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Glacier Chasm

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Posts posted by Glacier Chasm

  1. The character seems underdeveloped and her emotions, thoughts, and feelings seem to swing unusually. I also found it weird that she was all self conscious about being a blank flank, the started picking on her relatives, then we found out she was being bullied the whole time... Plus the accent (esp. when combined with Applebloom and/or Applejack talking) makes it very difficult to understand her...(I also didn't like the song)



    I understood everything you said until that last part.... strange... that's gotta be the worst type I've seen in my life, obviously by didn't you meant absolutely adored with every ounce of my body.  lol (I'm a huge fan of the song... ;) But I guess your entitled to your Gilda Opinion)

  2.  I still harbor some rage because she made Sweetie Belle cry, but I suppose she isn't too bad. Seems to be a rather personality-less character, though. She just goes from generic bully to generic bullied.



    Ah.... the Sweetie Bell fans... I love you guys so much.


    I actually enjoyed Bad Seed (I know its Babs) I thought that her voice was cool, if not accurate (I think they were actually going for an east coast blend rather then any specific part of the east coast, which would explain why it has bits of Jersey and some New Yorkin).  There wasn't too much character development, but it what there was showed Babs being a very real character and not just a plot device.  There is definitely potential in her and while I don't think we'll see that Potential exploited on the show, theres always the fannon.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. welcome. I am also a rarity fan. lucky us for more rarity fans coming in...on a side note, angle kinda creeps me out, just being honest

    What Angel are you talking about? S1 or S2, because in S1, Angel was a driving force behind Fluttershy, getting her to go out and do things while in S2... you get the more creepy and pushy Angel.  I look both, but I prefer when Angel is her season one of being pushy to Fluttershy to get her to do the right thing.

  4. @,


    First, why, why did you mention something from the Derpy incident? Any minute now the flame war will be brewing and it will all be horrible.@,


    first off, stop saying hasbro because they did absolutely nothing. It was DHX Media. People need to learn to get it right.


    Hasbro = Toys only

    DHX Media = Show

    Hub = Channel


    Second - you are on the right track. Derpy has a lot of reasons that she is liked. You pretty much hit the nail on the head.


    Thanks for that clarification. It's something that we pretty much all know, but often have a habit of forgetting. DHX is the one's who really do like us bronies, and we like them. They love derpy just like we do, but they are in a much different position then we are, and thus we need to be understanding of there view point as well as trying to let them know ours.




    First, why, why did you mention something from the Derpy incident? Any minute now the flame war will be brewing and it will all be horrible.@,


    first off, stop saying hasbro because they did absolutely nothing. It was DHX Media. People need to learn to get it right.


    Hasbro = Toys only

    DHX Media = Show

    Hub = Channel


    Second - you are on the right track. Derpy has a lot of reasons that she is liked. You pretty much hit the nail on the head.


    Thanks for that clarification. It's something that we pretty much all know, but often have a habit of forgetting. DHX is the one's who really do like us bronies, and we like them. They love derpy just like we do, but they are in a much different position then we are, and thus we need to be understanding of there view point as well as trying to let them know ours.




    First, why, why did you mention something from the Derpy incident? Any minute now the flame war will be brewing and it will all be horrible.@,


    first off, stop saying hasbro because they did absolutely nothing. It was DHX Media. People need to learn to get it right.


    Hasbro = Toys only

    DHX Media = Show

    Hub = Channel


    Second - you are on the right track. Derpy has a lot of reasons that she is liked. You pretty much hit the nail on the head.


    Thanks for that clarification. It's something that we pretty much all know, but often have a habit of forgetting. DHX is the one's who really do like us bronies, and we like them. They love derpy just like we do, but they are in a much different position then we are, and thus we need to be understanding of there view point as well as trying to let them know ours.




    First, why, why did you mention something from the Derpy incident? Any minute now the flame war will be brewing and it will all be horrible.@,


    first off, stop saying hasbro because they did absolutely nothing. It was DHX Media. People need to learn to get it right.


    Hasbro = Toys only

    DHX Media = Show

    Hub = Channel


    Second - you are on the right track. Derpy has a lot of reasons that she is liked. You pretty much hit the nail on the head.


    Thanks for that clarification. It's something that we pretty much all know, but often have a habit of forgetting. DHX is the one's who really do like us bronies, and we like them. They love derpy just like we do, but they are in a much different position then we are, and thus we need to be understanding of there view point as well as trying to let them know ours.

  5. I haven't had this problem at all, and I really sympathize with you. I don't have much advice that you'll find amazingly helpful, but I hope that CloudFyre does. My two ideas is to make a document on Google Docs and write your story on there. That way you don't have to worry about them finding it on your computer at all. You just need to make sure you log out of your email.


    The second idea that I have is that you find a friend nearby who is a brony as well. Outside your home, don't be a closet brony. See if you can't find somebody who's perfectly normal and is a brony. If your parents can see an outside source, it might help, and you'll have a non-electronic source to brony out with. That will probably alleviate some of your parents fears about your lack of social connections.


    I hope these ideas help somewhat, and let me know when you get your first chapter up I'd like to see it.

  6. I thought that is was the best Pinkie Pie episode yet. The antics, the weird stuff, wow, it was awesome.


    Though, I will say that I'm not usually as fond of pinkie Pie episodes. I like her better as a side character with a few funny gags every once and a while, like in Crystal Empire. However, even with this being full blown Pinkie absolutely everywhere, I really enjoyed it.


    I have no idea how they're going to top this.


    I'm on the other end. I love the Pinkie pie episodes where we see how she deals with problems, and we get a view into this existential side of her, which To many Pinkie Pies did excellently. She is an amazing slapstick character, but they could probably top this by combining the existential side with her slapstick.



    That wasn't actually supposed to be in caps, but I accidentally hit caps first, it stuck.



    • Brohoof 3
  8. Derpy is more than a pony, she is a symbol.


    Derpy is popular because the fans made her. Her name was supposed to be Ditzy Doo, and her googly eyes were result an animation error. When Bronies saw that, they named her Derpy Hooves, and gave her personality traits. By doing this, the Bronies created their very own character, their very own pony. Hasbro changed her name to Derpy Hooves, googled her eyes, and put her in the background as nod to the fans. Derpy Hooves represents the relationship between the fans and Hasbro. If Hasbro gets rid of her, people are going to start to think that they don't care about their fans anymore.


    That's why people are upset about it.


    As much as I agree with you, I don't think the fans are that obsessed over Derpy. Sure, it's a sad thing to see her lack of appearance for the amount of love she gets. However, the wound is still too fresh.... to much of a disaster. I don't think that Derpy is gone for good seeing how in France and Italy they kept the name Derpy in the translation. However, they are going to need to let time calm down the situation before they truly bring her back. But they still want the fans to know they care, so they are putting in moments for her such as the Where's Waldo incidents.

  9. It's a point that well taken. I felt as if the actual Pinkie was amazing, she was even asking herself extensional questions... she had the feel from season 2 of a more serious nature buried beneath her, yet the other Pinkie's who weren't anywhere near the original in any form of actual character. I would have preferred the other Pinkie's to not have been so one dimensional, but there's not much I can do about it at this point. If this the view that they are going to take Pinkie this season. I'm in love. It has such a perfect mix of seriousness yet epic "Physics? What's that?"


    (Oh... and there were so many shout out to the bronies in that episode... it just about blows the mind.

  10. lunas boyfriend :P he went crazy that luna went missing from equstria and ploted revege on the crystral empire which could be the reason why celestia told luna twilight could handle it and why luna seemed a bit angry at the begging he could have taught her black magic turning her evil :P through these could be my shipping brain scince i also think discord could have been celestias boyfriend :P


    That is the most excellent undebatable, yet totally not true theory I have ever seen. My applause, I'm impressed. You have a skill for finding the loophole to ship any character you so choose. I think you crazy insane... .but that is some skill. ;)

  11. I was honestly kinda disappointed in the song. I expected a bit more from it after they ended the last season with This Day Aria. I think someone already said that though. It just seemed... lacking as compared to previous songs.


    I honestly think it was about time Spike got to have a singing part. But they could have used him better. I don't think his singing voice was necessarily bad, it just didn't fit the way they tried to use it. And I agree, it might just be they tried to translate his quiet voice into singing. Good grief, let him sing out a little bit, and it might sound better.


    The reprise at the end was acceptable.


    I absolutely loved the Reprisal. Easily one of my favorites now, I think that song didn't have a certain energy that we are so used to in the series songs. It was kind of lackluster ( Because it's in a Crystal episode), but I definitely enjoyed it in the end.


    I've always loved the Broadway style of all the ponies singing, and the Reprisal really reminded me of that style of Winter Wrap up and The Gala.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. He is an interesting character for head Cannon. Especially if you realize that the crystal empire existed right before the Nightmare Moon incident, and he has the power to affect emotions, or at least vicariously through the Crystal Kingdom. He was after the Kingdom for its abilities to affect the emotions of all of Equestria. So the question comes, for what purpose? If he could affect emotions, then that lead him to having affected Luna, but what else did he effect other then the crystal ponies, and what was the value of making them his slaves? Where they mining for something?


    Another thing I wonder is what is his connection with Crystals, because he can make Crystals outside the Crystal Kingdom (Shining's Horn), so he obviously is connected to the Crystal ponies, but did this ability come from before or after his take over of the Kingdom? The fact that all Crystal Ponies are Earth means Sombra probably wasn't born a crystal pony... so how did he gain such power over it. Or if he was born a Crystal Pony, it means that he committed Genocide on the Other two races, which would make sense seeing how Jousting is Pegasus thing, but was still vital to the Kingdom's Crystal Fair.

    • Brohoof 3
  13. post-4376-0-39622900-1353209411.png


    ^This is what I'm seeing when I look at the game. Their pony models are drawn at a weird angle compared to the angle I look on the ground. Game artists can get away with this more easily with humans but since ponies have four legs, a silly mistake like drawing characters in a weird perspective is much easier to spot.


    That's actually really interesting. Thanks for that. I definitely understand that because of that, some of the models are going to look a bit bad, but some of them like Vinyl are just horrid. Its strange that Snips model is so bad when Appleblooms is one of my favorites.

  14. while TheTEChguy27.isBrony == false do
    for i, v in pairs(Internet:GetChildren(Images)) do
    if v.ponyRelated == true then
    v.Parent = TheTEChguy27.Inbox
    Print("Hey Tim, check this out!")
    Lua is best scripting language!


    I don't know if I love you or what you wrote more? So Tech and Ninja, exactly what languages do you speak

  15. I'm glad they covered the hole to the reflecting pool at the end- I mean, imagine if Discord found it, or worse, Trixie? Life in Equestria as we all know it would end. Of course, they'd have to get Pinkie to teach them the rhyme, but I'd bet either wouldn't feel any remorse interrogating her. :o


    Making Pinkie cry is the only Crime that could stand up to making Fluttershy Cry (Glaring at you Rainbow Dash). There would be epic retaliations if they made Pinkie cry.

    • Brohoof 2
  16. I really like the 3d models in the game. However, there is one thing that bugs me. Snips is HUMONGOUS! I think he's taller than most of the adult ponies, maybe as tall as Bic Mac.


    Lol.... I just might have to get him just to see how bad he is! Dang it, and I just spent it all clearing land too! Time to to TIME TRAVEL... I need the Doctor.

  17. Well... its been more of a thing that I was so active for so long... and now it's something of a dying franchise, and season 6 and 7 was good, but not what I've hoped for. I guess I've just kind of faded it out. Although... I still was Terriermon for Nightmare Night... so I'm not completely dead from that community, just almost dead. And everyone knows their a difference between almost dead and all dead.

  18. What's everyone's opinion on the models for Gamelofts Ponyville?


    Honestly I love some of them, like Pinkie Pie's model, and Braeburn looks pretty good too. Mr. Cake's is pretty funny, but some of the models are just horrid.


    [Rarity's voice] Oh, Darling, Vinyl? Just what is that hideous mane of yours doing? [/Rarity's voice]


    I'm not liking Spitfire's model either... the goggles look rather off and is kind of bland.


    Appleblooms model is well designed though, and I do enjoy it.


    So what's all your opinions?

  19. It was a highly creative episode and enjoyable to watch, but got a little bit annoying with so many Pinkie's. One of her is quite enough for one lifetime. But, actually my favorite part was seeing Rainbow Dash at the swimming hole reading another Daring Do Novel . That was awesome!


    I know, this was perhaps one of the great things about the episode (but why is she rereading the first book?) There was an enormous amount of not only callbacks, but fan waves at all, such as Pinkie Pie's Digits, the G3 face, (zap that face Twilight! ZAP IT!) I also loved how Twilight knows anti-gravity spells, breaking physics, and now she's breaking chemistry laws as well. IS NOTHING SACRED TWILIGHT! Oh well, it makes the show so enjoyable.


    I did feel kind of bad for Pinkie though. That kind of happens every episode that focuses on Pinkie... you end up feeling bad for her! Curse these ponies, they drive me to emotions.


    Overall it was an excellent episode, but I did wish the other Pinkies weren't so autonomous but it would have been hard to find a reason to get rid of them otherwise.

  20. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle

    How did you find MLP Forums?: I found this through Equestria Daily while looking for a place to talk about the latest episodes.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Heard about it on deviantart... Watched it once with my little sister, Hurricane Fluttershy was the episode, and I thought that it was good, but nothing amazing. (I had been expecting a thrilling storyline between episodes, because that's usually what people rave about online.) So a few months later, I watched the premiers of the two seasons and ep 3 and 4 of season 1. Mostly held the same opinion. It was good, but nothing spectacular (yet it always lingered in the back of my mind) One Saturday about a 7 weeks ago I brought it up again... and I watched 40 episodes in one day. So I held to the standard indoctrination, but with a little bit of variance.

    Other interesting facts: I'm a typical brony (between 19 and 25, Male)


    I live even farther north then the Crystal Ponies (I'm from Alaska, and it got a buckin negative 26 yesterday)


    I used to be a huge digimon fan, but that was completely shattered when I met ponies, and I'm putting some ideas together for a fanfic that'll write eventually about what happens when Twilight puts her Thesis about The Magic of Friendship together. It'll probably be awhile before I get it up, but we'll see.


    Just for the Record:

    Soarin is Best Pony

    Twilight/Pinkie is best comedy duo

    Baby Cakes is best Episode

    Daring Do is best fictional character in a fictional story (She's been incepted)



    • Brohoof 1
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