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Posts posted by Pegasicorn

  1. It would be awesome if there was a My Little Ponly: Friendship is Magic float in the Thanksgiving parade. I don't really sit down and watch the parade since I have a lot of dessert to make and other duties in the kitchen with my mom, but if there was a float with the mane 6 on it, I would move a TV into the kitchen so that I could see it. Even a balloon of Twilight Sparkle or Rainbow Dash would be neat.


    It would be nice to see all of the main characters, though, instead of just one. I think that having Spike among them would also be cool. I would be so happy to see Fluttershy in the parade since she's my favorite pony. If only they would make a float for us bronies and pegasisters...

  2. I destroyed my gameboy when I was younger due to anger. I lied to my parents when they asked what happened and said that it was an accident. They believed me and had a new gameboy shipped to me. I feel kinda bad for it, but I was little when that happened and there's no reason to tell them about it now.


    Question: Have you ever wrapped someone in toilet paper or bubble wrap because you were bored?

  3. Thank you for the welcome, Suprememessage. I decided to make a new pony and I like her better than the one I posted here. I'm pleased with the way the new one turned out so I want to keep her rather than keep the other pony I made. I'll call her Teaspoon because I think it fits.


  4. Thank you for the welcome, Spartan. I've started to notice that Fluttershy is becoming a lot more open as I continue to season 2. I give her a lot of credit for standing up to a dragon when her friends were in trouble and needed her and accepting the consequences for taking Princess Celestia's pet phoenix without permission instead of letting Twilight Sparkle take the blame. It takes a lot of courage to do that. I can't wait to see what the second season has in store for me.

  5. I've come with some good news and some bad news. I usually announce the bad news first so that the good news seems so much better. The bad news is that my mom was supposed to get off work early tonight so that she can spend time with me and make the pies, but her team leader had the schedule changed for her line. She wasn't able to get off like planned so I decided that I would make the pies tomorrow with her. I was rather disappointed about that. The good news is that I used the day to watch the entire first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I couldn't help smiling while watching it and I completely forgot about how disappointed I was about the pies.


    It may seem odd that I'm so upset about the pies, but it's for a good reason. Thanksgiving is normally a time where I get to see my parents for a whole day. They work at the same car factory and the hours are insane. With the way our seperate schedules work, we rarely get to see each other. It's my time to actually spend time with them and now, because of their work, I won't be able to spend as much time with them. It's not about my obsession with baking...


    Anyway, there's no point in being so gloomy about it. We always have tomorrow. I'll just have to make the best out of the time we have to spend together even if it's shorter than normal. As for the name of my pony, it'll probably take a while to decide. And that's it for this update.

  6. I like you. You respect opinions. Welcome to the community, since you're new, too.

    It's nice to know that my respect for opinions is appreciated. Also, thank you for the welcome. I will update if I find anything else that annoys me about the fandom. For now, I'm going to jam to my dubstep and work on finishing this rug I'm making.

  7. If it's of any help, I'll attach the image of my pony to this post so that you can see her. I like the name Teaspoon, but I'm not sure if it fits. I'm probably the worst person to ask about names which is why I'm asking for help. Haha. I'm terrible with names! When I was little we got a toy poodle and I named him Biscuit because I couldn't come up with anything else. So many of my animals have been named after food since that time.


    As for our guest, I'm sure she'll be impressed with my baking skills. She's a friend of my grandma who is now living with my grandma due to some issues and recently having a stroke. Maybe a little bit of love and happiness mixed in her pie will brighten her day and make her smile. That would be a pleasant sight for us all. From my heart to hers.



  8. I've only been a pegasister for a short while, but I've still noticed some things that I find to be somewhat annoying. This doesn't mean that I hate anyone and if anyone takes this the wrong way, I apologize, however, I will voice my opinion on the subject anyway. A lot of what was already said by Aquila, I agree with.


    The missionaries - I don't approve of spamming unrelated sites with ponies in an attempt to convert people into bronies or pegasisters. You can be proud of being a fan of My Little Pony, but when you start forcing ponies upon people, you're going overboard. Doing this not only makes you look bad, but it also makes everyone else who is a brony or pegasister look bad as well. I've heard complaints about this as well and I agree.


    The hypocrisy. We're all human (or are we?), and we all make mistakes, so hypocrisy is going to be inevitable. Yet, the brony fandom produces some of the biggest hypocrites around. We all know the brony slogan--love and tolerate, right? Yeah, except no. You might have seen those who go around with a victim complex, thinking that anyone who doesn't like MLP is a hater. You've probably seen cloppers around, too. And with them, the clopper haters screaming about purity or something like that. What happened to your love and tolerance? Yeah, most of us aren't like that, but it's prevalent enough that it makes a clear impact on how we're perceived by others.

    The "X IS BEST/WORST PONY" people. Normally, this wouldn't be a bad thing. It's natural to have favorites. Mine is Twilight, and I'm not afraid to say it. What annoys me, however, is how some fans can't accept anyone not liking their favorites. I'm sure you've seen this one quite a few times as well. This issue ties in closely with the previous one.

  9. Thank you both for the welcome. I'm sorry I didn't respond for a while, I was busy watching MLP and looking at eBay for pony merchandise. I completely forgot that I was still logged into this site. I made myself a pony, but I have no idea what to name her. I want her talent to be something about baking things since I love to bake sweets. Any ideas?


    I can't wait until tonight. I'm in charge of making the pies for Thanksgiving every year. I plan to make my pumpkin pie tonight. This will be super fun and I know that the pies will be delicious when everyone bites into their slice. We'll be having someone new at our table for the feast so I want to make a good impression.

  10. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy

    How did you find MLP Forums?: When I became a pegasister on November 15th, I wanted to find a place where I could meet other bronies and pegasisters. So I went to Google and searched for a site and this one was one of the results.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I transferred to a new school which resulted in me having to start all over. I observed for a while and then made some friends in my German class. We eventually started talking about My Little Pony and I had no idea what they were talking about. They were shocked and convinced me to sit in front of a computer and watch the first episode on YouTube. I loved it. So I've been a pegasister for a short while now (since November 15th).

    Hello, my name is Pegasicorn and I just recently became a pegasister (November 15). I should start out by saying that my favorite pony is Fluttershy because she's sweet, caring, and adorable. I've been told that I'm like Fluttershy which I suppose is true. I'm not the best at communicating with strangers and making new friends. I'm actually quite shy.


    So far, I've only watched the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but I plan to watch a lot more now that my Thanksgiving break has started and I'm away from school for a while. I'll have a couple of interruptions such as my horse riding lessons and the holiday, however, I'm determined to watch as much as I can.


    I'm hoping to make some new friends on this site and enjoy My Little Pony a lot more. Maybe I'll even get some artistic skills and share creations with everyone who wants to view them. I hope I'll get along with everyone here. I don't want to cause any trouble. I don't think that will be a problem, though, you all seem friendly.

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