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Everything posted by Whisper

  1. 1. I know how to use one, but I have never actually had to use one. They were still around when I was a child, but by the time I actually used telephones they all had buttons on them. 2. No, I've had internet ever since I was old enough to know how to use a computer. We got our first modern-ish computer in 2001. We had skipped both Windows 98, 99, ME and the likes, and the first stationary computer we owned had Windows XP. So by then I had already grown old enough to understand how to use a computer, and we had an easy enough access to internet. 3. It was September 11. I was playing in the livingroom when the news suddenly showed some footage of the first plane crashing into one of the towers. My mother thought it was horrible, but I was too young to understand back then. But when living far away from a crisis you quickly forget, and the next day I had already forgotten. 4. No we always had somewhat modern TVs. Not cutting edge technology or anything, but before now we haven't really had old fashioned TVs. Now we do but that's mostly because we just can't afford anything better than our old TV right now. 5. I haven't read any of those things in textbooks. I've read a lot about Germany, but those books mostly focus on the second world war, rather than the Berlin wall. Rest of the things mentioned I have heard about, but have never been taught anything about them or read anything about them. They haven't been big issues in Europe. 6. No my family is quite good with technology. I have two great grandmothers who still use their home phone more than their cell phone, but they do own cell phones. 7. Oh I do remember the old disks! My very first digital painting program was on one of them. Our computer wasn't very good at running them though, so the program crashed quite often. 8. I think I was around 6 or 7 years old. And even then it was mostly for fun. I didn't actually need to find a number, I was just checking out how many had my last name. 9. Moomins. Still love them. There is no better cure than a big blanket, some hot toddy and Moomins. 10. Depends on the cartoon whether or not it is dated. I find some of them to be way better than many modern day cartoons. Not all of them though.
  2. It is his wing And you might very well be right about his head tilting a little too much the angle considered. I hadn't even noticed. Thank you for the comments and the critique You are welcome to stare at it any time you like.
  3. I ctually fixed up his hind legs some time ago, but apparently it just wouldn't show the fixed version ^^' I tried to upload the picture on my Photobucket in stead, and it works now ^^ the lines on the hind legs are admittedly still a little wobbly, but right now I'm working on other stuff, so I'll let it stay as it is. Thank you so much for all the feedback ^^ it's really nice to read all your remarks, so thank you for commenting!
  4. I strongly dislike misbehaving children. I am not that social and big crowds both stress and scare me. Noisy misbehaving children double that. A crowd of misbehaving children absolutely throw my stress level to maximum. So generally I avoid misbehaving and noisy children. I like children, but ones who are extremely noisy and keep on fighting and running around with no end in sight - those I strongly dislike. My slightly anti-socal way of being just can't handle them -.-
  5. Well i consider myself both an above average writer and artist. I am quite adept at vectoring and use Adobe Photoshop CS5 to do so. However I cannot animate said vectors. At least not yet. You can check out my Deviantart for my vectoring skills. I do not have any examples of my writing skills. However I have both written and drawn practically every day for the past 10 years. Both my Skype and my Youtube account are called SimulatedSet04. Even though my knowledge within game creation is not huge I am very hardworking and passionate about every project I work upon. If you can find use for me I will work on this project and not quit for every whim. I relish the experience such a project is bound to give, and I would love a MMORPG with ponies as much as any bronygamer out there! However I think in stead of making ponies fight it might be better and more true tro the show to make them compete against eachother in different ways. Such as Iron Pony competition disciplines for Earth Ponies. Pegasus Races for Pegasi and Magic Duels for unicorns. Or something like that. Otherwise the universe might become a little too fight oriented and loose both its showaccuracy and its main purpose, which according to the show are the lessons of friendship. Those do usually not involve fighting for fun ^^'
  6. I would love to try to make the album art for you My preferred My Little Pony style is vectoring. I added an example of my most recent vector below so you can see some of my work. I drew the sketch myself and then vectored over it. I try to keep my style as show-accurate as possible. I hope you like it. Please message me if you would like me to try to create the album art for you
  7. 1. Failure. I absolutely can't stand doing things wrong. Unfortunately this happens all the time, and I have basically lost every single ounce of confidence because of this. On the internet it is easier to be a little confident as I can hide a bit behind my avatar, but in real life I seldom dare to do anything anymore because it is bound to fail. *sigh* 2. Disappointing those I care about. This is governed by the above mentioned fear. My great fear of failure makes me fear I will fail so terribly that the ones I care about will be disappointed with me. Maybe even so disappointed that they decide to leave me. It is possibly my biggest fear, but the constant fear of failure leads to this fear, and therefore it is on the top of the list. 3. Darkness I know there probably aren't creepy monsters hiding under my bed waiting until the lights turn off but you never know, right?
  8. Now I tried to fix his hind legs a bit, but I'm not completely satisfied with the hooves. I will leave it be however and focus more on non-butt-related vectoring
  9. Thanks for the comments and critique ^^ I will try to do something about his hind legs and hooves... And try to vector something besides butts x)
  10. A vector I made of Thunderlane and his quite cute butt. Why? Well... Thunderlane's butt is best butt (inspired by the Episode Followup on Equestria Daily for the episode "Wonderbolt Academy". I spent around 3 hours on it in Photoshop with reference from different screenshots. I mixed them all together to have some kind of sketch and then vectored upon them. My 4th vector ever. Please do tell what you think of it EDIT: Fixed his hind legs. EDIT 2: Changed the link to the picture. Maybe it might show the fixed picture now -.-
  11. In Europe Thanksgiving is not celebrated at all so I can not really say if it is overrated or not, but I find all holidays somewhat overrated. It is very nice to get together and celebrate to have something out of the ordinary but there are very few who even remember why some holidays are celebrated. They are not that important even though they are quite nice.
  12. I was very much in doubt wwther my ponysona should be an earth pony or a pegasus, as I am used to hard work and earth pony would fit me very well as I often wish to be more than I am - to be better than I am. But because My Little Pony always lets me forget my worries and problems I see no reason to not be the pony of my dreams. To fly free like the birds. Definitely a dream of mine and the very best I could ever be. Truly my ponysona.
  13. I do not like to swear and I find it difficult to respect people who use swearwords way too often. I cannot escape the fact that I sometimes swear too but i do prefer not to. In my mind it is just a way to express strong emotions. Like sudden anger, sudden pain or the likes of such. It is for me at least. There are not always strong enough words to express such strong emotions and therefore some slightly taboo words are used, as they seem to have more power than usual words. That is at least what I think.
  14. I used to always have my starter Pokemon from start to finish, but since I started playing by Nuzlocke rules, I usually box the starter immediately after I make my first catch, and make that my "starter" Pokemon. I do not always keep that Pokemon to the very end but there is definitely a special bond to the first Pokemon.
  15. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: I wished I had some interesting story to tell about how I discovered the MLP Forums in all its glory, but truthfully I just Googled it. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I am not sure anymore. It was back when Season 1 was still running, and I becoma a brony with a friend of mine around the same time. I cannot remember if I was the one to show him My Little Pony, or if he was the one to show it to me, but we are both Bronies now and that is what counts. Greetings to everypony out there. Known (or not) across the internet as SimulatedSet04, but I do find my ponyname somewhat more pronouncable. Whisper is the name, writing is the game. I truly enjoy sunshine, rain, stars. Basically anything heaven-bound so to speak. No surprise my ponysona is a pegasus. Oh, and chocolate. Chocolate is the best. And smiles. And yes. Rarity is best pony. Fare thee well Sincerely Whisper the female Brony
  16. My mother wishes to start to play all kinds of roleplaying games so as to learn how they function, as she wishes to develope games of her own. My uncle is in on the idea, and I truly hope they succeed in their plan, because how awesome would it not be if my mother and uncle designed their very own awesome game! I am so in on that. Especially if they make me their Game Tester
  17. Thank you for the help I probably would not be too bummed out if he will not like it. I just want him to at least watch the show before making up his mind. But hooves crossed that he will not completely dismiss the show however it turns out. I am still going to have Love is in Bloom playing at my Wedding if someone ever ends up convincing me marriage is cool. --- Oh thank you for the suggestions everypony ^^ I had completely forgotten about Discord, but he is awesome so he is ending up on the list. Maybe even pushing Nightmare Moon off the list.
  18. Greetings fellow Bronies and Pega-sisters. I have a wee dilemma on my hooves. I have a boyfriend who isn't a brony, which in and of itself is fine but I found out he hasn't even tried watching a single episode. I ended up talking him into watching My Little Pony with me, but he only agreed to watch 5 episodes after which he is allowed to make up his mind. No matter what he chooses is fine with me, but I do kind of hope he would like it. That is why I'm going to cut a teensy weensy corner (not cheat oh no not at all), and not show him the show from the beginning. Of course The Mare In The Moon 1 & 2 will be on the list, but I was never a big fan of The Ticket Master or Applebucking Season. I was going to choose 5 episodes that could really catch his interest, and show him that the show really is awesome! But the dilemma is; I have no idea which 5 episodes. I of course have my favourite episodes, but I am afraid they might be a bit too nampy pampy for a first time watcher. So that is why I am turning to you. Which episodes are the ones you like the best? Which episodes mean something very special to you? What is the most exciting episode according to you? Oh I dearly hope you can help me Bronies, as I am very much in doubt of which episodes to choose to show him. If he ends up liking the show, there might just be one more joining the herd. Thank thee and fare thee well. Sincerely Whisper the female Brony.
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