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Everything posted by LunaEclipse
S04:E01+02 - Princess Twilight Sparkle
LunaEclipse replied to Yellow Diamond's topic in Season 4 Discussion
Well, after waiting (surprisingly patiently) for the season 4 premiere, I have to say that I'm thoroughly satisfied. These writers certainly know what they're doing and I think we're all in for a pretty awesome, 26-episode season 4. I believe this premiere was so most promising yet! This premiere did not debut a new villain, and that was definitely the right move. Instead of presenting another new, disappointing villain that falls short of expectations, season 4 decides to use its premiere to feed us more history behind Equestria, the princesses, and Discord while maintaining the usualy theme of friendship with a slight twist now that Twilight's a princess. It wins my approval, because it appeals to what I (and most fans) like to see. Princess Luna fans? You get to see a cinematic of what actually happened 1000 years ago with the banishment of our beloved Luna, loaded with an action-scene and dialogue. Discord fans? He returns as the hilarious, mildly sadistic, yet oddly charming Discord that we all know and love. In the end, he proved a good image in teaching Twilight a lesson and even gave himself a maid outfit. The show even played mind-games with me; I wasn't sure if Discord was truly up to no good again or if he was telling the truth. They introduced a new piece of Equestria (the tree) and relinquishing the elements was an interesting idea that I didn't see coming since they all had them since the first episode. And after all that's said and done, Twilight and her friends display that their friendship means everything and the 6 ponies will always need each other and be together. It's almost as if the writers have done some self-reflection and fixed up some mistakes and problems that they realized they may have made. TL:DR - This premiere was great and it has me anxious to see more of season 4. I feel the writers have really put some thought behind fixing up decisions that causes issues in the brony community. P.S. This post was written in a hurry and it may not be the most eloquent, detailed, or refined post in any way, so please forgive me. -
gaming The Official League of Legends Thread
LunaEclipse replied to Vicke's topic in Media Discussion
Oh, hellllll no. Riven is MY waifu! No sharing! But yeah, I love Riven. When her battle bunny skin came out, I insta-bought it. I played Riven in the jungle in season 2, but for season 3, I prefer going top with her. She's one of the strongest snowballers in the game. "Feed Riven and you lose." This game looks so chaotic...how did you guys even get that victory? Well, I guess that diversion play you had at the end must have been pretty good. Haha, everything about it looks silly. Your team has three smites.- 4,530 replies
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What drives Physicists to study Physics?
LunaEclipse replied to ToridAkbolto's topic in General Discussion
Hey jwutheheadcase, Physics is classified as a natural science that pretty much governs how the universe and everything in it works. It is the foundation of which everything around you is based off of. For a physicist, or any scientist for that matter, they see everything around them and constantly ask, "why?" Why do things happen the way they do? Why do things work the way they work? It's a never-ending questioning of "why?" So, I think in order to be truly into physics and enjoy it, one needs to have this unquenchable thirst for knowledge to answer all of these "why" questions about the physical occurrences they see around them. They're basically like that one child who says "why?" over and over again to everything, but they're not being a brat. They actually want to know these things. Having this natural curiosity about the functionality of everything around us is definitely the key element in not being bored of physics. When they wonder about certain phenomena, and have them proven and answered in front of their very eyes, they love it. It's like giving candy to that child from before so he shuts up. What is my justification for saying all of this? I am a physicist. I am one of them. tl;dr -Physicists are basically curious kids trapped in a grown-up body. If you have any trouble with anything or have any questions, feel free to PM me and ask. I'll be happy to try and help you understand anything you're having issues with. -
gaming The Official League of Legends Thread
LunaEclipse replied to Vicke's topic in Media Discussion
AASLKGJDSGHDJKL, Why haven't I seen this video before! That is pretty amazing and awesome. Yeah, it makes a lot of sense why I like Diana so much too. Please tell me you've zoomed in all the way on her so you can see her three separate attack animations. I do this all the time. And yeah, I like Liandry's on her too. I think whether you go AS or not depends on the game, but it is fun to watch. I like that she has a slow walking animation too. I think Diana has the most movement animations out of all the champs now that I think about it.- 4,530 replies
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Is it stupid to fall in love over the internet?
LunaEclipse replied to Asher's topic in General Discussion
I agree with Luna Moonshire and GoneAirbourne I don't really see a problem with loving someone over the internet. But when it comes to having relationships, I think that's a different story. Love is a delicate word, but if by someone's definition, they "love someone" over the internet, I don't think that's stupid at all. However, when it comes to actual dating, I believe that a very crucial component of a relationship is physical interaction. While the idea of a long distance relationship can have this cutesy feel to it, I think you can't really have a great relationship without seeing each other in person and sharing a physical connection. I feel that everyone has emotional AND physical needs from a relationship that should be satisfied when they want to be really happy with someone. Now before you jump at me by saying, "WAIT, Are you saying that everyone needs sex in order to have a good relationship?!" No, I'm saying that you and your significant other should see each other. Spend time doing things with each other and being in each other's presence. THEN you can GET IT ONNNN.....Just kidding...I'm not what you think....really. -
gaming The Official League of Legends Thread
LunaEclipse replied to Vicke's topic in Media Discussion
Diana? Pooped on? Diana is a great champion and is one of the top tier picks in the season 3 meta. She has been played in plenty of tournaments and many players in the LCS also have great things to say about her. For good reason! Diana is a strong early game champion with nice burst damage and mobility and even has a cute little CC of her own. She is viable in the jungle as well and has great AP ratios that scale well into late game. Plus, you can even build attack speed on her for split-pushing because her passive works on turrets. In the hands of a master, Diana can win almost any match-up, and she counters some of the baddest mids out there (Kat, Ahri, TF, Ryze, etc.) I like Diana a lot and think she's a really fun champ. She's a great champion created by riot, so be proud of playing Diana! Also, she kind of mirrors our lovely Princess Luna in a way. In fact, people who know both LoL and MLP compare the two to each other. If anyone's read the lore, Diana is an avatar of the moon's power. She wanted acceptance from the Solari, the people who worshipped the sun. Although she was born a "Solari", Diana found guidance in the moon, and questioned whether the sun's power should be dominant. This caused the others to shun her, and look down upon her, causing Diana to yearn even more for acceptance despite her different mindset. Long story short, she questioned the ignorance of her people and found answers in a temple, where she discovered evidence that people also worshipped the moon. When she presented this to the Solari, she was put up for execution, causing her anger and sorrow to surpass her desire for acceptance. She was eventually banished by her sister, Leona. Similar to how Princess Luna was banished by her sister, Princess Celestia. There's too much parallelism. I demand a Diana-Pony skin. "The sun does not reveal truth. Its light only burns and blinds." Diana is the Princess Luna of League of Legends! tl;dr -Diana is awesome! Diana is good! Be proud you play Diana! Diana is Princess Luna!- 4,530 replies
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That's a good idea, I'm still tweaking a lot of things, so I'll try that out and see how it looks. I'm also working on trying to refine this more and getting rid of those crease marks on their faces.
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Hello everypony, I got around to working on more origami ponies! Origami and MLP collide once again. Here's Fluttershy. I know her color scheme is not right, but I haven't been able to get my hands on some double-sided paper with the right schemes. Custom-made paper is also a bit pricey because most places have you buy it in bulk. I'm thinking of just finding someone who has a color printer. Anyway: I asked my roommate to help me draw in some faces for the ponies too (I'm terrible at drawing). So this is her drawing of Fluttershy's face: I asked her to do Rarity too: They were two different Rarity's. I haven't asked her to draw in Applejack yet. So again, questions, comments, and feedback all are welcome. I'll tend to them as best as I can. Do you think they look better with a drawn face? Or should they be solely origami, faceless ponies? I can't decide. When I find an easy way to get double-sided paper (or custom paper for Rainbow Dash) with the right color scheme, I'll be making more. I apologize for the oddly-colored Fluttershy.
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Why did Rarity leave prince Blueblood ?
LunaEclipse replied to Soultensionb's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
While Rarity may want her name to be well-known and live a sophisticated life, there was something else she wanted perhaps even more. To be treated like a lady. She deserves it, but Prince Blueblood is conveyed as a disgraceful, pathetic excuse of a gentlecolt. Not opening doors for her, expecting her to pay, being a complete, and snobby baby about everything, of course Rarity would leave him. I hope I don't come off as a chauvinistic pig or anything, but that is simply not how a guy should treat a lady. Whether or not Rarity really wanted to achieve royalty, we all know that our fabulous Rarity wouldn't make herself suffer to earn any such title. I don't even think Rarity dislikes her life in Ponyville. She loves her friends. She may have all of her deadlines, but, I mean, "fashion is her passion!" (Pinkie Pie, MLP:FiM season 2, episode 19. Lauren Faust.) I'm proud of her for that and it also teaches the female audience of the show a not-so-subtle lesson as well. One defining line between Rarity and that oaf of a stallion is that Rarity would rather choose her "common" life and her "common" friends over saving face. We see this in Sweet and Elite, and Suited for Success, when Rarity eventually abandoned the image she created for herself in Canterlot to introduce her friends to Fancy Pants, and when she allowed the hideous dresses to be displayed in the fashion show. Prince Snob-blood is so wrapped up in his own image of himself, he probably is incapable of principles. I wouldn't deem Rarity and the self-centered prince similar. Rarity allows principle to dictate her actions and the Prince, his image. If anyone finds themselves asking why Rarity left Blueblood, ask yourself this: If you were a girl (or are a girl) and were treated the way Rarity was by Prince Snob, would you choose to stay with him? I hope the answer to this isn't difficult. tl:dr -Rarity and Prince Snob are not similar because Rarity allows principle to dictate her actions and the prince, his image. Taking this into consideration, the reasons why Rarity left Blueblood should be somewhat obvious. -
gaming The Official League of Legends Thread
LunaEclipse replied to Vicke's topic in Media Discussion
Got the invite. Looking forward to some fun! I feel your pain and sorrow. Junglers, alongside supports, get the least love. I have a video I'd like to share with you. If you jungle often, you may be able to relate to it. Sounds like a fun idea! We could certainly try to set-up some groups and play.- 4,530 replies
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gaming The Official League of Legends Thread
LunaEclipse replied to Vicke's topic in Media Discussion
Oh sweet! I wasn't even aware until now there was a League of Legends thread. I would love to play with some fellow bronies. I am part of the NA server and my username is SkyStryder. My credentials (or lack of maybe): Solo/Duo Queue ELO: Hovers around 1500, Silver I (trying for that gold!) Ranked team name: DuoFisters (I did not choose the name, this is not my doing, I swear) 5v5 ranked team ELO: 1050 Bronze II 3v3 ranked team ELO: 1220 Silver IV I main jungle and I am the designated jungler for my team. Some of the jungle champs I depend on and play often include and are not limited to: Nocturne, Cho, J4, Diana, Vi, Maokai, The Mummy, Lee Sin, Sejuani, Shyvana. I am the team's runner-up top laner, and Riven is my waifu. I am a big fan of TheOddOne from Team Solo Mid, and SaintVicious from team Curse Gaming. They are my favorite junglers. I also watch XJ9 streams sometimes too. He is one of us, a fellow brony, and he watches episode of MLP while he waits for his queues. I am open to friendly normal games and ranked games, or I can help out people who are new to the game with some advice. Feel free to add me, and let me know that you are from the forum if you do add me. P.S. I am not your typical raging hothead. Disclaimer: I am terrible at League of Legends.- 4,530 replies
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Ahhh, I love the simply pleasure of coming home from a day of work and classes, kicking back on the couch, popping open a beer and watching an episode of MLP. Forget sports, real bros watch candy-colored ponies.
One of Einstein's quotes that I live by goes as this: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life believing that it is stupid." I like this quote because, like what others have said in this thread, the term, "smart", should be flexible. The quote relays the message that everyone is intelligent in their own way, and that the inability to do something shouldn't demean your intellectual potential. I understand that when people use the word, "smart", they commonly refer to book smarts. Someone who mirrors the traits or intelligence of, let's say, Twilight Sparkle. But there are also things like creative smarts, street smarts, and E.Q., which is the emotional counterpart of I.Q. I attend RIT, a tech institute in Rochester as a physics major. I take classes with other people majoring in things like engineering, or mathematics, and people usually give us one of two responses: 1). PHYSICS MAJOR?! WHAT ARE YOU, INSANE? 2). Physics/Math/Engineering? Wow, you must be a genius. Honestly, I get more of response number 1. But all that aside, I have friends that are in animation or art and they can draw and design really, REALLY well, and they create these masterpieces that are, in my opinion, kind of incredible. I'm quite jealous. Hell, I'm envious of all the bronies in the community who can draw and write fan-art. I wish I could create artistic wonders that other people can, but, for lack of better words, I kind of suck, hence, the jealousy. I believe that everyone possesses something to offer, and that everyone is smart in some way. Some people may process information faster than others, so they're great at processing. But again, everyone has their special talents, and I interpret that as being "smart", within that talent. To answer the original question of the thread and as a disclaimer to this post, I am a complete idiot.
Mane 6, Songs, and general problems with Season 3
LunaEclipse replied to XUNUSEDXXX's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I agree with a lot of what's been said already. Our ponies for the most part seem less, putting it simply, delightful than the other seasons. I'm not sure of the reason why, but this season had a much more aloof feeling to it. As far as observations like Twilight losing some adorkableness, Rarity getting less spotlight, and Pinkie Pie losing some of her Pinkie charm, I agree with the sentiments. I miss a lot of what made season 2 and 1 more enjoyable I guess. One other thing that bothered me about season 3, and I'm not sure if many others feel this way, the LETTERS!! They writers seem to have ditched the aspect of the ponies writing their lesson-learning letters to Princess Celestia at the end of every episode. I liked that they had this ritual, but the ponies stopped writing their letters. I thought it was a good way to reiterate the lessons learned to younger audiences, and it offered a nice feeling of resolution to older audiences. As far as the music, I didn't really detect a difference in the quality between this season and the others. Perhaps it was because there were more episodes to incorporate song and music into, but still, with the numbers of episodes in this season, I feel like they did a pretty good job. Especially with the last episode compensating for the apparent lack of music. A True, True Friend, The Ballad of the Crystal Empire, and What My Cutie Mark is Telling Me were some of my favorites of the season. Season 4 is supposedly scheduled for 26 episodes just like seasons 1 and 2. My hopes are up for the charm and personality quirks to return to everypony in season 4. Maybe they'll feel less rushed, having more time to bring out what we loved about each character...hopefully. -
I see. Well, this is really good. There's a nice flow to the whole thing, and you made it seem as if MLP was meant to portray the song. It's a neat talent you have there. I'm excited to see your future projects. So much for going to bed
This is really well done, I liked it. How long does it take you to find the specifics clips from the show that coordinate perfectly with the song? You said it was "smooth sailing" for this PMV, so did it not take you much time? I think if I made one of these, it would be a hassle for myself to look back and try to find the proper scenes from the show to use in the video.
I was a little downed about that too. I was so excited about it, and Mane6 clearly put so much work into it. Definitely a "beautiful piece of work". There is good news though! I heard that Lauren Faust has recently joined the Mane6 team as a new recruit! You'll find details on the website. Although Fighting is Magic is still ceased, they said with the help of Ms. Faust, they'll start new projects where Hasbro cannot intervene. Since it's Lauren Faust herself, I'm sure they'll have great projects that we can look forward to. EDIT: This edit is to keep my post on topic as well. I played a game similar to this called Oendon! (aka Elite Beat Agents) for the DS and it's a lot of fun. I didn't know there was a MLP version of this out there. Thanks for informing me about it!
Lauren Faust has joined the Mane6 team! Hooray! She continues to flaunt her awesomeness!
I used to play baseball in a little league when I was young as a pitcher, but I stopped. I tried lacrosse in Middle School as an attack, but stopped that too. In present day, I consider myself a runner, a fencer, an ultimate frisbee player, and a badminton player. I fenced competitively for about 6 years, and I still pick up my sabre (or epee) every once in a while now because it's a sport I enjoy. I run for distance, not speed. I'll sprint occasionally if I have a reason too (like ultimate frisbee), but usually I just run long-distance. Badminton, however, is probably my favorite sport. I play on a serious level. In fact, I actually get somewhat annoyed when people write off badminton as a "lame" sport, proclaiming it's "boring", and "easy". If you've ever seen what badminton is really like, you'll understand that it's an explosive sport, and requires a lot of coordination and physical mobility. Not that silly stuff people do in gym class. Here's a video of what I mean. This is what badminton is SUPPOSED to look like: Doubles are typically faster paced: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn5RTGkfFI4
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Well, since her introduction, I have always loved Applejack. I claimed her to be my first "favorite mane 6 pony" before it came to the point where I couldn't choose. (Asking me who is my favorite pony is like asking a hoard of Pinkie Pie's, "Who's the real Pinkie?". The answer would be "all of them".) The way she was so friendly to Twilight when they first met is just really sweet. And her entire family also welcomed her graciously with food and everything. You can tell Applejack had a great sense of family value too. I also found her southern accent cute, and her freckles even cuter. Twilight was also a pony I enjoyed from the start. Adorkable-ness is such a cute trait, and it was easy to discern that Twilight was your typical bookwormy, precise, OCD-ish, kind of pony with some sarcasm sprinkled here and there. I enjoyed watching her entire progression through the first two episodes, from being skeptical about making friends, to being frustrated with what was expected from her, to her acceptance of what friendship is and how it can make you feel. I also think she has the best eyes of the mane six. This: Discord because Discord. I probably don't have to explain myself on this one. Squeaky Belle Sweetie Belle. When I first heard her squeak speak, I found it too cute. I've loved her ever since. I find her to be the cutest of the CMC, and her voice probably has something to do with it. I also liked Fancy Pants the second he was introduced. Even though he was clearly a rich, powerful stallion living in the lavish, sophisticated city of Canterlot, there was a modest and understanding air about him. He treated Rarity so well while nopony else did and defended her when she needed it most. What a gentlecolt. Respect. All the other ponies eventually started getting the spotlight and showing off what they had, so I had many phases dedicated to each pony. My "favorite pony" became Rarity at one point and then maybe Luna and then Rainbow Dash, but when it comes to characters I enjoyed since their introduction, it's gotta be the ones I mentioned.
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This is one thing I noticed when I watched the episode that I thought others would address too. But I've actually been waiting and nopony has really said anything about it. And if they did, I haven't found them yet. This is a screenshot of filly Rainbow Dash with Rainbow Dad: My first thought upon seeing this scene was, "Oh! It's Rainbow Dash's parents!" While it's clear that the stallion to the right of RD is probably her dad because of the rainbow mane and tail, the mare on the left has no rainbow mane or tail. However, I noticed that she has the same eyes has Rainbow Dash. Color and lashes. So my first thought was that the producers were introducing us to both of Rainbow Dash's parents. Everyone was just ecstatic with the fact that they saw RD father that I guess her possible mother was overlooked. I waited for a discussion about the mare being RD's possible mother, but I haven't found any discussion about it yet. I know what you may be thinking. Aside from the eyes, Rainbow Dash has no distinct similarities with that mare, so it may not be her mom. It's quickly concluded that the stallion is RD's dad, because when do you ever see a rainbow-colored mane on somepony? You could ask, "Where did Rainbow Dash get her blue coat then?" if you make the argument that RD's other traits must have come from her mother. But if you look at Twilight's parents...hell, if you look at Pinkie Pie's parents too, neither of them share the same color as Pinkie. Same goes for Twilight. So is she Rainbow Dash's mother? Maybe. I guess we can't say for sure, but my first thought was that the mare on the left was suggested to be Rainbow Mom because of her eyes.