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Sam Polson

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Everything posted by Sam Polson

  1. Once again. lazy animators or writers, or whoever they are. Or probably they don't even think of such a thing. They were concerned about plot and stuff, not about some minor details. Oh, and some other thing. Forgot to bring it up here. Royal guards? As in, useless ponies who can only pull a chariot for Princesses? You know, if I was a mare in Equestria, I'd think twice before joining them. Better be a worker on a rock farm (No offence, Pinkie, it's just boring.)
  2. Okay, this has to end. You want some equality? I'll show you some bucking equality. Look at background. Mare lifting the weight off stallion's back AJ kicks a tree and it falls. She wasn't even sweating Maud Pie. No comments. Best fliers in the academy The Wonderbolt's leader Mares and stallions in the same time in Equestria Games. A puny, weak crybaby, Twilight Sparkle. Case closed, lack of evidence.
  3. I'd like to add a bit of my opinion about no mares as royal guards. Episode 21, season 4. There was clearly stated, that Firefly, a mare, founded Wonderbolt. That means that this organization didn't exist before it. But Firefly was ALREADY a general. And there was only organization where she could deserve this status -- protective pony platoons, a.k.a Royal Guards, helping to protect the Princess. Use logic. If something wasn't shown, that doesn't mean it's not existing.
  4. Besides, hate doesn't come just from so-called 'haters'. For example, I hate bronies, too, even if I'm technically one of them. But I'm trying to be less similar to a brony anyway. So, it's mostly a matter of perception.
  5. Well, according to the statistics, the majority of the bronies are tend to think about the mane6 as lesbians. The amount of fics and arts about them being lesbians are higher than the amount of the fics and arts, where they are portrayed as straight. So, fanon has spoken. But what about an actual show? I have my guesses. Twilight - probably bi. Because: 1) Flash Centry, 2)Her awe and admiration with Celestia. It easily could develop into something more. RD - lesbian. Simple as that. Not because she's a tomboy or wearing rainbow colors. Because there were many little things about it. Hints, if you'd like. Also - I remember, that there was one question to the authors about her sexuality. It's been neither denied, nor confirmed that she's gay. (Well, duh.) Rarity - straight as an arrow. Blueblood and Spike. Plus: a lady cannot be a lesbian. Pinkie Pie - asexual. She has no time for that stuff, 'cause she's way too busy with the parties. Applejack - bi. Just because I like AppleDash ship. Fluttershy - more likely straight, but also could be a lesbian. You know - because of that FlutterDash thing. She just could feel herself protected and calm the most, if she'll be with RD. Well, it's mine and only mine opinion, of course. P.S. You know what? They're all bisexual. There. The problem solved.
  6. Does anybody know, is this movie have something to do with the canon? Because I don't want the great shipping war - it'll be bad for fandom and for bronies as well. Also, I hope it's not a crush, but simple male\female friendship.
  7. Well, I don't have proplem with an alcohol existence in the world, where Equestria is placed. (Maybe Griffins have this). The only thig is bugs me - ponies. Any other races can do whatever they want, I just want ponies be without it. Yeah, this sounds silly, but I can't help myself.
  8. I'm in the difficult situation and need some help. There are qustion, that bugs me up a long time. I've tried to find an answer by myself, but failed. Here's the deal: Is ponies have an alcoholic cider or not? For "aye" - cider only foams when it's alcoholic. For "nay" - this: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Food_and_beverage/By_episode#The_Super_Speedy_Cider_Squeezy_6000 And this: Nearly the whole town has been waiting for the cider. They can not be all alcoholics, right? And this: Rainbow Dash loves cider very much, but she's a very athletic and stuff - and alcohol doesn't fitting this at all. And this: Celestia too wise for letting ponies get an alcohol - she must knew all catastrophic aftermath, which will follow this. So, I need a clear answer: is there alcohol in Equestrian or not? P.S. Sorry for my bad English.
  9. I'm a clopper, I love clopfics (especially with extreme content), explicit images and so on. I think that some bronies angry to us just because we exists and doesn't count us as a real bronies. But please - I like the show, I like non-sexual fanfics and art (actually, I like everything exept drunk ponies). So as majority of cloppers. BTW - this kind of content are barely visible for a wide audience. So I totally don't understand people. who hate us. You don't like clopping in general - cool, I respect your opinion. But this... just childish. P.S. Sorry for my bad English.
  10. For me this episode is the best ever for all years Mlp fim existed. Character development, animation, plot - everything is awesome. I swear, I forgotten sometimes, what I watch a children show - this is so good and has such high-quality. And there aren't any of this annoying long morals, like in previous episodes. Just short and cool conclusion. Pure awesomeness. It's the masterpiece.
  11. Well, I think, what S3 way better than S1 or S2. In S2 there are plenty of episodes, which I consider as epic fails. A friend in deed, or Ponyville confidential for example. In this season there is no any fails. all episodes are pure awesome. And Wonderbolt academy (leeked few hours ago) - my favorite so far. And S3 have a lot of fanservice.
  12. I think, what CMC shuld get thir marks at the same time. In one episode, to be precise. And, on this bais, Scoot must be first. She's pegasus after all And I think, what her mark will be neither dancing, nor scooter's. Something surprising.
  13. Well, there are some people, who actually want to write this. But I think they understand, what if they into that kind of things, they should say it... in places, where they more welcoming. I don't think they bad or something, but it's really wrong place to say such a things)
  14. DJ P0N - 3 I think. There are no other pony who was the hottest. Well, at leat, at the arts. Especially her mane looking pretty awesome. Well, and coat color too. And no, I don't think this thread is taboo. There are no some NSFW stuff, and things like this.
  15. I think, it's neither that nor this. People hear the word "ponies". This automatically makes them confuse about us. How many entertainments with ponies involved for older generation you know? Well, there isn't. So, this is why they think we are all homo or feminie. And in my case, I heard about older gen of mlp only when became a brony.
  16. This 2 episodes were pretty funny and nice. I was a bit disappointed, because of lame villian. But humor overwhelm everything. Especially Pinkie's disguise.
  17. I think it's just Luna's diary and she was about to write in it something. Maybe she makes an personal chronicle or something.
  18. Well, I think, my mark will be a book, or a dramacomedy masks, because I like to communicate and read. Or both). And the name is... just Sam. I don't like long names at all.
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