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Amethyst 42

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Everything posted by Amethyst 42

  1. I just got back, and this was pretty much my reaction too. I am an adult, and the whole "tween/teen has to find herself and do what's right" needs to be pretty fantastically presented to not be a little dull for me. It was good. Not great. Also, if you want to see everyone's favourite google-eyed pony, wait until the end!
  2. Thanks so much everyone for the lovely responses! My daughter is 13, and while she might be old enough to get an account, she isn't currently allowed on the computer because she wasn't following the house rules (I *AM* the world's meanest mom! ). She uses all my printer paper to draw all the time, and she will definitely keep on drawing! And this from my daughter: She really appreciated all the feedback, and was all squealy and dancy and all the other 13yo stuff! (From Amethyst's daughter) Thanks!! Love the GIF by the way :3 (Derp random stuff to make this 100 characters TIM AND ERIC AWESOME SHOW GREAT JOB o3o)
  3. This is my daughter's drawing, she's not able to have her own account at the moment, and wanted it posted: (extra stuff to make 100)
  4. Thank you! I can never find it by searching directly through Youtube. I had to skim lots of comments and try my best not to read it to find this!
  5. Please also add my 6yo, who is Roz42. It would make her very happy to have pony friends. She had a HUGE collection of pony figurines and castles and stuff, and I never play with it when she's not there, NOPE. Another add! Please add Morty42 (are you noticing a trend?) if you like! We found our tablet, it had been hiding for weeks! Who knew?
  6. Didn't see your friend request yet, but I did a friend request to you. I got Tuckygirl's though, thanks! bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
  7. Thanks so much! I'm doing that now! bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla and so on and and so on and so on and so on
  8. Also, I'm registered as amethyst42, naturally! (more text to fill the 100 character requirement.... is it done now? Now? NOW? NOW?? Good!)
  9. Hiya Folks! I started playing a few days ago, already level 24, I guess I like it! Please tell me, how do I add friend? I made a Gameloft account, but when I go to invite, it just says "You have no Gameloft Live! friends." There's no way I can see to invite people. Help?
  10. Thank you! I searched and searched, but just kept finding trolls. Weirdly, Fluttershy seems to suit trollface best of anypony.
  11. I'm still waiting for it to show up on the Youtubes Still no season 3 broadcast in Canada! *SOBS* If anyone could hook me up with a link, I'd be forever grateful! Found it!
  12. THANKYOUUUUU! I was searching and searching the tubes, but it just didn't show up for me! We have it on Treehouse, but they haven't starting showing season 3. I have written an angry email!
  13. I'm waiting for this episode to show up somewhere... it is SO frustrating that it's not shown in Canada the same time as the US. The station that broadcasts it here (Treehouse TV) doesn't have any of the Season 3 episodes on it's schedule.
  14. Heehee, I got that for my 13yo for Xmas. She is going to EXPLODE!!! I gotta remember to bring a plastic sheet to cover me on Xmas morning.
  15. I just got this for the kids for Xmas! Shhh! http://www.toysrus.com/product/prodpop.jsp?LargeImageURL=/graphics/product_images/pTRU1-12749267_alternate1_enh-z6.jpg&displayTab=enh&productId=12885979&totCount=0 I might steal Nightmare Moon though! ...or maybe I'll go buy a second one for me...
  16. It's CS5. I'd love the more advanced one, but I have what I have. AND I just realized my answer was right there in you post, but I didn't have coffee yet. Sorry, and thank you so much for the answer!
  17. I realize how to trim them, (crop would be better, as I just need to remove the black part), but isn't there an automated 'thingy' where I do it once, and tell PS to do it to all the other frames? Annnd, as it turns out, if I crop one, it crops them all, when I'm building animation. Problem solved! (I wasn't quite awake enough last night to actually think 'what if I try this...") Thanks!
  18. Hi Everyone! Made my first .gif in a long time. I used Premiere Pro to make the segment, exported to frames, then imported them into Photoshop. Do you know of a good automatic way to trim all the black frame out of the .gif frames? It's been a looooong time since photoshop, and I know there's got to be an automated way to do it. Also, can you think of why this might not have uploaded to Photobucket? it kept failing at the last moment Oh NOW it works! It said it failed, but it didn't. (keeps on typing to get the 100 word minimum done, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!)
  19. Didn't hate it (I don't hate any episode). But can't say I loved it either. I thought the plot arc was a little weak, as was the humour. I didn't want to watch it again right away. My .02 Didn't hate it (I don't hate any episode). But can't say I loved it either. I thought the plot arc was a little weak, as was the humour. I didn't want to watch it again right away. My .02
  20. Thanks everypony! I'm heartened by the great response. I'll see if I can't find my tablet, and put a few more out. (more text for 100 characters)
  21. I made a 'colourable' picture out of my favourite scene in this episode. Haven't used photoshop in a whle, but I hope you enjoy it! My fillies are always asking me for Pony coloring pictures, so I'm glad to add one to the pile.
  22. How can I send you a voice sample? If you have a bit of sample script I'll gladly proof read/offer suggestions on it. I do have some experience with screenwriting, but not enough time to commit to helping write it.
  23. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: I googled it. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I thought it was going to be awful, honestly, before I knew that Lauren Faust was involved! I loved Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, and when my kids started watching it, I was hooked! I am in Canada, a mother of 2, wife of one, furmom to two cats, scalemom(?) to two fish. I love all the creativity, and well told stories of MLP.
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