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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

  • Banshee

    Gyro Zeppeli

    • Age: 20

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: There is a photo.<br />http://mlpforums.com/user/1987-pumkin/<br />^This fabulous guy made it. He is super fantastic.

      Cutie Mark: Banshee's cutie mark a a bit unique, in that it doesn't represent her talent, as much as it represents her personality. Her cutie mark is the Greek symbols for Alpha and Omega (ΑΩ) The Alpha represents her devotion to protecting her friends, putting herself at risk to keep them safe. The Omega represents her denial of authority, she would rather be a follower than a leader, and is not one to give others orders.<br />Beyond this, her true special talent is vocal mimicry. She can mimic the voices of anyone or anything that she hears. (Much like cyclopes from Greek mythology.)

      Personality: As I said in her cutie mark description, Banshee would defend her friends to the death. She is very defensive of those she cares for. Especially one certain pony she cares for above all others. But this isn't about him, this is about Banshee, you came here for info on Banshee and that is what you will be getting.<br />So, as I had also said, Banshee hates being put into positions of power. If offered a position of power, she will adamantly refuse it. Despite this, she doesn't always follow orders that are given to her. Because of this personality trait, she prefers to work on her own, where the only one that her choices will have an effect on, is herself. If she was forced to work with someone, she would always choose that one guy, but again, this isn't about him, this is about Banshee, not that other guy, so lets focus on her. She has an accent thicker than a brick wall, but sometimes if ponies cannot understand what she is saying, she will use her mimicry to change her voice into that her first childhood friend in Equestria.

      Backstory: Banshee was born and raised in a country called Sashiil. It is located across the ocean on the other side of the gryphon kingdom to the west of Equestria. When she was thirteen years old, her family moved from Sashiil to Equestria. When they got there, they had issues communicating with the local people, but thanks to Banshee's ability to mimic speech, they managed to learn the language after a few years, her family had thought that after this, she would earn her cutie mark, but remarkably, no cutie mark appeared, which confused all of them. It was only after she finally made a friend in Equestria, and then saved that friend from a bully at the cost of getting beaten up herself, that her cutie mark appeared. She took it as a sign that she was meant to protect others from harm, and many thought that that would lead her to enlist in the royal guard, but she did not. She thought that she was not meant to protect royalty, but to protect those that were precious to her. This may sound a bit selfish, but she was only fifteen at the time, and believed that what was important to her mattered over what was important to the country. She still gets questions as to why she doesn't join the royal guard, but she just shrugs them off and changes the subject. She currently works as a weather pony alongside that one guy (OMG, yaaaaay! =3 She be so happy.) And on top of that, is in a relationship with him! (Even more yaaaaay! Way to go Banshee! =D) Oh, and she lives in Manehatten, while the rest of her family currently lives and works in AAAAAAPPLEOOSA!


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