By Eloquence
Not Cast
Young Adult
Eloquence is a bit taller and thinner than the average mare, with her added height accentuated by her carefully maintained posture. She has a light, soft minty green coat and a muted orange mane and tail, each with single adjacent streaks of cherry red and rose pink. Her mane and tail are very long and slightly wavy, and the bulk of her time spent on personal care goes to maintaining them perfectly. Her eyes are a dark forest green fringed with prominent eyelashes. Though she enjoys things such as fashion and makeup, she finds that she often doesn't have time for them, or at least that she doesn't prioritize them enough to make time for them.
Female Unicorn A dark green feather quill, symbolic of her talent in sharing her words through her writing prowess, though its design also draws from her fondness for nature, which serves her as a source of inspirationEloquence is very sweet and caring, but also a bit reserved. Though she is happy to make conversation with anypony, one must take the time to earn her trust before she will really open up to them. She has a bubbly side and a strong sense of humor, if you can make her comfortable enough around you to express them.
Her love of words is reflected in her speech, and the way she talks is very formal and verbose even in casual situations, occasionally bordering on snobbish, though that is never her intent. She is very clever, and takes strides to educate herself on a variety of topics, especially by talking to other ponies about their experiences. She has a penchant for understanding other ponies, and always does her best to try to understand how they feel and why they act the way they do.
Though she does her best not to show it, she still carries some of the insecurity that made her so shy as a filly. This becomes especially prominent in any situation where she feels embarrassed or that she has messed up in some way. She can be very hard on herself at times, and has difficulty accepting her mistakes.
Likes: Making mistakes, disappointing others, being frightened (even in fun or as a prank), her favorite tea shop being closedEloquence was born on the outskirts of Canterlot to her father Globe Trotter and her mother Hearth Keeper. She was primarily raised by her mother, as her father's job as a travel writer required him to spend much of his time traveling, but whenever her father was home he would dote on his little filly endlessly, telling her all about his adventures throughout and beyond Equestria. Shortly after her birth came that of her little brother Pencil Sketch. Although Pencil Sketch was different from the average pony, as he thought differently from them and needed help doing things that other ponies didn't usually need help with, Eloquence loved him and always saw the best in him, especially in his remarkable drawing skills (causing him to earn his cutie mark even before she did).
As a schoolfilly, Eloquence had a hard time living up to her name. She was awkward around other ponies, so even though she was gifted when it came to words her shyness made them garbled. She couldn't talk to ponies well, but she could write, and she filled notebook upon notebook with poems, stories, and whatever else she felt like expressing. She wrote outside as often as she could, inspired by nature and by her little animal friends. One day at school, it was announced that everypony would get to try out to represent Canterlot in the Equestria Games. Though they were to be the Cloudsdale games, and normally the foals of other towns would simply bring in their town flags, this year they were doing something a bit different, taking time to honor "the next generation of Equestria" by selecting a foal or group of foals from each competing town to present something special.
Eloquence had no group to work with, as she didn't really have any friends, and she felt like she didn't have any talents she could contribute. She didn't even bother going to the practices, and instead spent time with the animals in her favorite writing spot. She watched a hummingbird as she considered what to write about, and something occurred to her. That bird, and all the animals, and even ponies like her, saw Canterlot differently than a lot of the other ponies would. Canterlot was known as a place for socialites and class and fancy events, but there was so much more than that. Realizing that inspired her, so she observed, she wrote, and she created a beautiful poem about the many voices of Canterlot, from overtly loud to impossibly quiet, all starting and ending with that one little bird, perhaps the most understated perspective of them all. When she read her poem to the judges and the small crowd, she was met with uproarious applause, and as she was chosen to represent Canterlot in the games her cutie mark appeared, a delicate feather quill, symbolic of both her talent and her inspiration.
Her cutie mark came from her writing, but her special talent was only fully realized when she understood the power of her words, and how sharing them could impact the lives of others. Once she could see that, she became more outgoing, making friends and using her love of stories to connect with others, for she realized that every pony had stories to tell if you were willing to listen. Her passion led her to seek jobs as a writer after finishing school, and when she was offered a job as a columnist for The Daily Canter, one of Canterlot's most acclaimed newspapers, she jumped at the opportunity. She figured that the position would allow her to live on her own and gain experience writing and traveling, which she could use to eventually achieve her dream of writing the next great Equestrian novel.
Taking this position as a journalist involved some uncomfortable discussion with her mother, who insisted that she was moving out too soon and that she should build a more solid foundation for her career than working as a journalist while trying to write books. Though she would never say it, Eloquence knew that her mother's objections also stemmed from her desire to see Eloquence settle down and have foals of her own, which wasn't likely with her working and traveling all the time. Although Heath Keeper came around in the end to support her daughter, this particular gap is one the two have yet to bridge.
Eloquence now lives in the center of Canterlot in a modest apartment, though she spends relatively little time there as her job involves so much travel. She doesn't mind though, in fact she loves the adventure of seeing new places all the time. She is accompanied in her travels by her pet, the very hummingbird who inspired the poem that earned her cutie mark, who she later befriended and named Ellipsis. When not traveling, she enjoys her time with her friends and her family in Canterlot, including her father, who still visits her often with stories of his work and encouragement for the young unicorn to keep chasing her dreams.
Magic: Although Eloquence does not know any spells beyond the standard telekinesis, her telekinetic magic is very quick and precise, which is what allows her to write well beyond the speed of the average pony while maintaining her beautiful hoofwriting.
Romance: Eloquence tends to be shy and awkward in romantic situations, but she is an amorous pony at heart. She is also a polyamorous pony, and is open to dating individuals of any given gender.
Ellipsis: Ellipsis is a ruby-throated hummingbird who is deeply loyal to his favorite pony. He is affectionate, curious, and a bit mischievous. Although Eloquence would tell anypony who asked that Ellipsis simply can't be left alone, in reality the two are also inseparable because Eloquence is deeply comforted by his presence, feeling that no matter where she is in all of Equestria, if he's there with her she won't be alone.
Pencil Sketch: Pencil is based off of a person with Autism, though we have yet to determine exactly how Equestria would define such a thing
Image: Credit for Eloquence's image art goes to forum user Moocowing
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