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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


Nook Cranny
“Oh Spike, thank goodness you’re here! This castle visit’s getting really weird. Twilight really likes chairs for some reason…”

Title(s): The Changeling King
Species: Changeling
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Residence: The Changeling Hive
Hometown: The Everfree Forest
Occupation: King Of The Changelings


Thorax being a changeling has no cutie mark of his own.


Thorax was born the same way all changelings are: hatched from an egg by his mother, Chrysalis, the Queen of the changelings. Like all baby changelings, he was every bit as cute, mischievous and always hungry. Still, even then he was never truly mean or evil and only fed on the love of others in order to survive because back then he did not know  there was a better way to sustain himself. Not only this, but he was one of the least ravenous of the changelings. As a hatchling he would often get teased and bullied by some of the other hatchlings for his benevolent, kind, and friendly personality. Thankfully for him his older brother, Pharynx would always stick up for him and frighten the bullies away. As such he and his older brother have always been close; always looking out for one another. At the same time, Thorax would always try his best to help his mom and make her happy in the hopes that she will one day finally be proud of him. Sadly no matter what he did or how hard he tried Chrysalis just never seemed satisfied and has always seen Thorax as something of a disappointment. Even moreso after he and Starlight defeated her and he took over the hive. As he got older he learned how to do all the things the changelings used to do under Chrysalis’ rule: how to go on patrol, how to impersonate other creatures to spy on them, and how to fight. Thorax, however, who always preferred peace to fighting ended up reluctantly participating in these activities due to his mom practically forcing him to.


At some point after Thorax got a little older, Chrysalis got the idea to take over Canterlot by impersonating the princess of love, Cadence during her wedding to Twilight’s older brother, Shining Armor. Naturally, she ordered Thorax and the rest of her swarm to tear down Shining Armor’s protective shield and capture the ponies to feed on them later. Thanks to Chrysalis weakening Shining Armor’s shield magic, the changeling swarm managed to break through the shield and as soon as they did they ran amok in the streets capturing guard ponies and the like. Eventually the changeling swarm including Thorax faced off against the mane six and won. They took the heroes prisoner while their beloved queen gloated evilly. However, a powerful combination of Cadence’s and Shining Armor’s magic banished all of the changelings from Canterlot and are sent flying far away. Thorax said he had never witnessed such powerful friendship and love like that before and it impressed and inspired him enough to find somebody who will like him for who he is and not try to force him into something he is not like the way his own mother had been doing.


Some time later Thorax left his hive to visit the Crystal Empire. Unfortunately, he lost control over his basic instincts causing him to get spotted. This caused security throughout the Crystal Empire to really tighten up. In a panic, Thorax went into hiding in a cave unaware that he was about to receive a very unexpected visitor. Said visitor was none other than Spike who was visiting the Empire with Twilight and Starlight. Spike split up from the royal guards when Spike offered to assist them in finding the changeling when he stumbled into Thorax’s hiding spot. Naturally, the little dragon freaked out when he saw Thorax and while running away he fell into a crevice. Luckily for the scared dragon, Thorax was already different from the other changelings and so the young changeling saved him. Because of this Spike instead of running away again took a chance on Thorax and started to warm up to him. Thorax then explained to Spike the reason behind his arrival: the love attracted him to the Crystal Empire and there was so much more of it than usual that he just couldn’t help himself. After explaining his dilemma, Spike promised to help him make friends. Thorax disguised himself as a crystal pony and Spike took him for a tour around the Crystal Empire.


All seemed to go well at first since nobody seemed able to see through Thorax’s crystal pony disguise. That is, until Princess Cadence allowed him see her baby, Flurry Heart; which caused Thorax to once again lose control over his changeling instincts causing his disguise to drop. Naturally everybody, but Spike panicked and were about to attack him believing him to be evil for simply being a changeling. After Spike failed to stick up for him, Thorax ran away and returned to his hiding spot in the cavern. A guilty Spike eventually found him there and Thorax initially upset refused to hear Spike out, but after saving him from falling a second time Thorax decided to give him another chance.


The two boldly returned to the throne room and Spike making good on his promise explained to everybody how Thorax really has changed and is good now and that they’re friends. Moved by Spike’s song, the others decided to give Thorax a chance and befriended him welcoming him to the Crystal Empire.


Not wanting to return to the hive after befriending the Crystal ponies, Thorax took the royals up on their offer and made the empire his new home. It was nothing like the hive back home and while he did have some homesickness he certainly did not miss his mother’s rules and her forcing him to help her do evil things. So there in the Crystal Empire he stayed and while he did initially have some concerns about how he would sustain himself without feeding on the love of others he eventually stopped feeling so hungry though he didn’t understand why. Even weirder his teal colored wings became sparkly and while he found it odd he wasn’t too worried about the sudden change. Overall, his new life in the Crystal Empire was pretty good until his mother just had to ruin things for him like usual.


One fateful day, Chrysalis and her changeling army attacked the Crystal Empire capturing and replacing the royal family: all under the noses of the crystal ponies. After Thorax discovered what happened, he flew away to find help. Hoping Twilight and her friends could help him he went to Ponyville only to see that he was too late. While sneaking around he came across Starlight and Trixie and he informed them that there will be no help from the Crystal Empire because Princess Cadence had been captured and replaced by a changeling. Discord then unexpectedly showed up and only became disturbed when they tell him that Fluttershy was taken prisoner too. Realizing they are on their own the four team up to save their friends from the changelings. Along the way, Thorax warned them that only changeling magic works inside the hive thanks to Chrysalis’ throne repelling all outside magic even Discord’s.


And so once they made it inside the hive, Thorax acting as their guide led them to Chrysalis’ throne room. Having lost Discord and Trixie along the way it was now up to Starlight and Thorax to save the day. In an attempt to distract Chrysalis long enough for Starlight to destroy the throne, Thorax bravely took Starlight’s form. Unfortunately, Chrysalis saw through his disguise and exposed him to the other changelings. Wanting to punish him for his treachery, Chrysalis began to drain him of all his love. At Starlight’s suggestion, rather than struggling against her, Thorax ended up giving Chrysalis all of his love willingly. Somehow that caused a bright magical light to surround him transforming him into a brightly colored winged reindeer like creature. At Starlight’s encouragement all of the other changelings followed suit and also transformed into brightly colored creatures. Furious at the the loss of her hive and subjects, Chrysalis flew away. With the Changeling Queen defeated and gone, Thorax took over as the new changeling ruler.


Unfortunately for him, being a leader isn’t nearly as easy as he thought. There were a group of renegade changelings led by his older brother, Pharynx that he had to deal with. He tried to convince them to transform on his own by pleading and even offering prizes for those who decide to reform. Sadly, none of his attempts seemed to work. Realizing that he needed advice on how to convince the renegades to change he went to Ponyville with the hopes that his first friend, Spike could help him. Frustratingly, the visit didn’t go as well as he had hoped. Spike it seemed had invited his other friend, Ember and completely forgot that Thorax was coming on the same day too. And as a result, Spike spent most of the visit struggling to keep Thorax and Ember away from each other due to a misplaced fear that the two would hate each other and fight. That of course didn’t happen. But it did cause the two rulers to be upset and disappointed with Spike. But as it turned out the two leaders helped each other out with their respective leadership problems. Ember taught Thorax how to be more confident in himself and assertive while Thorax in turn helped Ember share her feelings with others as well as empathy. The two then returned to Spike and forgave him.


Thorax took Ember’s leadership advice and assertiveness training back with him to the hive and was able to convince every renegade changeling to transform except for his older brother, Pharynx. Pharynx remained steadfast in his belief that the old changeling ways were better since they at least knew how to defend themselves back then. Lucky or maybe not so luckily depending on how you look at it, Thorax received a surprise visit from Starlight and Trixie and after explaining his new dilemma with his older brother they agreed to help him convince Pharynx to transform. Until then, Thorax showed the two unicorns around the hive; which thanks to him has changed a lot since they last saw it.


Unfortunately, their initial efforts in convincing the stubborn Pharynx to change his ways proved futile at best. Thinking him to be a lost cause, Starlight initially was going to tell Thorax that he should probably kick his brother out of the hive until she came up with arguably an even worse idea. She relaid the leaves keeping the maulwurf away and laid them going towards the hive. She did this believing that Pharynx seeing the hive in trouble would fly in and save the day and thus transform. Her plan though well-intentioned did not exactly work out that way. Apparently, Pharynx had overheard Starlight and Trixie discussing having him thrown out of the hive and so he flew away.


Starlight and Trixie tell Thorax their mistake and Thorax worried for his brother’s safety practically orders the two unicorns to accompany him on his mission to save his brother and to stop the maulwurf from attacking the hive. Luckily, it doesn’t take the trio very long to find Pharynx who was already fighting the maulwurf, but as it turns out without the rest of the swarm he is unable to defeat it. Thorax and the two unicorns try to help Pharynx fight off the maulwurf, sadly though the maulwurf’s hide proved too thick and repelled their attacks. Thankfully, the rest of the changeling swarm shows up to help them and during the fight Pharynx came up with the clever idea to trick the maulwurf into hitting itself. The plan works and the maulwurf retreated away. After reconciling with his brother and admitting how much he loves the hive, Pharynx at last doesn’t fight it any longer and allowed himself to finally transform into a reindeer like form similar to his brother’s.   


Sometime later, Thorax got word that Twilight was opening up a school of friendship and that the changelings could attend. Thorax eager for the changelings to be represented chose to send Ocellus to represent them knowing she will do them proud. Unfortunately, when Chancellor Neighsay offends him and the other non pony leaders, Thorax took Ocellus out of the school and they flew back to the hive.


When Fluttershy makes a rather surprising visit to the changeling hive to persuade Ocellus to return to school, Thorax informed her that Ocellus had mysteriously vanished and he had no idea where she could have gone. He met with the other non pony leaders to discuss what must be done to find their missing students. While the other leaders were busy accusing one another, Thorax feared aloud about the students’ sudden disappearance creating an international incident. He was the only leader not to blame the others for Ocellus’ disappearance.


Thankfully, the mane six were able to locate the missing students including Ocellus and were able to retrieve them and brought them back to the school to give it a second try. As it turned out the students weren’t kidnapped. They simply ran away together and hid out at the Castle of the Two Sisters because they wanted to remain friends. Hearing this, Thorax proud of Ocellus for having made so many friends more than happily allowed her to stay.


Some time after that, Equestria is threatened once again; this time by none other than Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chysalis. Word of their attack soon reached the changeling hive and Thorax wanting to stop them only all too bravely answered the call. The changeling army along with groups of other creatures joined the fight against the villain trio using their shapeshifting ability to confuse the villains. They succeed in keeping them distracted long enough to be defeated and turned to stone by the princesses and Discord.


Initially, Thorax wanting nothing more than to fit in with his fellow changelings and make his mother proud simply followed the crowd by doing what all changelings did even if he didn’t always like it. Back then he was very much a follower and not a leader. Further he was very much a people pleaser doing everything he can to make his mother happy and proud of him. He used to be very unsure of himself with low self-esteem and low self-confidence. But he started a new path on self-improvement after meeting and befriending Spike even moreso after he helped save Equestria twice.


After meeting and befriending Ember, Thorax gained a lot more self-confidence and self-esteem and is a lot more self-assured than he has ever been before. In fact, thanks to her leadership advice he can now be assertive when he needs to be and is an overall a better leader for it. Thorax is a fair, benevolent leader who tries his best to keep everybody happy. After taking over the hive, Thorax made a lot of positive changes to make it a less scary, intimidating place. He could be described as the Fluttershy of the changelings. As such he would do anything for his friends even changing into a bear to defend them. Thorax likes to help when he can and he dislikes deception. He values honesty, loyalty, and kindness above all else. He has a lot of patience and loyalty since he was the only one to see the good in Pharynx and continuously stand up for him despite his brother’s stubbornness. It saddens him that not everybody likes and accepts changelings. Still he does lose patience when it comes to outright racists like Chancellor Neighsay since he was just as eager to confront him as the other non-pony leaders. He also dislikes awkward visits and fly swatters. Further he likes mazes, shiny things, anything sweet, caves, parties, and games.     


Physical Description:

Original Changeling Form:

Pelt Color: Black

Mane/Tail Color and Style: Prior to undergoing his magical metamorphosis both of his mane and tail were grey. His mane used to be spiky while his tail was short.

Wing Color: Teal

Eye Color: Teal

Cutie Mark: None

Height: Short


His Transformation Form:

Following his magnificent metamorphosis Thorax resembles a multicolored reindeer sporting purple insectlike wings. Specifically, much of his body is a lighter shade of green while his *ahem* thorax section is that of a darker shade of green. The lower part of his neck is orange and he has what appears to be a trio of a diamond shaped design around his neck resembling a necklace. He is a lot taller now and has a pair of orange deerlike antlers on the top of his head with a light green horn and he has purple eyes. His antlers and horn emit a light blue magical aura whenever he performs magic. In fact, he seems to be the tallest of the changelings now save for possibly Chrysalis. He doesn't usually wear clothes.




Likes: Spike, Pharynx, Ocellus, Ember, the mane six, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Discord, making new friends, acceptance, his hive, sharing love, his hive’s new activities like the feelings forum, tea, honey, anything sweet, shiny things, anything pretty, flowers, peace, flying, defending his friends, leading his pack, being fair, helping his friends when he can, learning leadership methods, meditation, parties, baking, the dark, the cold, labyrinths, caves, stars, the night sky, strategy, and games.
Dislikes: His mother (Queen Chrysalis) and her tired, old ways of doing things, feeding on the love of others, whenever a changeling tries to revert to the old ways, fighting unless absolutely necessary, anyone who threatens his friends, being lied to, not being taken seriously, being judged, racists, bullies, villains, the maulwurf, confrontations, fly swatters, awkward visits, Pharynx’s stubbornness, and Pharynx making him hit himself.
Key Moments:

Meeting and befriending Spike

Spike becoming his first real friend

Saves Spike from falling into a deep, dark crevice

With Spike’s support meets and befriends Twilight and the Crystal Empire ponies

Along with Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, and Discord he saves the mane six and Spike from Chrysalis

Encouraged by Starlight, Thorax shares his love with Chrysalis; which caused his magical metamorphoses

Takes over the changeling hive as its new leader

Meets and befriends Ember

He and Ember unite their kingdoms in friendship

Successfully convinces the renegade changelings including Pharynx to transform

Sends Ocellus off to Twilight’s friendship school to learn more about friendship

He and his changelings help the mane six out against the villain trio during the end battle

Magic Spells: Shapeshifting, Voice Mimicry, And Telekinetic Abilities.

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