr.com/

  23. Just installed it, It was free! yay! 20% cooler than all other iPhone apps. I'm only on about Level 7. It's a really good game. Also, here is Bon Bon.
  24. Just got Bonbon on the MLP game

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