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01000111 01101111 01

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Posts posted by 01000111 01101111 01

  1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. Beat it once on Hero Mode and just started the Second Quest. They somehow made Wind Waker look even better and it baffles me. And that fast sail! Works wonders and I don't know how I can do without it now.

  2. Who didn't cry during this episode of futurama? 







    Not from a video game, but yeah that's pretty sad. But you know what one is even worse?;






    On topic, one from gaming that gets to me - as any person who knows can attest - is a handful of scenes from Mother 3. Each chapter out of 8 has some kind of part in it that doesn't fail to sucker punch my heart and start the water works.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I love my name since it's not all that common and it will fit nicely once I'm an elderly woman, but I do have one problem with it;

    My first name is Marlene. Now, did you read that as Mar-leen? If so, I may correct you and say that it's actually Mar-lane-uh, but at this point after enduring years of it being mispronounced in school no matter how many times I correct some people, I don't correct anyone anymore unless they're people I respect and want to get to know better. 

    • The Wii U is a good console, and will be the only 8th gen console I'll have, unless the PS4 has really awesome games down the line.
    • Red Dead Redemption is the only Rockstar game truly worth playing. This game not getting a sequel is beyond me.
    • Titanfall doesn't look all that interesting. Destiny, on the other hand, looks really cool.
    • SEGA was more innovative than Nintendo was when it came to their games in the 90's.
    • Pokemon X/Y are the best main series Pokemon games to date.
    • 3D World looks like it's going to surpass Galaxy quality-wise, and I loved Galaxy to bits.
    • Oh yes, and Nintendo is as good as ever.  Anyone who honestly thinks they're awful now compared to what they were in the 90's are hopelessly glued to their nostalgia goggles.
    • The N64 was Nintendo's worst console, barring the obvious Virtual Boy. And before you say anything, I loved the N64 and still have mine and enjoy playing it from time to time.

    That about covers my opinions that would be considered "controversial," since opinions regarding video games can be that apparently. Come at me if you will.

  4. People defending the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog and 06? Wow, never thought I'd see the day.


    Before I continue let me clarify something, I haven't been a Sonic fan since the release of Adventure 2 Battle on the Gamecube, but I have played and beat Sonic Generations, which was pretty good for a Sonic game. I'm not a big fan of the fast, race car-esque gameplay Sonic Team has used as of late, so it's great to see them take more of a platforming approach with Lost World. Lost World also has a likeness to Sonic X-treme, which is very interesting. Definitely going to look into that one when it gets released.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Yeah, I can't say I ever cared for Miley Cyrus. I won't say her music's bad since I never listened to it, and again, I don't care to. If people like her, cool. If you don't like her, cool. Me? I'm just indifferent. Sorry if this is a boring reply.

  6. I don't have the clock... sorry! But I'll add you!! My town is still kinda new, but I have a fountain haha! And saving up for a totem pole

    Okay, that's fine. I'll visit anyway. My FC is 1934-1074-1720. See you in a bit?


    Edit: Did you open your gate so I can visit?


    (filler filler)

  7. Mine is 2938-5812-8045

    Please I want a friend on AC! I really do. I only have 1 other and It gets lonely... Please please. I'll help too img-1612328-1-sad.png

    I'll be your friend. Do you have a raccoon clock? I missed out on that item and would be willing to pay big bag of bells for it. That, or I could give you a ? block. Then afterwards we could do friend stuff. 

  8. Oh dear. I don't think you'd like me then. I'm 16 and love the music of the 80's. Unlike what you may believe, I don't like the music to reassure me and other people in my generation that I'm a unique person who deserves attention because I'm oh-so unique. Instead, I genuinely like the music. I love the sound of synthesizers and the style of drums that were used in certain songs. Yes, I like AC/DC and Bon Jovi among other bands. *gasp* I liked the image that some of the bands had. I'm also able to connect with my mom who loved most of the music of that time and the 90's. I enjoy hearing her stories of being there when MTV first aired and how she got a perm around my age and I should appreciate the curly hair that I have.


    I don't exactly hate the music of nowadays, it's just that the mass majority of mainstream music doesn't really appeal to me, much like how some 80's music doesn't appeal to you. It's been said before, but I'll repeat it again; in the end, it all comes down to what appeals to you. Obviously others won't feel the same, while others will agree.


    Edit: But to answer your question, no, I don't think the 80's musical decade is overrated, but not underrated either. But my mom and I are noticing that it's getting talked about and mentioned on the web and TV lately.

  9. Mario. Hands down.


    I did, however, really, really, really like Sonic when I was little. It was mostly because I fell in love with the idea of the Sonic universe in the 90's. A cool blue hedgehog who saved little animals from being encased in robots and forced to do the bidding of an insane yet brilliant madman who happens to look like an egg-shaped Teddy Roosevelt. What's not to love about that? Needless to say, it was disappointing to see them depart from such a unique setup to one that's more commonplace and generic. Dash Mobius with a vaguely Earth setup instead. The day that happened, the games weren't interesting anymore, in my opinion. Sure his games are getting better nowadays, but Mario's games have been consistently good, and in some cases better, throughout the years. Just my two cents. 

  10. The new design of the girls could be so much worse people! What if they had fingers? Or normal sized heads and eyes? DIFFERENT COLORED OUTFITS, (even though the shoes aren't black anymore). Sure it's different, but I'm going to give this a chance anyway, it has the potential to be awesome, maybe even (dare I say it) better. I freaking loved the Powerpuff Girls when I was a little kid, loved it enough that I dressed up as Blossom one Halloween while my brother was Charmeleon. At least they have the original voices too. I wonder what the other characters will look like...

  11. Oh! I love Pokemon White 2! My friendcode is: 0133 0753 9960


    Please send me a PM if you add me, so I can add you. I'm not much into battling, but I'm a fan of trading. I love filling up a PC box and filling up Pokedexes. That's the real thrill.  :)


    And I'm a generous person who'd give away Pokemon with Pokerus, virtually free of charge. No cheats or anything, just dumb luck on Soul Silver.

  12. I'd like to imagine that science is used for pegasus and earth ponies so they can know the limits of what they can do, if that makes sense. Of course unicorns such as Twilight can reverse gravity, but can an earth pony? No, so the earth ponies, and possibly pegasi study science and their universe's laws so that they know gravity exists and can get an idea of how it works, which is just one example. The one scientist/mathematician we saw in the show was an earth pony, but I'm probably grasping at straws at this point...


    Edit: Oh! SOHCAHTOA has the same general idea it seems.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Well, if there were Dinosaurs, then that would be indirectly implying evolution....and that raises some questions on why alicorns would exist then, and why pegasus and unicorns exist...in the end, I'd like to say a wizard did it, but that'd be a cop out.


    But in all seriousness, there probably were prehistoric creatures roaming the land of Equestria on their version of Pangea, and I'm wondering what they would look like.  :huh:

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Definitely the first episode of Gravity Falls. It was a cartoon, on Disney Channel. I've been disinclined to that channel for a while now, so when I heard that this cartoon was arguably one of the best the channel ever had, I was biased obviously skeptical. I got around to watching the first episode some time after it first premiered, and I haven't looked back since. I was pleasantly surprised. Disney Channel may redeem itself and bring back some quality cartoons. If only Gravity Falls finished its hiatus, though... 

  15. While I've disagreed with Lindsay before, she did a review of "Fellowship of the Ring"? Where could I find it? Is it really that bad? I'm sure it can't be as bad as G4's review of the Wii U (kind of off topic, but it came to mind when I think of bad reviews).

  16. I highly doubt that anyone would actually try to get away with it.  XD  It's been at least 5 years since I watched this movie, and watching this scene, I am surprised at how great the animation is.


    Definitely. The shadows on the rock that Fievel was sitting on alone made me trip. That's one of the nice things about getting older. You actually appreciate the little things in movies, especially animated ones. In fact, the "little things" is what made me a pegasister.  :)


    Edit: I should've specified. The little things in Friendship is Magic is what made me a pegasister.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Yeah, it was shown in theaters, (according to ChaCha).  I love the whole scene where the indian mice think of Tiger as a god.  I laughed so hard at that scene.  Also remember 


    The lazy eye scene... :lol:  I remember that sometimes I'd fast forward through the tape to just watch that part.


    I should've figured it was released in theaters. Now that I watched that scene, the animation's way too good for it to be a straight to video deal. I wonder if people could get away with that depiction of Indians now. 

  18. American Tail is one of my favorite movies, though I like the sequel better.


    You know, Fievel Goes West was one of the few straight to video (I think) sequels that I liked as much, if not more than the original. Nice to see someone else agrees. Tiger was my favorite in that movie.  :)

  19. What, No American Tail?



    I loved that movie when I was a kid, heck, enough that I'd sing along to the songs. Now that I think about it, I loved a lot of Don Bluth's works when I was a little kid. Yes, even Rock-a-Doodle. I think especially Rock-a-Doodle.  :lol:


    That reminds me, it's not Don Bluth, but does anyone remember "We're Back! A Dinosaur Story"?

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