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  • Broken Legacy

    • Age: 19

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Dark grey coat. The tips of his wings are blue. His eyes are multi-layered color. First the whites of his eyes, then a layer of blue, then a layer of white, and finally, the black pupil. His mane is long and scraggly colored black. His tail is the same. He usually wears a dark blue hoodie with the hood up.

      Cutie Mark: A burning scroll.<br />The scroll represents the knowledge of history. This shows that Legacy is knowledgeable about the history of Equestria.<br />The fire represents loss and destruction. This shows that there is something sinister about Equestria's history, and it is Legacy's job to make sure the truth of this never comes to light.

      Personality: Legacy is generally quiet and shy. He doesn't really spend much time socializing so he is somewhat socially awkward.<br />When he is interacting with other ponies he is very uncomfortable and speaks quietly. However, interactions between him and other species are much smoother and he can manage to communicate better with races like griffins, zebras, dogs, and torch hounds.<br />When aggravated, Legacy can have a short fuse, and will show his true emotions and feelings about the topic at hand. Whether he wants to or not. Even if those emotions would end up embarrassing him or others.

      Backstory: Legacy was a regular library assistant when he was young. He helped his parents keep their town's library in good condition. Back then, his name was Charcoal. Then one day, his father took him down to a low basement level of the Library and shared with him the sinister secret about Equestria's history. This secret temporarily drove Charcoal insane, resulting in the burning of the library. Charcoal was the only one who made it out in time. Knowing that he had just destroyed a large amount of knowledge of Equestria's past, he changed his name to Broken Legacy, and got his cutie mark. Now he travels across Equestria, searching for more pieces of knowledge about Equestria's past, and destroying them.

    Broken Legacy

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