
Not Cast
Young Adult
- Character is a white unicorn with teal blue eyes.
- Has two different shades of sky-blue in her mane and tail.
- Has three blue stars and a quill as a cutie mark.
- She knows how to utilise precision magics. She usually uses it to calibrate her instruments.
- She knows how to zoom and enhance her vision, only for a minute. She will feel drained after doing so therefore will rarely perform it. It is for when she needs a telescope, but doesn't have one at the moment.
- She knows how to navigate only using the stars as a guide, provided that she has the correct instruments.
- She studies constellations and astronomy in general.
- She had to study cartography in order to study stellar cartography. So drawing up basic maps is nothing new to her.
She is an introvert. Constantly keeping to the shadows, preferring to be a wallflower at a party rather than being in the centre of attention. She always has an ear on the conversation, she will always be listening, thinking and digesting any information that she can take in and archive for later use. She usually stays quiet but when she feels that her own input is needed, she would join in until she feels like she has done her part. However, if somepony expresses a similar interest, everything seems to get reversed. She'll become talkative, she'll dedicate time to him or her to discuss the subject. She'll basically become an extrovert but only to that pony.
She is private and reserved. If a pony were to attempt to make friends with her, she would appear friendly but almost certainly won't reveal her secrets or personal information. However, if a pony is able to push the right buttons, she'll open up rather quickly. Examples include showing a true passion for a hobby or a job that is similar or identical to hers.
She is patient. She always will listen if a friend is in need of help or is troubled by something. She understands the concept of personal space and will leave a friend alone even though it bothers her so much to see a troubled friend.
She hates the conflict between others. She will almost always, she will step in and sort out the problem. If a random pony were to come up and accuse her of stealing tomatoes and then storm off in a huff without giving her a chance to speak, she'll feel the urge to catch up to her and set things right.
She is idealistic... but sometimes too idealistic. She isn't afraid of hardship and is passionate about her job. Ponies will most likely come to her for inspiration or a boost on their optimism but, occasionally she does go overboard. Sometimes, she'll set up a goal that she is determined to reach, but in reality, is too far out of reach and impossible, setting herself up for disappointment time and time again.
She does not take criticism well and usually takes them personally. She rather takes criticism as a fault of her own, trying to alter her personality and principles so that it can work harmoniously with the ponies around her.
She does not like being restrained by rules. She hates the feeling of being restricted to certain things. She wants the freedom of doing whatever she wants. For example, she hates the feeling of only having one hour to do a specific task. She would rather prefer to do something whenever she feels like it.
Likes: Disharmony.<br />Sudden Loud Noises.<br />Thunder.<br />Spiders.As a young filly, Azure always loved gazing up towards the skies above. The stars seemed to beckon to her, to beg her to study them, to understand their inner workings. How did they form? She decided that the best place to start was the library. After making her own way there, she looked up books on Astronomy, in the Canterlot Library. She finally found it, wedged in between the shelf wall and another book. She got up on her hind hooves and brought the book down. “Astronomy: A beginner’s guide to the Universe”, it read. She took it to the counter and borrowed it.
That night, after she was sure her parents had fallen asleep, she took out the book as well as a lamp and read well into the night. There were chapters about the Moon and the Sun and how they were controlled by Princess Celestia. There were chapters about how the Stars formed patterns and how in the ancient times, ponies used them as a form of navigation. And Space, the black void of nothingness, yet, bubbling to the brim of mysteriousness and adventure. Azure shook her head. It had been three hours already. Maybe it was time to call it a night. She delicately placed the book on the bedside table, put out the lamp and went to sleep.
A week later, she was taken by her mother to a co-worker’s house, in a quaint town called Ponyville. Azure had never been there before. While they chatted about business, downstairs, Azure was free to explore the rest of town, for the rest of the day. There wasn’t that much to see. There was a few houses every now and again, following no specific order. There even was a tree that was apparently called “Golden Oaks Library”. A library! Just what she needed. She trotted back out, about ten minutes later, with a book. “Astronomical Astronomer's Almanac to All Things Astronomy” it was called. She stowed the book away in her saddlebags and took another look around. There were other fillies and colts playing a game of catch in a small patch of grass near the edge of the town. She supposed she could go up to them and introduce themselves but she never had the courage to. Besides, they seemed to be enjoying themselves and she decided not to interrupt their game. She picked a tree that seemed a way off from the others, settled down underneath its shade and began to read.
She wasn’t entirely sure how much time had passed when suddenly…
“Watch Out!”, a voice rang out.
“Huh?”, Azure looked up just in time to see a soccer ball sailing straight for her. She slammed her book shut and and held it in front of her like a shield. It worked, sort of. The ball slammed into the book, causing her to lose her grip on it. It flew backwards and into the forest. She didn’t hear it land. In an instant Azure was up on her hooves and in the next, she was off, charging into the forest. She couldn’t lose the book. It belonged to the library! She wouldn’t even be able to even step into Ponyville without feeling the guilt of losing a book that wasn’t even hers. A faint shout echoed around her. It was probably one of the fillies who were playing with the ball. Why was she shouting? This is an ordinary forest…. Right?
After looking around around for a good twenty minutes, she finally found the book, hanging on a bed of vines it had landed on. She retrieved the book, carefully placed it back into her saddle bags and turned around. She stopped. She couldn’t remember where she came from. The book wasn’t far from the clearing, she was sure of that but it took her ages to find it and now she didn’t remember the way back to Ponyville. She was lost. The sky began to dim suddenly. Princess Celestia must be lowering the Sun. The stars began to shine in the darkening light. Great. She began to panic. She sat down, starting to hyperventilate. The book slid out of her saddlebag, coming to a rest at her side. Azure looked at it. She vaguely remembered something about ponies during the ancient times using stars to navigate. About how some constellations are said to be always directly above some cities and towns. Azure grabbed at the book and opened it.
Some time later. Azure shut it, with a confident grin on her face. According to the book, a constellation called “The Big Dipper” was supposed to be right above Ponyville. She looked towards the skies. The constellation was there, sparkling in the dark night. It wasn’t directly above her, though. If she could make it so that it was, she would be in the centre of Ponyville. She slowly trot off in a direction. About ten minutes later, she broke through the edge of the forest. She sighed in relief. Finally, she was safe. There was a flash of light. It was her cutie mark. She squealed, jumped for joy and hugged herself, before calming down and having a better look at it. It was three stars which seemed like they were sketched as well as a quill. Hardly able to contain her excitement, she ran off to find her mother.
Over the next few years, Azure pursued her dream of becoming an astronomer. She learnt how to navigate by only using the stars, just like she did in the Everfree Forest. She learnt how to record the constellations in her notebook. She currently resides in her home in Ponyville, constantly researching and observing the vast void that surrounded her home, Equestria.
Bloody hell, I thought I had to write ALL of the backstory when applying. Oh well. Here it is anyway.
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