Appearance: A golden-brown unicorn. She is slightly below average hight.<br /><br />She has a messy mane of red and dark grey, and a short tail.<br /><br />She has bright, yellow eyes.<br /><br />Often wears a bowtie, and uses it to cover lacerations on her neck.
Cutie Mark: A silver trophy surrounded by fog.
Personality: Very awkward, and somewhat timid. As well as extremely shy.<br /><br />She is often very apathetic.<br /><br />When under severe stress, she will occassionally go into a fit of rage. Regretting every action during immediately afterward.<br /><br />She has had severe depression, and felt little enjoyment in most of her life. She has attempted suicide.<br /><br />Since she failed, she has been much more optomistic. Though she herself dislikes her place in life, she looks for the best in most situations.<br /><br />She has a massive inferiority complex, and feels everyone is better than her, and that she doesn't deserve anything good to happen to her.<br /><br />She always sees the best in the ponies around her. Though this has led her to be easy to manipulate.<br /><br />She has some abandonment issues, and is hard to get very close with anypony, as she rarely speaks about herself. She is afraid that everypony will leave her at a seconds notice. Thus, she clings to those close to her.<br /><br />She feels constant pressure to succeed, but feels useless in most respects. She also feels like an outsider. She feels like a failure, and useless to society, as well as to others.<br /><br />She hides herself being a romantic and intelectual mare. And wishes dearly to meet somepony to love, and to love her. But constantly denies herself the luxury.<br /><br />She is extremely fragile, breaking into tears often, in her own home.<br /><br />However, in public, she tries to remain composed. She tries to mask her problems from anypony, and rarely speaks of her personal life.<br /><br />She will often daydream, as well as romanticize little things in her mind. Though this isn't all too often.<br /><br />At most times, she acts nuetral to her surroubdings and the events around her.<br /><br />Shee can also act very childish, or immature.
Backstory: Born to a low class family in Canterlot, and raised by her parents along side her brother. <br /><br />At a young age, she had discovered that she had decent talent in many things, also noting that she was excellent at board games, such as chess.<br /><br />Using this skill, she earned several championship titles in many things. Born to an all earth pony (immediate) family, she was expected to be much better than them in life. <br /><br />In her late fillyhood, her parents seperated, where she moved with her father, and seperated from her brother.<br /><br />She wandered Equestria, essentially homeless, with her father. Competing in tournements for various games, and doing odd jobs just to stay afloat. She spent many nights sleeping outdoors. <br /><br />When she was 15, she still had no cutie mark, and was concerned that she'd never do anything in life, despite her talent. She was invited to a national chess tournament, where she barely lost, placing second. This heavily impacted her, and even gave her her cutie mark.<br /><br />Her father eventually found a job in ponyville, when she was seventeen. Since then, she has become unemployed, and neglegts to use what talent she has.<br /><br />From her regrets of failure, she attempted to kill herself via slitting her throat, and spent many days in the hospital when her father found her. <br /><br />Since the attempt, she has been much more appreciative towards life, though still has breakdowns from time to time.<br /><br />She has yet to see her mother or brother again.
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