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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Vicke

  1. Below? Dead Rising 3? Titanfall? Spark?
  2. Gonna keep it simple here. Why i am not getting the Xbox One at release date. No, its not because of the games, because quite frankly, Xbox got a lot better games than PS4. No, its not because of the Price. No, its not because of used games. No, its not because of internet connection. Those reasons are stupid reasons. (Apart from the price) The reason i'm not getting it on release day is because of the fact that Microsoft has disrespected and has given us 0 fanservice. I don't mind the policy because im not affected by them the slightest. Just that i find it to be disrespecting and i find it to be wrong to put limits on something that you have bought. If i have bought something, im the one who is in charge, not MS. Unless they change it, i won't buy it. But yeah, i still like the console more than PS4 since it got a lot better games.
  3. The only good thing thats been posted in this thread xD Oh Sony. When they posted that video they gained a title. "Master Trolls"
  4. Most images are good, some are just....bad, really bad. To me, Mincrosoft did a better job at their conference than Sony. They had better looking games and while not even one game got me excited on Sony's side. I love how Sony ended it though, pouring salt into that wound. Anyway. Nintendo>MS>Sony
  5. Xbox one getting a lot of hate. Might as well join the herd.

    1. longgone


      PC all the way! >:3

    2. Jokuc


      haha I don't really hate it, but it's fun to "hate" it. If you know what I mean. I won't get any of the consoles anyways, I'll go with pc from now on.

  6. Ladies and Ladiesman! Here is an awesome site. http://www.smashbros.com/us/

    1. Winona the Dog

      Winona the Dog

      I'm not going to irritate myself over which is better.



  7. Anyone out there who dosen't ignore? Feel free to add me on Skype. Sir PurrPurr

  8. Ordered a Pizza with Bananas on :D

    1. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Uh... as a man who eat chicken abdomen for lunch, I will say that's weird. XD

  9. I loved this. Now, Nintendo! Do something similar!
  10. Sony and Microsoft are down! Someone call an ambulance! Wii U, Wii U, Wii U.

    1. Jonke
    2. Soundgarden


      That was the best pun of all time

    3. Vicke


      Aww, i want them to update their Smash site!

      Its still the old one xD

  11. I am not as impressed by SSB as i hoped.

  12. Damn. That Mario game looks really good. Damnit xD

    1. SPLinux


      I just wished my stream didnt crap pout when it started so i missed a bit of the start.

  13. Break time is over! NINtENDOOOO!

    1. Scootalove


      Nintendo! Hmm.. NOOOOO!

  14. Not gonna make a big deal of it, but i'm taking a break from the forum.

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Okay, see when you get back.

    2. Scootalove


      You earned your break. See you when you return.

  15. PS4 is NOT Free to play Online. Just saying.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      But it is $100 cheaper, fully supports used games, has no DRM, and is more powerful. Hmm...

    2. Vicke


      But has worse games and worse Online?


  16. Smart move Sony. Smart move :D

    1. Scootalove


      Salt to the wounds of Microsoft. But they will fire back. :P

    2. Vicke


      I hope so xD


      Though, this saved their conference.

    3. Scootalove


      Oh well. :P Microsoft: First we destroy Sony, and then THE WORLD! xD

  17. And they said the Xbox One design was bad xD

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Yeah, Why would I want my console to be angled in the BACK!

  18. Sony: Shows off an awesome game. Not Exclusive. Lol

    1. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Still waiting for destiny

    2. Vicke


      Its not an exclusive though.

    3. Acoustic Cloud
  19. Bed next! Night!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scootalove


      Whatever. x3 Just kill them!

    3. Vicke


      I hope i can wear Borat Mankini and an Afro, just like in DR2!

    4. Scootalove


      You might as well if it is available for PC!

  21. Vicke

    gaming Dead Rising 3

    I'm gonna try not to hype to much. *Takes a deep breath* OH MY FUCKING GOD YEEES! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS GAME! THIS GAME IS THE VERY REASONS ORGASMS EXIST! It better have Multiplayer, because oh my god....... The fun i had with Dead Rising 2! This announcement made my week!
  22. Its decided, im getting a Xbox One :D

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Vicke


      I hope so.

      They might do it.


      Smash and a New Zelda <3

    3. Mephala


      And Pikmin 3, correct?

    4. Vicke


      Not a fan of it. But think i would give it a shot.


  23. Calling people BBBFF is fun :D

  24. Ahh! happy today!

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