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Tyra Rose

  • WIP: No

Species: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Residence: Canterlot
Hometown: Unknown
Occupation: Student




Tyra was a street kid who never knew her parents and had grown up on the streets. One day she was selected to enter into the Canterlot Hero Academy, where a mixture of those with magic (quirks) or fighting talents are given dorm rooms to share with three other students, and of course lectures and the such. 

One day, she and her team were sent on an assignment to explore a Hero Paragon's tomb and retrieve a special Glyph stone. As they enter into the tomb, her pendant she had since birth would start to softly glow, and as they go further into the tomb, memories of her parents come to her. She is somehow able to lead them right to the resting place of the paragon, where she is the only able to retrieve the Glyph stone, and as she does, the Paragon appears, revealing herself to be Tyra's mother.


At first she comes across as apathetic and indifferent to her peers and their abilities, until she receives her powers (which she has to train to control and gain mastery of along with her fighting skills), and she becomes more serious about her studies. Otherwise, she is energetic and spritely, preferring to do something instead of sitting around, doing nothing.

Likes: Love/Romance, Fashion, Fighitng
Dislikes: Boredom, Idleness
Key Moments:

Discovering who she truly is and discovering her mother

Magic Spells: Fire Magic
Reality (Generation): Generation 4 Earth (EqG)

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