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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Amber Sora

  • WIP: Yes
"I'm here if you need help!"

Species: Earth Pony
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Residence: Ponyvile
Hometown: Ponyvile
Occupation: Nurse

Amber's lived in ponyvile all her life and doesn't plan to move anytime soon! she went to school to be a nurse and her first-ever patient was granny smith. Her parents taut amber that good things always come back around and that's what she lives her life by. Amber has two younger brothers and an older sister.  


Amber loves helping people, its her favorite thing, its why she became a nurse ! She's cheery but calm, and very easy to talk to. Even though she's 19, the little thing in life excite her. Like trees or baking a fabulous cake. 

Physical Description:

she has brown-grey skin with grey-green eyes and shiny blonde hair. She has no wings or horns. 

Likes: Helping people, baking, planning events, meeting new ponies, and strawbrries
Dislikes: Selfish people, sweating, fancy clothes, and green apples
Friends: Applejack, Granny Smith, Fluttershy
Reality (Generation): Generation 4
  • Brohoof 1

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