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Velvet Crowe

  • WIP: No

Edited by Cinnamon Coffee

Species: Other
Other Species: Therion
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Hometown: Aball
Occupation: Lord Of Calamity

Velvet Crowe, had witnessed not only the death of her older sister during the first Scarlet Night, where the townspeople turned into Daemons and ransacked the village where she lived. She was six at the time, and then ten years later, the second Scarlet Night happened, when she witnessed her brother in law, a exorcist by the name of Artorius, kill her younger brother Laphicet. During that night, she made a Oath, which in turn turned her into a Therion, a daemon who feeds off of other daemons and can use their abilities against them with the use of her right arm. 

She then spent the next three years locked up in an island prison, feeding on the Daemon's thrown into her cell, until she escapes and begins her crusade to get revenge against Artorius.

She gets her revenge on Artorius, discovering that the true Artorius died the day her sister died, and he was inhabited by a demon by the name of innominat, and is now stuck in a constant eating loop to keep him under control, feeding him malevolence in order to keep him under control and the other Innominat derivative Laphicet alive.


Her travels, due to not being really welcome anywhere, has brought her to Equestria, and the town Friendshire, where she and her friends attempt to finally settle down and have a home.


Originally kind and family-oriented, the events of the Scarlet Night three years prior turned her into an angry woman tainted by vengeance.

Likes: Her younger brother Laphicet
Dislikes: Artorius, The Exorcists, Other Daemons
Magic Spells: Martial Artes
Friends: Magilou, Rokurou
Reality (Generation): Other

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