Ben Keys

Not Cast
Young Adult
A rather small Diamond dog who has the appearance of a chihuahua. A tan coat and light blue eyes. He makes for an awkward figure to behold, only slightly bigger then a baby dragon. Having the typical spiked collar of any diamond dog, he sometimes wears a stripped tie to offset his somewhat gruff appearance
Male Diamond DogA scrappy fellow, who has short temper and sometimes a short attention span. he's actually quite sharp, which counters his good friends tendency to be slow. However that being said, he's also high strung and very easy to agitate. Just mention his height and he'll be ready to fist fight. Not entirely above theft to obtain diamonds or any other shiny objects that he see's he has a problem of getting into trouble. Surprisingly though, he doesn't seem to mind, just as long his good Donkey friend remains unharmed and unaffected. However because of their odd bond, his good friend Bow can't seem to understand that he isn't suppose to get involved with Key's shadier dealings and thus forcing Keys to often abonden his escapades of theft.
A schemer by heart, he has a knack for understanding those of a more shiftier nature, that being the case he feels he need to protect Bow and his innocence and will as soon as bite someones head off to do so. Other then that though, he's suspicious and a hard dog to talk to as he thinks everything could be an insult.
Part of that is due to the fact that he does't understand pony culture one bit, and the further he tries to understand the less it makes sense.
At the end of the day, he just wants to play his piano, which is his pride and joy, and also his mobile home, collect precious stones, and travel with his best friend. Most ponies seem to get in the way of that in his mind, but they aren't so bad, just annoying.
A pretty typical youth as a diamond dog. Although his height woes began early in his years. Being considerably smaller then most of his peers, one doesn't have to imagine too much the verbal torture he went through. He got quite good at biting their ankles though... Something not entirely approved off, but at least it kept his agitators quiet part of the time. However his antagonists finely stopped bothering him, when his small stature proved to be quite useful for squeezing in and out of unsuspecting homes and retrieving various objects. However even Diamond Dogs have standards and he was formerly asked to leave after one of his many thieving attempts.
No one really remembers if he was born with the name Keys or if they just gave it too him. But he took a shine to it and began to prefer being called Keys over Ben. How ironic considering he was originally given the moniker because if his ability to get in and out of places with ease. Due to this he was forced to find alternative living, and found this living in an old beat up grand piano dispatched by some fustraighted unicorn who had given up on playing it. The experimentation of playing it filled up most of his bored days on the side of the road, and after a while he became a bit of a local sensation, for one being a Diamond Dog who only scowled at ponies and two being a Diamond Dog not half bad at playing the piano. Having no formal training he just sort of made stuff up and soon his music became akin to ragtime. Apart from loving his new skill, he loved the random bits that ponies would give him for his performances, and for once tried not to steal his way into a living.
His life may have sunk into this somewhat mundane routine of playing for local crowds, forever not understanding the ponies around him, when at the cafe the sweet sounds of smooth jazz plucked their way to the Diamond Dog. It was Duke Crooner and his Royal Royals, stopping in for a spell. Ben heard them, and they heard Ben. It didn't take much for them to add him to the band and just like that, Ben had a purpose again. It was of course here where he met Bow and out of all the band members seemed to like him the most. He was always chipper despite Ben’s constant “barking” and sort of being the two odd balls of the group they became as thick as thieves. Ironic considering the Dog had a hard time quitting his thieving ways, even including Bow on a few of his “heists”. One such heist lead them to the loss of their band. Ben saw a nice necklace and may or may not have followed the mare wearing it into the night, and Bow may have followed him as well. This little adventure may have taken them all night and in the morning the band was gone… With only their instruments and the cart of Bow’s they had little choice but to begin the search for the missing band, and maybe a few shiny things on the way
To have his best friend Bow by his side nearly all the time
His beat up grand piano that is really all to big for him
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