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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Hansel

  1. ... I... I don't understand... What is this madness? Excuse me... I just... I think I need to go and cry in that corner for a while. And then take a walk. I just... I don't understand...
  2. Words cannot fathom how much jelly I feel.
  3. I suppose that as a newbie in these parts, I should post my face. Here's me being being silly while I was supposed to be working: Here's me doing... something. And here's one of me completely sober... which I will spoiler to save accidental viewing. I'm a man that likes to take life very seriously. -_- I approve of this.
  4. Well, I'm probably the only person in the world who still uses a Walkman. xD But here are the artists/bands I have on CD's. Norther Ghost in the Static The Birthday Massacre And One Asphyxia Apoptygma Berzerk Grendel Ashbury Heights Blutengel (Actually, I better Spoiler this list, might get a bit long)
  5. I don't really follow a lot of reality TV that everyone seems to obsess over, including stuff like X Factor, [insert country]'s Got Talent and those sort of shows. I also don't really keep up with these Soap shows people rave on about, it's just not really my kind of thing. I used to be a pretty avid gamer until the 360 and PS3 came out. I got my XBox 360 and carried on playing games for PC for a while, but found that very few of any of the new games really appealed to me. They just didn't have the same addictive quality to me as the PS2 games. I used to really enjoy RTS games, but found that a lot of the new ones were getting a bit too over-the-top for my taste. I actually really enjoyed how a lot of the old RTS games (especially the 90's ones) left room for the imagination... partly because of the poor graphics. xD There have been a few exceptions though, I really enjoyed Portal and Gears of War. Actually, the fact that I don't game much anymore can be frustrating at times. Video games seem to be A LOT more popular then the were when I was a gamer, and a lot of my friends at uni as well the pony fandom in general seem to be big on games. Maybe one day I'll get back into it. :3
  6. It's lovely meeting you too! (See, I'm more of a fan of Austere, Gallowbraid, Woods of Desolation, Agalloch, Sienbenburgen, Winterhorde, Wolfchant, Wodensthrone and I'll stop there or the list gets too long.) But... but... Fluttershy...
  7. When it comes to art/entertainment, I'm more of a "behind the scenes" person... if that makes sense. :3 Although I am a professional model part time... usually in front of camera, so I'm not sure if that really counts, but I did do a small fashion show once as well. You and me both. Music has been a passion of mine for a very long time now... I don't see it ever going anywhere. I blame reality. e_e
  8. As far as TV series goes, it's definitely a tie between these two for me. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJoIwGeKs3A http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7L2PVdrb_8 With films... it's a little harder for me to choose, but this comes has to be one of them.
  9. Don't be ridiculous, applejack could never disappoint anyone. -_-
  10. I actually have no idea why Flash is so expensive, and I use it on a regular basis for work. The funny thing is, Flash is far from the best animation software available, and it's also not the most expensive. Don't get me wrong, Flash is a great tool. It's great for what it's meant to do... animate, but it's pretty limiting in terms of design. As well as Flash, I also own Toonboom, which I believe is what Disney used for some of their films, and it's far more sophisticated. It's also a bit more complicated, I actually haven't had the chance to sit down and work out how to use it yet. However, there are free options available, if you're interested in something more basic. Have you tried using Pencil?
  11. So... I hear you guys like Metal. Me too. In fact, I like it a lot. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XVATLAuYWU Because as we all know, a song isn't trve kvlt unless it's at least 9 minutes long. That was the best thing ever.
  12. That's fine, I'm pretty used that. -_- Hehe, I like a lot of music. Thank you very much, I have fun watching ponies, I have fun drawing ponies, and I have fun cosplaying as ponies... so I'm pretty sure I'll have fun talking about them here as well. Applejack huh... Now, I could be wrong... but I'm pretty sure I know somepony else with the same name.
  13. I also joined today, so I'm probably not the best person in the world to do the whole welcome thing, but.. WELCOME!
  14. Hello! I like ponies. On a side note, I live in London, and I'm in uni doing the last year of my BA course in 2D animation. I'm a bit of cartoon fanatic, but I love animation in general, including that dark place where all the pretentious artists get together and create weird avant garde films that no one really cares about. I'm also a music lover, and listen to quite a lot of different genres, from Classical, to pounding Techno, to frostbitten Black Metal from the furthest reaches of Scandinavia, and a lot more in between. I dabble a bit in making music as well when I have spare time... which I haven't had any of in quite a while. *eyes my cobweb covered guitars* I very much enjoy drawing, creative writing and reading. I also socialise. Sometimes. Kind of. It's an on and off thing. I hope I did that right. (Also, how am I supposed to choose just one pony?)
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