A dark grey pegasus stallion with indigo eyes and a mane and tail of yellow/gold that has an indigo stripe down the middle.
Two crossed lightning bolts.
Flash is considered by his friends to be pretty funny and almost always able to liven up a situation with a good pun. But he has a habit of using those puns in the wrong situation and that tends to tick off his friends a little, usually earning himself a glare. He's energetic, and usually look at the bright side of things. But he tends to be a bit selfish, short tempered, and self centered.
He is not the kind of pony who will just give up. He'll try, and try, and try again. Until either he gets it right, or winds up driving himself crazy angry. An example of this behavior is when he tried to beat his entire class's lap time during Flight School. He spent an entire weekend trying over and over again until eventually after his 362nd attempt, he beat everypony else's lap times.
Strawberries (so disgusting!),<br /><br />Bullies (don't even get me started!),<br /><br />Bad hair days (why won't it stay put!?)<br /><br />Salesponies. (So annoying!)
Flash grew up in Cloudsdale, living with his parents in their smallish house. They weren't poor, but they also weren't exactly independently wealthy either. So he got a little jealous when he heard some of the other young pegasi who's parents were 'well off', but he didn't let that consume him.
He found Flight School a bit challenging at first, but once he started getting good, he didn't stop there. His first year goal was to graduate at the top of his class, but he didn't. So he tried again next year and almost made it, but he never gave up. So during his final year, he did nothing but train in his spare time, even if it was pouring rain outside, he would be flying outside until his wings were shaking from exhaustion. So after all of that, he lived his dream and graduated at the top of his class, earning him his Cutie Mark. Two crossed lightning bolts representing his electric personality, and his determination to keep training through anything, even a thunderstorm.
Currently, Flash lives in a house up in the clouds above Ponyville. He works in the Weather Team, thunderstorm division to be exact. He is also a writer in his spare time (but he isn't very good yet). He lives alone (except for his cat, Raphael), but visits his parents frequently. His only goal right now is to write a book, which he finds rather difficult. But he is up to the challenge! He first fell in love with books when his mother read to him when he was little. From there he started reading them himself, and that inspired him to try and write his own stories.
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