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  • Cerena


    • Age: 25

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Pelt Color: Dark Periwinkle Blue<br />Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long pale blonde and wavy, never cut so touches the ground.<br />Eye Color: Bright blue

      Cutie Mark: [img]http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/7696/cerenacutiemark.png[/img]

      Personality: She loves to study the stars, and dream about flying to the moon and dancing with the stars. She knows the star charts forwards and backwards, and her favorite time to fly is at night. She often daydreams, and although normally a social butterfly, she actually doesn't closely interract with many ponies, and keeps herself at an 'acquaintance' distance between friends. She inquires deeply into her friend's lives and often helps them sort out problems, though she does not welcome the reciprocation, and prefers to keep her own life and history private. <br /> <br />She is also determined, and loves learning more about stars, which is what lead her to her several attempted entries into Celestia's school.<br /> <br />After applying numerous times, she was finally accepted--albeit in the lowest rung of classes--into Celestia's school for gifted Unicorns--although, she was inserted into the Exceptionally Aspirational Pegasi program. She is adamantly studying the astronomy books and frequents the astronomy tower of Canterlot Castle. She hopes someday to meet the princess of the night.<br /><br />Motivation: To draw out all the bright stars that exist in Equestria—and even sometimes, pull out a moon!<br /> <br />Likes: Children, stars, the moon, pretty things, giving makeovers, playing with her hair, being quiet, thinking, humming, animals, singing, dancing, laughing, flying so high she can barely breathe<br /> <br />Dislikes: Loud noises, angry ponies, gross things, spiders

      Backstory: Born and raised in a small cottage near the edge of the Whitetail woods, where from a very young age she helped her mother raise and take care of animals. From early on, she had a natural ability to draw other ponies out of their shell, and into who they really are. Her normally very withdrawn mother, blossomed into a warm, loving parent who laughed often and played with her young filly even more.<br /> <br />In school, she was friends with all of her classmates, and each one of them found that when they were with her, their cutie marks were drawn out. This left her as the last one in her class to get her mark. It took her a long time before she realized that THAT was what her talent was! Helping other ponies realize their talents! This formed into her cutie mark—all of the stars she made shine, coming out from behind the clouds, before finally the brightest of all—the lovely moon came out.


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