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Z Star

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Everything posted by Z Star

  1. Oh my Celestia it is just perfect! YAYYYYY! I can't wait to use it! Thank you so very much! I will credit you and love you forever for doing this for us!
  2. I looked it over and all seems fine! You pretty much have free range! I just need PINKIE PIE as the character and the words and then when I said darker pink background I mean like a different sort of pink than her. It just needs to be really pink! Thanks!
  3. I would love a sig! Thank you! I feel like I'm pretty active enough to have a signature. Seeing as I have no life outside this box I call my laptop, lol.
  4. I don't think I have felt my worst physical pain yet. And to be honest, I can't remember any real terrible pain that has stood out to me. The meds they give you for surgeries is quite sufficient! LOL I have a very high pain tolerance though. It could just be that. Like I said, no pain I have ever had really stands out to me. I'm sure in the future I will better be able to answer this question!
  5. I'd love to switch and be a dude for a day! Pee standing up! Yay! Also, then I would want my man to be a girl so I could see what.... That..... Feels like! hahaha Just being honest!
  6. This is wonderful! I love those details and you translated him into human form very nicely! Bravo! I would love to see a full body when you get around to it!
  7. Thanks! I quite love that shot. Haha
  8. I am into the whole dark and romantic look, like, scary yet sexy. Enjoy!
  9. I.... Am.... Anti Dash! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Hahaha I'm crazy, guys. But I'm okay, really. :3

  10. I.... Am.... Anti Dash! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Hahaha I'm crazy, guys. But I'm okay, really. :3

  11. Okay, this may have been said already, but crying is GOOD for you! It releases toxins and bacteria from your body and you feel better afterwards no matter why you were crying. It's a healthy, natural part of life, and emotional tears are good to shed, as well as other kinds of tears. Well, that being said, I feel like everyone is different. Everyone was raised differently and everyone has their own personalities. I know some females who don't cry as much as me, I'm a crybaby! Haha I let my emotions free! I am a girl and I am not afraid to let tears flow. I know some guys who will cry when they need to. My boyfriend has cried, and a couple of our friends who are boys have cried. But our group of friends is not very judgmental and we are very accepting. It all really depends on basically every aspect of your life depending on your crying patterns. How you were raised, who you are with, what the situation actually is, and ultimately, who you are as a person inside.
  12. Z Star

    movies/tv Best movie of 2012?

    Ugh this was a really hard list to choose from! GAHHHH! But I chose Django because it was sooooo amazingly amazing. I love Quentin Tarantino. And this movie was so raw and beautifully gory. I love your list, though! If I could have chosen more, I would have. (I work at a theater and watch movies ahead of time all the time, I'm a bit of a movie fanatic!) lol
  13. Well, in my opinion, a good OC is just that: Original! I like to base my first OC on myself, whether loosely or closely because then he/she can be just as unique as I am! An then I give them a little bit of a background story and see what I can tweak here and there. I feel like simplicity is the best thing. Physically, I love the OCs that look like they were BORN an not created. But then again..... Typing all this.... I feel like what makes a good OC is highly in the opinion of the creator! My OC might be too plain for someone, but too complex to someone else. I feel like a good OC should be one you are proud of.
  14. I like apple or cherry juice in the morning. I only ever drink orange juice as a snack or when I am sick. I guess it's just what I associate it with.
  15. As much as I would like to say I'd be an Earth pony, I identify with unicorns the most. I feel like I would flourish as a unicorn simply because I am design oriented and, to be honest, convenience is a big part of my life! Flying would be fun for me, yes, but I would be reckless with my flying. An being a regular earth pony is just too little for me. I could get a lot done with magic!
  16. I am a die hard Zelda fan! I love the franchise and I will always have a special love for the Oot an MM games for the N64. Other than that, I would say probably most Mario games, Halo, Assassin's Creed...... I also loooove independent games and That Game Company has created some of the most gorgeous games ever: Cloud, Flow, Flower and most recently Journey, which I still have yet to play, but PewDiePie played it and it looked amazing! Everyone who has reviewed the game has said that it is one you must experience for yourself.
  17. Like some others have said, it is entirely believable that Lauren Faust has drawn inspiration from Bubbles to create Derpy's cutie mark and design. But I feel like those are the only things that reference Bubbles. The rest of Derpy is original. Bubbles was voiced by Tara Strong, who is also Twily!
  18. My motto is tattooed on my left wrist in my boyfriend's handwriting. It says, "Just Breathe" and it's my motto because it is a reminder to just carry on and take things in stride. I have trouble sometimes with over thinking things and stressing myself out, so it's nice to have my motto close to me.
  19. Haha the gif. Thanks! Yeah, I was nervous about the face, and I still need practice. Thanks for your input! I hope I can continue to do good things on that Muro!
  20. Here is a link to this piece on my DeviantArt. I hope. http://killedbycuteness.deviantart.com/#/d5sggdg Watch the redraw! I did it on DA Muro! I need tons more practice. But every time I use it, I feel like I get better. I just need to stop being so shy with it. I hope I'm not being too annoying today with all my art! Hahaha
  21. Wow thanks! I appreciate that. I wish I could figure out the scanner so I wouldn't have to take crummy photos of my artwork. lol
  22. I did all of these for a project in my painting class back in high school senior year. They are not my best, but I grew to love them for the techniques. I am pretty decent with water colors. It is relaxing to me to paint. I was going to use these as a reference for someone else, but I decided they should have their own thread. My instructor has graded them already, but please, any comments are welcome!
  23. I love this painting! And the concept is sad, but beautiful. I love crows. One thing I would suggest with water colors.... To give it depth and a certain smoothness, try a gradation. First, gently wet the paper with a clean, damp brush. Then take your color and swipe from top to bottom, very smoothly, and lighten your stroke as you go down. The water will spread the color smoothly and it will create a beautiful horizon. Then on the very bottom, make what would be the ground of your painting, the highest concentration of color. Just a suggestion for easy painting! I love working with water colors. Maybe if I can get a decent shot of some of my water color paintings, I can show you what I mean. Anyways, I still think this painting is great!
  24. Ohhhhh thank you so very much! It's okay that you didn't get technical. I just asked if any fellow artists could maybe look really close and tell me what to work on. I'm a perfectionist! Well, again, thank you!
  25. The Last Airbender blows my mind every time I watch it! I will watch the whole series from beginning to end over and over! It is so well written and so.... Mindblowingly amazing! I didn't even see the live action movie. I must not! I will not! But it is number two my top three favorite series. Seriously. It's amazing. Everything about that show is perfect. I have watched the first season of Legend of Korra and I admit, it is very well done as well! It is good for people who are previous fans as well as those who are completely new to the series. But to me, there is nothing like the original! And NOBODY can even touch the writing, animation and role of Sokka. Sokka is always my favorite character out of anybody.
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